As soon as Pangu finished speaking, he immediately felt a murderous intention coming. He saw a force coming from Kanel. This force was extremely powerful. Pangu hurriedly destroyed the mountain ax in his hand to resist.

Because the resistance was very hasty, and there was still a certain gap in strength between Pangu and Kanel, Pangu was directly blown away by Kanel.

Seeing this, Du Yu hurriedly supported Pangu.

"Is it possible that what I said is wrong? Those village names are obviously the people you want to protect in your heart, but this female nun asked you to kill them." Although he was attacked by Kanel, Pangu did not look angry. , but the whole person screamed angrily.

When Kanel heard what Pangu said, he immediately shook his head and said, "You are not her, so naturally you don't know what happened back then."

After finishing speaking, Kanel also took back his power.

But now, the cold breath can still be felt on Kanel's body.

Du Yu also praised Knell repeatedly when he saw this.

"What happened next?"

This sentence was asked by Du Yu to Hansen.

Since the female nun did not follow Kanel today, it was obvious that the female nun should not have survived, and Du Yu did not know the fate of those village names.

After hearing Du Yu's inquiry, Hansen hurriedly said, "Before the female nun died, Kanel massacred all the villagers, and then brought the female nun to the village.?"

After hearing what Hansen said, Du Yu sighed slightly. As expected, it was as Du Yu guessed. After all, Kanel had attacked those ordinary villagers.

"There were no records in the ancient books after that, because everyone said that Kanel went crazy after killing the villagers, and he never appeared again after that."

After Hansen finished speaking, he looked curiously at Canel in front of him.

This legendary monk appeared in front of him, and this feeling was still very mysterious.

When Kanel finally finished speaking, Kanel burst into laughter.

"You guys, do you think I shouldn't kill those ordinary villagers?"

Kanel's eyes fell hard on Du Yu and the others.

Feeling the erratic and certain aura on Kanel's body, Du Yu couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"What a lunatic."

Of course, Du Yu didn't say this directly.

On the contrary, Pangu and Hansen over there were a little overwhelmed by Kanel's sudden change.

"Yes, these villagers are all innocent, and after you killed these villagers, I believe you didn't even save your beloved female nun."

Du Yu said lightly, while the spiritual power in his body had already been activated to the extreme.

According to what Du Yu thought, his words would definitely anger Kanel, and at that time, Kanel would definitely take action directly.

What Du Yu didn't expect was that Kanel shook his head and said with a wry smile, "No, you are wrong, you are all wrong. In fact, the villagers in the entire village have long since coveted my power. They conspired to get rid of me, but Luo, she turned against those people for me."

Du Yu listened quietly. According to Du Yu's understanding, the monk named Luo was probably the female monk.

When they heard that these villagers wanted to conspire to kill Kanel, even Pangu and Hansen couldn't help but become angry.

Immediately, Kanel continued, "Why did Luo suddenly become ill? It was she who personally showed me the methods these villagers used to kill me. Even if I am extremely powerful, it would be difficult for me to deal with it."

Immediately, Du Yu and the others thought of the reason why the female cultivator had always wanted Kanel to kill those villagers.

Emotion is that these villagers have mastered some special means, so it is difficult to stop someone as strong as Kanel.

When he just remembered this, Du Yu's expression changed slightly, and immediately he activated the spiritual power fluctuations, covering himself completely.

At the same time, Du Yu couldn't help but remind him, "Quickly, wrap yourself up, there is something wrong with the guy in front of you."

Upon hearing Du Yu's words, Pangu and Hansen did not hesitate to use the spiritual power in their bodies to wrap themselves up.

Over there, Kanel saw the reactions of the three people and chuckled, "It's useless. You have been poisoned for a long time. Now you should just listen to me to finish the story."

As soon as Kanel said this, the expressions of Du Yu and the others changed drastically. As expected, the three of them felt a little dizzy at the moment.

Immediately, Du Yu and the others used their spiritual power to adjust their condition.

It's just that the spiritual power doesn't destroy it, but when the head hurts, when the spiritual power is activated, the whole head feels like needles.

This huge pain is simply not something ordinary people can resist.

Suddenly, the three of them fell directly from the void in great pain.


Pangu's expression changed dramatically. Even without doing anything, the three of them had turned into this look. According to Pangu's thoughts, today might have been a real fallout.

Similarly, Pangu also truly realized the horror of these truly strong men.

It's a pity that I seem to know this truth a little late.

Du Yu looked at Kanel in front of him and said coldly, "So you killed these villagers and used this secret method on the three of us?"

Seeing that Du Yu could still maintain his sanity, Kanel immediately smiled and said, "Yes, you guessed it right. It's a pity that the three of you will also become these dead souls."

After Kanel finished speaking, he walked towards Du Yu and the others with a long sword in hand.

Big drops of sweat broke out from Du Yu's forehead, and the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand seemed to weigh tens of millions of pounds.

In his current state, Du Yu could not even lift the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, not to mention that he could not use his spiritual power.

Pangu and Hansen over there were foaming at the mouth, their faces as pale as paper.

Obviously, Pangu and Hansen were in very bad condition.

Du Yu reluctantly swallowed a pill and felt a little better.

But the Kanel in front of him was naturally only a few steps away.

At this distance, if Kanel wanted to, Du Yu would naturally not be able to escape once the sword fell.

Seeing Du Yu's silent look, Kanel laughed wildly, "Luo, did you see that you shouldn't have let me live in the first place, and now there are three more dead souls."

As soon as Kanel finished speaking, the long sword in his hand stabbed Du Yu.

Because Du Yu was the target ordered by the true god, the first person Kanel killed was Du Yu.

As for Pangu and Hansen, they were just eliminated incidentally.


A heartbreaking voice came, and Du Yu's whole body was directly penetrated by Kanel's sword. *

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