This scene completely shocked many monks below, and even the monks confronting each other in the void moved away.

And Louis, Hill and others who originally attracted everyone's attention were also dragged aside.

Now it is a battle between truly strong men, and it has long ceased to matter between them.

It was at this moment that Louis and Hill looked at each other, and the friendship between these two close friends was revealed again at this moment.

However, due to the different camps the two sides were shrinking in, the two did not get close, but their aura was not as tense as before.

"Who are you?"

As soon as he reached the air, Du Yu was locked by several powerful men.

Of course, Hansen and the six cultivators were not together. On the contrary, they were on guard in two directions.

After all, both parties thought Du Yu was the other party's assistant.

Originally, the strength gap between the two was almost the same, but now, the appearance of such a monk again is not good news for anyone.

Du Yu resisted the powerful aura emanating from the two of them, and felt a bit of pressure on his whole body.

This kind of pressure was not great, but it made Du Yu truly feel the feeling of power.

Along the way, Du Yu's strength improved a lot, and he felt a bit of pressure when fighting the ancient monsters.

After that, Du Yu didn't feel the pressure from the strong man, but now he felt it.

Of course, it wasn't Du Yu who felt pressure on a certain monk.

On the contrary, Du Yu's pressure comes from both.

That is to say, Du Yu felt the pressure only when the two were targeting him. Otherwise, neither party would be able to bring this sense of pressure to Du Yu.

Even Hansen, who has reached Dzogchen, cannot do it.

"Why do you have the aura of ancient blood on your body?"

Du Yu's eyes fell directly on a monk in purple clothes.

The aura of power on this monk is not strong, but it is real.

Although the blood in his body is not as thick as Bai Yi's, it is not bad either.

According to Du Yu's guess, the monk in front of him is probably of bloodline within the fifth generation.

I just don't know who his ancestors are.

Du Yu's nonchalant look surprised Hansen and other monks. They had never even heard of the ancient bloodline.

On the contrary, the purple-clothed monk who was questioned by Du Yu became confused.

In fact, decades ago, the purple monk had a special opportunity.

At that time, he knew that what he had obtained was the ancient bloodline. However, after practicing until now, the purple-clothed monk had not discovered the usefulness of this ancient bloodline.

He even looked through many classics, but found no useful information.

It is precisely because of this that now, the purple-clothed monk has almost forgotten this long-standing experience.

But now, after hearing Du Yu's suggestion, the purple-clothed monk realized that the secret realm he had experienced must be somewhat extraordinary.

As for the remaining monks, they looked at Du Yu curiously, and then at the purple-clothed monk curiously.

"Ancient bloodline?"

The monk in purple didn't look at Du Yu at all, but murmured softly.

Hansen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Du Yu's target was not him.

In fact, just among the crowd, Hansen discovered that the monk in front of him was somewhat extraordinary, but he did not expect that this monk actually had strength that was not weaker than his own.

At this time, even Hansen himself began to panic.

Fortunately, this monk was not targeting him, but what about the ancient bloodline he was talking about?

Hansen frowned slightly.

In fact, Hansen also has some understanding of ancient bloodlines.

This understanding is due to the breakthrough direction that Hansen sought after his cultivation reached the Great Perfection state.

Those monks from ancient times attracted Hansen's attention.

Originally, his path of cultivation relied on his ancient bloodline.

However, there are too few things left over from ancient times that can be found today.

Therefore, Hansen only knew a little bit about the ancient bloodline, but Hansen did not understand more clues.

For a moment, Hansen's eyes became eager.

Immediately, Hansen's eyes fell on the purple-clothed monk.

However, no matter how Hansen looked at it, he could not tell how extraordinary the purple-robed monk was.

This actually made Hansen feel a little discouraged.

But this does not affect Hansen's judgment.

Since the mysterious monk who suddenly appeared in front of him said that the purple-clothed monk had blood from ancient times, this was enough.

For the same strong person, maybe he has a special method of judgment.

Regardless of whether the purple-clothed monk has ancient blood or not, in Hansen's opinion, it is enough to capture the purple-clothed monk.

"Fellow Taoist, I didn't expect that your target would also be him. In that case, why don't the two of us work together to catch him."

Hansen's eyes exuded a bit of icy coldness.

This time, these six people joined forces to deceive him, and Hansen remembered this incident severely.

Du Yu didn't look at Hansen too much at all. Instead, he said lightly, "Just you? You're not qualified yet."

As soon as he finished speaking, Du Yu rushed towards the purple-clothed monk.

Here, when these six monks saw Du Yu taking action directly, they were immediately unkind and immediately mobilized their strength to meet Du Yu.

But here, Hansen looked very ugly after being rejected by Du Yu, and immediately decided to quietly watch the consumption of Du Yu and the six.

After just one glance, Hansen couldn't sit still.

I saw that the monk in front of me was extremely powerful, and six monks were at a disadvantage just by looking at him.

"No, if this continues, people will be captured by him."

A cold light flashed in Hansen's eyes, and he immediately mobilized his power to blast towards Du Yu.

With the addition of Hansen, Du Yu's actions were somewhat restricted.

For a moment, the purple-clothed monk actually escaped.

After resisting Hansen's attack, Du Yu rushed towards the purple monk again.

And here, these six monks mobilized the power in their bodies to bombard Du Yu. Similarly, when they discovered Hansen's flaw, these monks would bombard Hansen mercilessly.

In any case, they and Hansen are mortal enemies after all, so naturally they will not truly ally with them.

For a moment, the situation in the void became very strange.

The first is that every monk has two opponents.

Although there are three parties fighting in the void, the extent of the melee is simply unimaginable.

As for the monks below, they looked greedily at the battle in the void.

In the eyes of ordinary monks, when can we see this level of fighting?

But now, all this is enough for them to brag about for a long time. *

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