With a roar, Hansen's power also bombarded Taoist Black Wind.

"The clown."

The black wind Taoist couldn't help but snorted coldly when he saw Hansen.

He discovered this monk from the beginning, but Taoist Black Wind didn't take Hansen seriously at all.

If Hansen knew what the Black Wind Taoist was thinking, he would definitely be extremely depressed.

The existence of the majestic Dzogchen realm was actually not noticed by him.

However, even if Hansen knew what the Black Wind Taoist was thinking, it was too late to get angry. At this moment, Hansen felt like he was walking in a quagmire.

This made it impossible for Hansen to display his strength.

Only now does Hansen clearly know that he who originally wanted to support Du Yu has become unable to protect himself.

Du Yu, on the other hand, despite being under tremendous pressure from the Black Wind Taoist, was able to cope with it with ease.

"It seems that my strength is not enough." Hansen couldn't help but sigh, but he still used his strength to bombard the Black Wind Taoist.

"Senior, let me help you!" Hansen blasted away his power and approached Du Yu.

To be honest, Du Yu's face showed a bit of surprise when he saw Hansen coming to help.

According to Du Yu's guess, Hansen would definitely run away after seeing the power of Black Wind Taoist.

Although Hansen's Dzogchen realm is not very powerful, Hansen still has no problem escaping when he is not the target of the Black Wind Taoist.

But it was this that surprised Du Yu, Hansen actually rushed forward.

Immediately, a look of relief emerged in Du Yu's heart, and immediately, the whole person mobilized a powerful force to bombard the Black Wind Taoist.

Because of the addition of Hansen, although Du Yu could not bear much pressure, it also made Du Yu a lot more relaxed invisibly.

In such a state, Du Yu was able to destroy the power in his body even more.

With a thought, the power in Du Yu's body emerged with a hint of ancient power.

These ancient powers were obtained from the ruthless emperor.

In fact, Du Yu has not used these powers much since he obtained them.

When suppressing the purple monks, it was just like a drizzle, and it was not used formally like it is now.

According to Du Yu's guess, the ruthless emperor was very famous in ancient times, and I believe that her bloodline of ancient power is also very strong.

It was with these considerations in mind that Du Yu decided to release the power of his ancient bloodline.

Moreover, Du Yu also thought that Taoist Black Wind initially said that he felt a familiar force.

And this power is probably the ruthless emperor.

Sure enough, when Du Yu released the ancient bloodline power of the ruthless emperor, the black wind Taoist's originally smooth power also slackened slightly.

"You, how come you have her breath on you!"

The moment the ruthless emperor's ancient bloodline power aura appeared, Black Wind Taoist screamed.

The blood power of the ruthless emperor was too familiar to him.

At this moment, Black Wind Taoist even thought that the ruthless emperor had also appeared here.

"This, this is impossible. The ruthless emperor died thousands of years ago, and there is no way he could appear here."

Taoist Black Wind wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then his eyes completely fell on Du Yu.

Looking at Du Yu in confusion, after a long time, the Black Wind Taoist breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turns out that you have obtained the bloodline power of the ruthless emperor, but with your current strength, you are still not able to pose a threat to me."

After Taoist Black Wind confirmed that the breath came from Du Yu, he screamed with excitement.

In ancient times, Taoist Heifeng took a detour when he met the Emperor Wuren. But now, although he did not see Emperor Wuren himself, he did meet the inheritor of the bloodline of Emperor Wuren. This made Taoist Heifeng couldn't help but have a thought in his heart. Impulsive thoughts.

Since he couldn't beat the ruthless emperor, it would be a good experience to torture the heir of the ruthless emperor now.

Immediately, Taoist Black Wind once again mobilized his power to bombard Du Yu.

Only this time, the power gathered by Taoist Black Wind was weaker than before.

This further confirmed Du Yu's suspicion.

It seems that the bloodline power of the ruthless emperor is still very powerful.

Even in the face of a powerful person like Black Wind Taoist, he can produce the suppressive power of blood.

It's just that the black wind Taoist is not comparable to the purple-clothed monk.

The purple-clothed monk could not move at all when faced with the suppression of the bloodline power in Du Yu's body, but the black wind Taoist was able to gather his strength and charge towards Du Yu.

Although the power of Taoist Black Wind has become much weaker, Du Yu and Hansen still dare not be careless.

No matter how weak Taoist Black Wind is, he cannot be compared to ordinary monks. Every move has the power of heaven and earth.

The entire combat area has long been turned into ruins.

The violent battle fluctuations have long attracted the attention of many ordinary monks.

In particular, some elders from Longcheng rushed over.

However, the strength of these ordinary monks has not reached this level at all.

So I could only watch from a distance on the periphery of the battle, and didn't dare to get close at all.

This wait and see made these monks start talking one after another.

It was too far away from the center of the battle, and no monk could clearly see the scene.

Those monks who prided themselves on their own strength have also tried, but these monks were unable to attack too far.

You must know that within the scope of the battle center, Du Yu and Heifeng Taoist are competing for the power of ancient blood. As for Hansen, although he does not have the power of ancient blood, his own realm has reached the Great Perfection, so he can barely support it.

However, these monks were not strong enough at all, and naturally they could not see the battle scene in front of them clearly.

But there is one thing that these monks agree on, that is, there are several strong men at the center of the battle.

These strong men possess the power to destroy heaven and earth.

The happiest person among the crowd was the monks from Dragon City.

There is no doubt that Hansen, the great elder of Dragon City, is among them.

As for those weird monks and the mysterious monks, they were not noticed by the Dragon City monks at all.

In the eyes of the Dragon City monks, Dzogchen is the most powerful existence under the True God.

However, the reality is exactly the opposite.

In their eyes, Hansen, the most powerful elder, could barely protect himself in the center of the battle.

Even because the target of the Black Wind Taoist is not him, otherwise, Hansen would not be able to survive until now. *

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