The more he thought about it, the more curious he became. Du Yu couldn't help but glance at Pangu, "The murderous intention in that true god is extremely strong, so it is absolutely impossible for them to help us. Speaking of which, could it be that other true gods are helping us?"

After Du Yu finished speaking, Hansen was already in a state of complete confusion.

If the relationship follows these two masters, not only will the true god be able to see him, but the true god will even help?

Hansen knew in his heart that the goal of these true gods was definitely not to help him, but obviously Du Yu and Pangu.

But now, having spent all this time fighting with these two men, Hansen also knew that Pangu was dominated by Du Yu.

In this way, Du Yu is most likely to be helped by this true god.

On the contrary, Du Yu didn't think so.

Although during the battle just now, the true god said that there was someone behind him, Du Yu had not seen him so far.

Didn't even feel it.

Speaking of this, Du Yu naturally didn't believe in this true god.

In comparison, if you have someone who can help you, it is not as trustworthy as Pangu's true god.

You know, when Pangu left Du Yu, he followed this true god to practice.

Now, although Pangu is by Du Yu's side, he has been practicing with the true god for a long time.

In this way, it makes sense for this true god to come to help Pangu.

Immediately, Du Yu told Pangu what he was thinking. After hearing what Du Yu said, Pangu immediately shook his head, "This is impossible. Although I practice with the True God, I have never seen the True God himself. And the most important thing is that the true God also left here after I left, and it is impossible to come here now. "

After hearing Pangu's explanation, Du Yu's face became even more curious. He immediately glanced at the sky. Seeing that he couldn't think of a reason, Du Yu smiled and said, "In that case, who cares? Hey, let’s get out of here first.”

After Du Yu finished speaking, he laughed heartily.

Pangu and Hansen over there were in good condition, so they followed Du Yu without hesitation.

This time, the three people left Luoyan Valley much faster than they entered Luoyan Valley.

In just half a day, the three of them came out of Luoyan Valley.

As soon as they came out of Luoyan Valley, Du Yu and the others felt the spiritual power that was originally difficult to use emerge from their bodies.

The moment these spiritual powers appeared, the three of them activated their spiritual powers without hesitation.

Feeling that familiar feeling, the three of them had a look of relief on their faces.

You know, the feeling of not being able to use spiritual power is really depressing.

I saw a thought in Pangu's heart, and the mountain ax suddenly appeared in Pangu's hand again.

A streak of light passed over the mountain axe.

Immediately, Pangu used the spiritual power in his body to slash forward.

This powerful force directly bombarded the surrounding area into nothingness.

Du Yu and Hansen laughed kindly when they saw this scene.

"Well, now that our spiritual power has been restored, we should leave here immediately. We don't know how long we have been sleeping in Luoyan Valley. Maybe those monks will come after us."

Du Yu said it very calmly.

In his current state, Du Yu was not afraid of the monks who were chasing him.

You know, Du Yu is still very confident in his own strength, and in Du Yu's heart, he even expects such a master to come to him.

After all, after his own strength reached this level, what Du Yu looked forward to most was his opponent.

However, it is not as easy for Du Yu to find his opponent as before.

Seeing Du Yu's relaxed expression, Pangu naturally showed a nonchalant look on his face.

To be honest, in Pangu's mind, as long as he followed Du Yu, unless the main god came in person, Pangu would not reel in any monks at all.

Because of Du Yu's heroic aura, Hansen on the side was also very shocked, without any fear on his face.

This is the root cause of getting stronger when encountering a strong one.

"Set off."

Pangu suddenly laughed.

Immediately, in the process of leaving here, Pangu specially moved towards Hansen.

You know, Pangu originally regarded Hansen as an ordinary monk, and the relationship between the two parties was just average.

But after the battle in Luoyan Valley, Pangu recognized Hansen in his heart.

After doing this, Pangu was naturally very curious about Hansen. He immediately came up to Hansen and chatted with him all over the world.

Hansen was also very curious about Pangu and Du Yu.

Immediately, the two of them chatted all the way.

This process did not last long. After a while, the three of them felt a powerful spiritual wave coming from the void.

This wave of spiritual power is extremely powerful.

As soon as they felt this huge spiritual power fluctuation, the faces of Du Yu and the three of them showed alert looks.

Immediately, the three of them stood there, quietly waiting for the monk's arrival.

Hansen couldn't help but said, "I didn't expect this messenger of the true God to come so quickly."

After saying that, Hansen activated the ancient blood power in his body without hesitation.

Immediately, a powerful wave of spiritual energy appeared directly on Hansen's body, and at the same time, black scales appeared on Hansen's body.

These scales seemed to wrap him tightly.

The dark scales exuded an icy cold light.

This cold light gives people a suffocating feeling.

Pangu on the side grabbed the mountain ax in his hand.

This mountain-breaking ax was Pangu's natal magic weapon.

Although he suffered some damage in the battle at Luoyan Valley, when Pangu woke up from his coma, he discovered that his mountain ax had already returned to its original shape.

Over there, Du Yu took out the Xuanyuan Sword without hesitation.

Du Yu was still very cautious about this messenger of the true god.

No one knows how powerful the people chosen by the true God are.

Although Du Yu knew that this person's strength had not reached the realm of true gods, he was still very powerful.

After all, he is a person chosen by the true god. Such a monk naturally has his own strengths.

If you are careless, you will definitely be killed by such monks.

As for Du Yu's use of Xuanyuan Sword, it was just because he felt the power of Xuanyuan Sword in Luoyan Valley.

The only pity is that Du Yu did not get the dead branches of the Chaos Tree in the hands of Taoist Black Wind. *

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