To be honest, as soon as he killed this monster, Du Yu felt a huge sense of fatigue after his excitement passed.

This feeling of exhaustion is like a tide, coming over in an instant.

Under the attack of huge fatigue, Du Yu only felt that his whole person became drowsy.

The moment before falling asleep, Du Yu reluctantly used his last bit of strength to collect the monster's body.

No matter what, this is a good thing and must not be wasted.

After Du Yu took away the body of the monster, he completely fell into a coma.

Thanks to Du Yu's strength, the surrounding sea of ​​death could not cause him any harm.

If an ordinary monk fainted in such a defenseless state, he would definitely be killed by the harsh environment of the Sea of ​​Death.

And in this sea of ​​death, there are not only ancient monsters, but also ordinary monsters.

It is these ordinary monsters that I encounter the most.

Although the physical strength of these monster beasts is not very powerful, they are at home in a place like the Sea of ​​Death.

If this happens, it will naturally cause horrific consequences.

But now, Du Yu has been fighting the ancient monsters for so long and has not discovered the existence of other monsters in ancient times. This is entirely because the monsters around him are afraid of this ancient monster.

After all, ordinary monsters and ancient monsters are not on the same level at all.

Among the monster race, the suppressive power of blood can be said to be very serious.

It is precisely for this reason that those ordinary monsters do not dare to approach at all.

This will naturally bring benefits to Du Yu today.

That is, if these monsters don't come over, Du Yu will be relatively safe overall.

I just don't know how long Du Yu will need to be unconscious. If the time is too long, those ordinary monsters may come over.

And if you do this, you will definitely be able to find Du Yu who is unconscious here.

By that time, I'm afraid Du Yu's situation will be a little dangerous.

After all, no matter how powerful Du Yu's strength is, if he has no consciousness, it is still equal to zero.

At this moment, in the Sea of ​​Death, because Du Yu and the monster ended their battle, it became very quiet.

Except for some mess in the whole place, there is no longer a single monk to be seen.

And in a corner not far from here.

A small boat as big as one person was floating in the sea of ​​death.

"There is no movement ahead. I don't know how senior is doing now?"

As soon as he finished speaking, some fluctuations of spiritual power came from the boat. At the same time, the boat, which was still floating, rushed directly forward.

However, the speed of this small boat is not very fast. Compared with the small boat with a hundred monks on it, this small boat is completely crawling.

However, this is the Sea of ​​Death, and having such a magic weapon is much better than having nothing at all.

The boat was not moving very fast, and the green-robed monk in the boat was struggling.

Because he had controlled the boat to stay in the Sea of ​​Death for so long, the spiritual power in the green-robed monk's body was already running low.

In fact, he had a chance to escape.

But after Du Yu saved him on the boat magic weapon, he had no intention of leaving Du Yu directly.

At first, the green-robed monk was very worried about the battle between Du Yu and the monster.

But later on, when he saw that the two were fighting inextricably, the green-robed monk gradually felt relieved.

However, despite feeling Du Yu's power, his situation has become more dangerous.

After thinking again and again, the green-robed monk began to practice directly in the boat magic weapon.

Only in this way will the consumption of one's own spiritual energy be relatively small, and on the other hand, it can also absorb the surrounding spiritual energy.

It was through this approach that the green-robed monk was able to support Du Yu until he killed the monster.

But now, the monks in green robes who were practicing discovered that the fluctuations in spiritual power from the outside world had disappeared.

It was this disappearing spiritual power fluctuation that made the green-robed monk wake up from his state of practice.

In fact, when the spiritual power fluctuations were very strong, the green-robed monks were not very worried, but the situation is different now.

Because he was still in a state of cultivation, he had no idea about Du Yu's battle with the monsters.

Moreover, in fact, the green-robed monk also knew that Du Yu was at a disadvantage in the battle with the monster.

But after this, without the fluctuation of spiritual power, Du Yu might have been killed by the monster.

The thought of such a powerful senior being killed by a monster made the green-robed monk feel a little scared.

But even though he was afraid, he decided to go to the front to check.

If Du Yu is killed, then he will have no choice but to leave here.

After all, it was almost impossible for his monks to kill this monster.

Of course, because the green-robed monk stayed here for such a long time, his spiritual power was very scarce, and he might not be able to leave the Sea of ​​Death from here.

Another plan is that if Du Yu defeats the monster, then following such a powerful senior, leaving this sea of ​​death will not be a matter of minutes.

All in all, this green-robed monk is also a perseverant person on the road of spiritual practice. Compared with Du Yu, this green-robed monk lacks some opportunities.

Here, the green-robed monk struggled to control the magic weapon and moved forward.

As he moved forward, he was alert to the presence of monsters.

However, the green-robed monk looked at it for a long time but did not notice the huge body of the monster.

Instead, he got closer and discovered Du Yu's presence.

Du Yu's eyebrows were closed at this moment, and he fell into a coma.

Seeing that Du Yu was still alive, the green-robed monk directly took Du Yu into the magic boat without any nonsense.

Then, the green-robed monk didn't dare to stop for a moment, and immediately activated his magic weapon, leading Du Yu forward at an extremely fast speed.

Judging from this posture, it seems that he is planning to leave here directly.

After all, what the green-robed monk was thinking was that it was right to leave quickly while the monsters were not paying attention.

Little did he know that Du Yu had already killed the monster.

However, Du Yu, who was in a coma, had no idea what was happening in the outside world.

At this moment, Du Yu felt as if he had entered a dream.

This dream was very heavy. Du Yu tried his best to wake up, but found that there was tens of millions of pounds of pressure on his body.

Under this pressure, Du Yu didn't know how long it would take to wake up. *

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