The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2261 The Secret of the Master

In the red drizzle, Du Yu could feel the anger and regret coming from the spirit.

She must have believed in the Lord once, but she never expected that she would be reduced to what she is now.

"What else happened that year? Can you tell me in detail?"

Although it was a painful past, Du Yu had to study it clearly.

In his own memory, he had never heard of the existence of spirits.

This shows how much the master paid to erase that experience.

Zun Ling smiled and saw that Du Yu was so interested that he told him the story of that year without hesitation.

It turns out that after the Master broke through to the late stage of Dzogchen, in order to become a unique Master and even said he could be superior to all things, he actually tricked the Supreme Spirit into stealing his Horcrux.

"Then how did you escape from him?"

According to the Lord's ruthless character, how could he tolerate the existence of any threat?

The Supreme Spirit smiled and responded: "I didn't escape, he let me go. The monk relies on the Supreme Spirit to break through the Great Perfection, the spiritual body depends on the soul weapon, the soul weapon depends on the spiritual body, and the Supreme Spirit has lost its soul. The weapon is like a monk who has lost his Dantian and cannot store energy. It is even worse than a monk, but at least you can still cultivate yourself."

Thinking of this, Zunling felt that he was so blind that he would choose such a monk in the first place.

"The implication is that if you disappear, the Horcrux will also disappear?" Du Yu asked.

Zunling nodded, but Du Yu was a little confused, hadn't the master already reached the supreme realm? Could it be...

Du Yu frowned, Zun Ling's next words confirmed Du Yu's suspicion.

"Actually, monks are mortal bodies after all, and this cannot be changed at any time. If their physical bodies are destroyed, then no matter how powerful they are, those who cultivate the spirit will perish. Therefore, the monk's body is the most important thing . And if you want to break through to Dzogchen, you can't just rely on your mortal body."

"That's why spirit bodies exist. Spiritual cultivation requires your Horcruxes to contain their power, and the existence of Horcruxes depends on you?"

Zunling nodded. She didn't expect that the young man in front of her could understand everything at once.

"No wonder, Kanel is so powerful but he is only in the late stage of the Great Consummation." Du Yu sighed.

This master is really good at what he does. He blocks all opportunities just so that he can dominate.

"How much do you think the rotten fish and shrimps who follow the master can achieve? The most they can do is stand outside the door of the Supreme Realm. Without us, haha!"

Zunling sneered and continued to add: "The selfish guy who dominates may never be able to break through in his lifetime."

Du Yu heard the implication from her words. Could it be that the supreme realm is not the final destination?

"What do you mean?" Du Yu asked quickly. He suddenly felt a little lucky. If the master hadn't been chasing him, he might not have known that there were spiritual bodies in this world in his entire life.

"Our spiritual bodies existed before the monks. The Lord was the first batch of monks. In fact, he also suspected that there was another level above the Supreme Realm. It was just that after breaking through to the Great Perfection, he was too eager for the pleasure that surpassed that of ten thousand people. , so I numbed myself. The real peak is the desert, which is located above the supreme."

Zun Ling half-squinted her eyes, the meaning in her eyes was somewhat incompatible with her childlike appearance.

"There's more!" Du Yu exclaimed. He always thought that it was rare to be able to break through the Great Perfection, but he didn't expect that there would be more.

"You and I are destined to be together. In fact, you have not angered the Lord at all. He just saw that you have the power of Luantu, and is afraid that you will be an accident that can break through the Great Consummation without relying on Horcruxes. He It’s quite vicious.”

Zun Ling looked Du Yu up and down, then raised his hand and waved, and the mist behind her immediately formed a small vortex.

Soon, a blue bean body appeared in front of Du Yu's eyes. The bean body is the same as the one under the broken wall.

It's just that the purity of the blue seems to be even higher in this one.

"What, what is this?" Du Yu looked at Zun Ling.

"As I said just now, there is a fate between you and me. Since you have the power of Huangtu, it is better for us to combine."

"Combined!" Du Yu shouted and then jumped back.

The spirit in front of me is only seven or eight years old, so it seems a bit strange to use the word "combine".

Although she has survived for an unknown number of years.

"What are you thinking about? What I mean is that I will help you cultivate your soul and reshape your Dantian, and you will help me kill the master so that we can resolve our thousand-year feud."

Zunling spoke through gritted teeth, and Du Yu couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

The guy in front of me has even lost his Horcrux. How can he help him reshape his Dantian?

Furthermore, the Overlord is already in the Supreme Realm. If he cultivates his spirit again, he will die at the hands of the Overlord every few hundred years.

"Just me now? Don't think too much about it. We can't get out of the Time Tower at this time, let alone revenge?" Du Yu shook his head repeatedly.

Zun Ling placed the blue bean body in front of Du Yu.

"Do you know what this is? This is the power of time. What do you think the Time Tower is? Why do you think Gong Boyi suddenly wants to take him back at all costs?"

"You know everything?" Du Yu asked curiously. It seems that this guy is not ignorant of the outside world.

"The spirit of the Time Tower, this little thing has spirituality. He doesn't choose people easily. It took me hundreds of years to control them when I came here. I didn't expect you..." There was surprise in Zunling's eyes. look.

Du Yu then remembered that when he first fell under the broken wall, those small blue bean bodies seemed to be very close to him, and they all gave him the unknown blue power.

Moreover, he was able to see the spirits because of the guidance of these little things.

"It's been so long. Although I can control you to improve my spiritual power, I thought I could reshape the Horcrux, but it doesn't work after all. Now that you have found your home, what are you waiting for?"

Suddenly, Zunling muttered to himself to the blue bean body in front of him, with reluctance in his eyes.

As soon as she finished speaking, Du Yu saw the thing running toward him.

Immediately afterwards, the air seemed to be affected by some kind of fluctuation, suddenly producing a strong airflow, and immediately countless blue particles emerged from the bean body.

Du Yu took a breath, a powerful impact was moving in front of him.

The feeling was tens of thousands of times stronger than the one under the broken wall.

"What on earth is this!" Du Yu's questioning voice was drowned by the strong air current. *

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