Du Yu watched the firebird eating the fruit with relish and knew that the only enemies of the Immortal were humans. But why is he only full of kindness towards Ling'er?

"Hey, you are so kind. We don't have anything to eat, but you eat deliciously. Do you believe it, I will remove your hair and roast you to eat? My second sister has wanted to eat you for a long time."

Qi Guan'er said with a wicked smile, and kept rubbing his hands, as if he could throw the firebird into the charcoal basin at the next moment. That thing is what he cares about most. Even if he beat Du Yu to death, he wouldn't believe that he would be the first one to want to hurt Firebird.

But the fire bird was not Du Yu. When he heard that he might be eaten, he was so frightened that he picked up a fruit on the table and ran out the door.

"Hey, I'm kidding you!" Qi Guan'er saw that the situation was not good. This fire bird can be regarded as a spiritual beast. Although it is not a unique fire spirit beast in their territory, it is better than nothing. He can't lose this spiritual beast. The beast, so he hurriedly chased it out.

Du Yu grabbed Ling'er, who was still in a daze, and the two immediately chased after him.

However, not long after the three of them ran in the jungle, the originally sunny weather suddenly became stormy, and the sky immediately turned dark and gloomy.

"Wait, that's not right. The sky here is going to change." Du Yu looked up at the sky and saw a purple-red light in the gloomy darkness.

Then, the rain started pouring down.

"Red rain!" Du Yu screamed, but Ling'er and Qi Guan'er seemed to have become accustomed to it.

Ling'er raised his hand and formed a barrier above the three of them to block the rain. Unfortunately, Ling'er's cultivation was not enough, and the barrier was gradually penetrated by the rain.

"You are the only one with high cultivation here, so why don't you hurry up? This rain can easily make people sick."

Qi Guan'er's shout reached Du Yu's ears, and he realized it and immediately helped to expand the area of ​​the barrier.

Du Yu stared blankly at the red raindrops on his body. They smeared on his body and turned from red to light red.

"Quickly, wipe it with this, otherwise, after the rainwater penetrates into the skin texture, your body will feel like burning fire. Although your cultivation level is high, the feeling is very uncomfortable."

Ling'er took out the white powder from his clothes, and Qi Guan'er had taken out a bottle of his own before Ling'er. He was concentrating on sorting out the contaminated areas on his body.

Du Yu still stared blankly, while Ling'er wiped it for him anxiously. After the white powder was contaminated by the red rainwater, a wisp of white mist instantly ignited where the two merged. After the white mist dissipated, the areas contaminated by the rainwater returned to the same state as before.

Du Yu had seen this rain on Fire Beast Island before. That day, they were trapped in the cave because they didn't know the harm of the rain.

"Why do you still have this kind of reaction? Did you specially make this kind of powder to prevent red rain? Does this happen often?"

Du Yu asked doubtfully, but Ling'er didn't answer directly. After looking at the sky for a long time, she said to Du Yu: "It should be soon. Usually this kind of rain only lasts a few minutes."

"Oh, it's really delaying things. I don't know where the Firebird guy has gone. From now on, you can't just joke with him casually." Qi Guan'er looked into the distance, but there was already a long time in the jungle. There was no sign of the Firebird.

Du Yu looked at the surrounding plants, all with their green leaves stretched out and their heads raised, enjoying the moisture of the rain.

"By the way, will the Firebird be attacked by the rain?" Du Yu suddenly thought that the thing didn't look particularly bright.

Ling'er patted Du Yu's shoulder to reassure him.

"This red rain is not aggressive to plants and spiritual animals, but it has some side effects on us practitioners. It's fine if it penetrates into the texture, but it will cause a burning sensation in the top of the head. If it goes deeper, our practice will be affected. . But strangely enough, the rain still has an effect on us."

Listening to her words, Du Yu also had an idea in his mind. It seems that the Immortal was indeed heartbroken by humans, which led to the current situation, and all the side effects pointed to humans.

"Ling'er, do you want to go out and give it a try?"

As soon as Du Yu said these words, Ling'er and Qiguan'er's eyes widened at the same time.

"What do you mean? Let my second sister try it? Why don't you feel it? The torture of that thing is not ordinary. Du Yu, why have I never noticed that your heart is so dark?"

Qi Guan'er was very protective of his sister. He strode up to Ling'er and stood between the two of them.

"I don't mean anything else. Look, Ling'er can actually build a house in this jungle, and the ink at night won't even attack her. Although this mountain forest is full of hostility to practitioners, it doesn't seem to have any influence on Ling'er. Aggression.”

Du Yu explained slowly, but Qi Guan'er couldn't listen at all. He didn't want to gamble with his sister's life.

"Second sister, don't listen to him. My parents once said that when this red rain first appeared, some people had already killed themselves because they couldn't bear the itching and pain. Even if we had the antidote on hand, this rain It's too big." Qi Guan'er turned around and saw hesitation in Ling'er's eyes. He knew she was going to be stupid, so he quickly stopped her.

Ling'er glanced at Du Yu, and there seemed to be other meanings in her eyes. Suddenly, she dodged Qi Guan'er's hand and jumped into the rain with a big jump.

The rain wet Ling'er's hair, and soon, Ling'er's whole body was soaked.

"Second sister, do you want your life? He is a madman, are you crazy too?" Qi Guan'er could no longer care about the danger and rushed into the rain to catch Ling'er.

After the two returned to a safe area, Qi Guan'er stepped forward and grabbed Du Yu's collar, roaring angrily: "If you don't want to live anymore, go die yourself and don't take my second sister with you. You don't want to You know how scary that rain is!”

After saying that, he immediately took out his own medicine powder and urged Ling'er to take out hers.

"Second sister, you've been exposed to too much red rain. The combined use of our medicinal powders should be able to relieve the pain. You should use it soon. When the rain stops, I will go home and get it for you." Qi Guan'er lowered his head and took the white powder. Pour the powder into the palm of your hand.

Just when he was about to sprinkle it on Ling'er, Du Yu caught him.


When Qi Guan'er became impatient, Du Yu raised his hand and pointed at Ling'er in shock. *

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