Listening to the huge spiritual power fluctuations coming from beside him, Du Yu also examined it carefully.

Over the years, Du Yu's strength has improved very quickly.

However, now, after seeing the battle between Pangu and Hansen, Du Yu realized that it was not just him who had made great progress in strength over the years, but the same was true for Pangu.


Several roars came from the void, and the powers of Pangu and Hansen collided directly. This shocking feeling moved Du Yu's heart.

Especially when Du Yu saw Pangu's every move becoming more pure, he was filled with admiration.

You know, in battle, the simplest and fastest way is the most effective.

Many monks like those flashy moves at the beginning of their practice.

Although the move itself looks very dazzling, it is of little use in combat. Instead, it is full of loopholes because of the too gorgeous move.

But now, Pangu's moves can be described as simple and straightforward, and the entire battle process is as smooth as a work of art.

Holding the mountain-breaking ax in his hand, Pangu's power was extremely powerful. Every move put great pressure on Hansen.

Hansen also complained under this pressure.

Originally, he relied on his strength in the Dzogchen realm to show courtesy, but in the end, Hansen had already pushed his strength to the extreme.

In fact, Hansen's level was higher than Pangu's.

After all, the Dzogchen realm is a very bumpy threshold.

Under normal circumstances, even if you get the guidance of the true god, it is very difficult to break through this threshold.

It was also this point that made Hansen's level higher than that of Du Yu and Pangu.

But now, if it weren't for the advantage in realm, Hansen would not be able to sustain it for so long.

As for Hansen's mentality, there has also been a huge change. Originally he was forced to accept the challenge, but now, Hansen has taken the initiative to accept the challenge.

Hansen discovered that with the battle between him and Pangu, his strength could be fully displayed.

Although he was a bit embarrassed when he resisted, the pleasure brought by this improvement in strength was very comfortable.

Under this feeling, Hansen's strength is also improving rapidly.

"It turns out that this is the reason why they want to find an opponent."

During the battle, Hansen also gained a huge understanding, and his own strength also became much stronger.

Pangu, who was fighting Hansen, felt the changes in Hansen's power, and he burst out laughing.

To be honest, the initial battle with the Black Wind Taoist was very unpleasant.

This Black Wind Taoist did not fight Pangu head-on at all, so there was no way for Pangu to exert his power.

After fighting like that, the whole person naturally feels very unhappy.

Now, the battle with Hansen can be described as a head-on battle.

Although neither side has used their ultimate strength to fight to the death, it is still very satisfying to continue fighting like this.

With pleasure, the relationship between Hansen and Pangu gradually became closer.

In particular, Pangu's bohemian character makes it easier for people to get close to him.

Of course, in Pangu's heart, Du Yu always came first.

As for Hansen and others, they are just monks with some connections.

"Boom boom boom..."

There were several more strong bombardments, and the battle between Pangu and Hansen gradually reached a fever pitch.

However, Du Yu, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, discovered that although Pangu's level was weaker than Hansen's, Pangu actually had a huge advantage thanks to his powerful strength.

And if this situation continues, Hansen may be defeated before long.

Sure enough, when Du Yu thought this, Hansen couldn't help but scream.

"Fellow Daoist, don't fight, don't fight, I won't be able to bear it if the fight continues."

During the battle, Hansen found a gap and breathed.

And the whole person also hurriedly evaded to the side.

Although the battle with Pangu was very satisfying, Hansen felt as if he was in a war, and his whole body was tense.

Over there, Pangu heard Hansen's shout and gradually regained his strength.

Immediately the two of them stopped.

Looking at these two people again, both of them had happy faces. Pangu even came closer to Hansen and smiled, "Haha, your strength is pretty good, it's fun, it's really fun. From now on, you will be my Pangu's brother. "

After finishing speaking, Pangu smiled excitedly.

And here, after Hansen listened to Pangu's words, his whole face already showed excitement.

He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"Haha, in that case, the two eldest brothers would like to show you respect and let me take a rest."

Hansen said with excitement.

Although he didn't get any information about the power of the ancient bloodline this time, it was still worth it in Hansen's opinion.

Being able to make friends with such two powerful people is worth it no matter how you look at it.

Although currently, he has just met Du Yu and Pangu, and the relationship between the two parties has not reached the level of life and death, but as the two parties continue to interact, I believe that it will not be long before the relationship between the three of them gets better. a lot of.

When Pangu saw what Hansen said, he nodded and smiled, "That's just right, haha, then lead the way."

After talking to Hansen, Pangu came close to Du Yu, and then said with a smile, "Brothers, you and me, also have a good drink. We haven't seen each other for so many years. I really miss me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Pangu rushed up and gave Du Yu a big bear hug. This bear hug made Du Yu confused, but he still followed Hansen with a smile on his face. Go forward.

After receiving the two's consent, Hansen led the way.

Because there was no need to chase the Black Wind Taoist, Hansen did not leave here very fast, and the three of them flew towards the direction of Dragon City.

Not long after they flew out of the battle area, Du Yu and the others saw many monks gathered here.

These monks all started talking one after another.

Among these monks, there are even more red-armored monks gathered.

Du Yu, the red-armored monk, had seen them before in Longcheng.

These monks immediately became alert when they saw the three of them.

They understood that the monks who just ran over were very powerful beings.

Now, even though I have seen these people, I still have to be careful no matter what.

At this moment, a silver-armored monk suddenly ran out, and immediately knelt on the ground in a hurry, "The end will come later, I hope the elder will punish him."*

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