In the sky, the three monks saw these red-armored monks, and there was no trace of worry on their faces.

Obviously, these three monks came directly to find trouble. Otherwise, if ordinary monks did this, they would either be stupid people or they would do it on purpose.

Judging from Du Yu's senses, these three monks obviously do not belong to the category of Leng Touqing. This can only mean that these three monks are deliberately provoking trouble.

In just the blink of an eye, more and more red-armored monks gathered around the three monks. When these three monks saw the red-armored monks approaching, they started attacking even more crazily.

Because there is a huge strength gap between the two sides, even though there are many red-armored monks, it is these three monks who really have the upper hand.

This scene directly attracted the attention of many monks in Dragon City.

Some monks applauded the red-armored monks, but they did not dare to be too obvious, so they could only raise their heads and look at the sky quietly.

As for most of the monks, they still looked towards the sky as if they were watching the excitement.

Most of these monks are like a bunch of people.

"The red-armored monks in Dragon City used to be extremely domineering, and today is a lesson to these people."

A rough monk looked up at the sky and couldn't help but said to his companions.

The few monks next to him all broke into cold sweats when they heard the words of the rude monk. This was in Dragon City, and this fool actually dared to directly speak ill of the red-armored monk in Dragon City.

Normally we would just talk about it in private, but today we would say it openly and openly. Isn’t this an act of seeking death?

"Third brother, if you keep talking nonsense, I'll break your legs."

A monk shouted angrily when he saw this scene, and stopped what he was going to say next.

The rough and crazy monk known as the third brother immediately lowered his voice when he heard his elder brother speak, and muttered dissatisfiedly, "That's right, these red-armored monks have tricked us a lot."

The boss sighed helplessly after hearing this, but still stopped the rough monk.

On the contrary, other monks shouted when they saw the scene in the sky.

"The strength of these three cultivators is really too strong. I have stayed in Dragon City for thousands of years. This is the first time I dare to be so upright and hostile to a monk in Dragon City."

"It's a pity. The consequences of going against Longcheng will be tragic."

Several monks started talking one after another.

Don't look at the fact that the three monks killed many red-armored monks one after another at this time. On the contrary, those who are familiar with Dragon City understand that the true strength of Dragon City is very terrifying.

I'm afraid these three monks will be hunted down by Longcheng for what they did today.

Many monks even doubted in their hearts whether these three monks had any chance of being hunted down.

After all, there are countless powerful beings in Dragon City.

None of these powerful beings can compare to the three monks in front of them.

While these monks were discussing one after another below, suddenly, in the void, a bright red monk with red armor came forward with a team of red armored monks.

"Hill, I didn't expect it would be you again!"

The red-armored monk recognized his old acquaintance as soon as he entered the void.

The monk known as Hill is also the most powerful among the three.

Hill, who had a square face, was also very surprised when he saw the person coming, and immediately sighed and said, "Louis, I don't want to kill you, you'd better leave."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hill shattered the red-armored monks who tried to get close to him.

The captain of the red-armored monk, known as Louis, shook his head after hearing this, "This is my duty. I must bring you to justice today."

Hill also sighed slightly after hearing this.

"Kill me."

A thunderous roar came from Louis' mouth.

Suddenly, the red-armored monks gathered around Louis rushed towards Hill Sanxiu like locusts.

Countless power was released from these red-armored monks.

Facing the attacks of so many monks, the three monks Hill did not dare to be careless and immediately used their magic weapons.

Suddenly, the attacks of the red-armored monks were completely resisted by these magic weapons.

Although he withstood these attacks, Hill Sanxiu seemed to be very passive.

For a time, because of Louis' arrival, Hill Sanxiu's situation became very dangerous.

And this is also the difference between fighting with command and without command.

Even though Hill's third cultivator was relatively powerful, he was still under tremendous pressure when faced with the combined attacks of hundreds of ordinary cultivators.

Seeing that the situation of Hill and the others suddenly turned into a disadvantage, Louis did not give the Hill and the others a chance to react, and immediately shouted, "Second team, continue to attack."

As soon as the words fell, many monks came to attack the third cultivator of Hill.

These spiritual powers fell down one after another like a rain of swords.

Before Hill had enough time to react, Louis let the next group of monks attack.

The series of attacks by several groups of red-armored monks actually resulted in a continuous attack.

In this state, Hill's three monks had no way to resist and could only passively withstand the attack.

"Captain Hill, our situation will be very dangerous if this continues."

A long-haired monk behind Hill shouted angrily.

Any one of the three of them is stronger than the red-armored monks in front of them. However, at this moment, the three of them are unable to resist. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Hill's face was also livid, but he returned to normal after a moment. While resisting the attack, Hill shouted, "Let's find a way to rush in. The priest will arrive soon."

The two monks nodded after seeing what Hill said. Immediately, the three monks were bombarded by the spiritual power of the red-armored monks while flying forward.

"It seems that these three monks have a backing."

Below, watching this scene, I couldn't help but laugh.

An ordinary monk would definitely run away when seeing so many red-armored monks.

However, instead of running away, these three red-armored monks faced him.

This shows that these three monks either hide their strength or have a back-up.

However, even if these three monks hid their strength, they could not escape Du Yu's eyes.

Therefore, after analysis, Du Yu understood that the three monks who dared to rush forward probably had their own backing.

Sure enough, after the three monks rushed forward, the battle in the sky became messy.

These red-armored monks were afraid of hurting their companions and did not dare to bombard them at all. Suddenly, the situation on both sides changed again. *

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