Seeing that talking to Luo was a waste of time, Zun Ling simply stepped forward and grabbed Luo's wrist.

At that moment, Zun Ling could no longer conceal her inner excitement and joy. She was sure that Luo was a member of the spirit body family, but why could Zun Ling not feel the existence of spiritual power in her body.

Zun Ling really couldn't figure this out. Spiritual power is to the Zunling clan just like blood is to the human body. Without spiritual power, the spirit body will cease to exist.

"Hey, you, what's wrong with you?" Suddenly, Luo couldn't hold himself up and fainted. Zunling supported Luo's body and shook it a few times. Seeing that she didn't respond at all, Zunling quickly took out some of his spiritual power and tried to Enter Luo's body.

However, Zunling's spiritual power could not enter Luo's body at all, and Luo seemed to be very repulsive to the spiritual power.

"It seems that I can only ask Kanel for a clear answer." Zun Ling stared at Luo, his eyes couldn't help showing his distress.

Compared with losing life, losing spiritual power is the most fatal to the spirit clan.

Thinking about it, Zunling immediately left Xuanxu to find Kanel. He had to ask clearly.

"Canel, tell me clearly, what exactly is Luo? She is neither a human nor a practitioner." Zunling asked directly after seeing Canel.

Kanel was stunned at first, and then insisted that Luo was an ordinary person and his beloved.

You might be able to hide this from Du Yu, but you can't fool Zun Ling at all.

"No, she is a spirit, right? She is the spirit that followed you back then, right? What happened, why, why all her spiritual power disappeared." Zunling scolded, and not only was it missing, Not only her spirit body, but also her memory seems to have been tampered with. Naluo can no longer remember what happened in the past. In her mind, there is only the existence of Kanel.

Du Yu's eyes widened in surprise. Zun Ling had said before that except for her Zun Ling, all the other spirits in the spirit family had been killed by the master.

Furthermore, if Luo is really of the spirit clan, why is he hiding in the Tower of Time? Is it because he is afraid of being noticed by the master?

"Tell me, please explain everything clearly to me." Zun Ling suddenly jumped up and punched Kanel's chest hard.

This blow took a lot of force, and Kanel took a few steps back.

"Don't make it difficult for him. It was a very cruel memory. He doesn't want to tell it, why do you have to force him to tell it?" Suddenly, True God Chi Lian came to everyone's side.

"Didn't you go to rest?" Du Yu looked at him who came and went without a trace. People here like to eavesdrop on others.

"I just heard an unusual noise, so I came out to take a look. I didn't expect to bump into your conversation." True God Chi Lian still looked calm and calm, as if nothing at this time could break his inner peace.

Kanel coughed twice softly and looked up at the spirit. He saw perseverance in the spirit's eyes. It seemed that if he didn't tell the secret behind him today, the spirit might not let it go.

Zun Ling rolled his eyes at Kanel, and turned from a delicate little girl to Chi Lian Zhen Shen to become indifferent. She sneered: "What? Do you know what happened?"

Du Yu was a little surprised by this sudden change. The spirit's mood also followed him, and he might have changed at some point.

"I don't know what exactly happened, but what I can tell you is that you are right. Luo is the only spiritual body in your spiritual body family that exists besides you."

"You, how do you know?" Kanel's expression suddenly changed. Only he knew what happened back then.

True God Chi Lian just smiled, as if he didn't want others to know what to do except for himself.

"It seems that there are really a lot of people who know. Canel, are you still unwilling to tell me? Luo's spirit body is dying, and everything you are doing now is just delaying the time limit for her disappearance. What can really be done? The only one who can save her is me."

"Can you save me? How can you save me?"

As soon as he heard that he was saved, Kanel became excited. For so many years, he had obeyed the master's orders and killed people for him just to save Luo. He was burdened with too much blood debt now, and now the spirit actually said that she could save him.

"Yes, but I have a condition, that is, you must tell me what happened to her before I can help you."

Zun Ling is very determined. She must know the cause and effect, why the master left Luo behind, and why all the spiritual power in Luo's body disappeared.

Kanel hesitated, it was simply a painful memory for him. No one knew how he got through these years, and no one knew how painful his life was.

"Actually, Luo and I were together back then. We fell in love with each other when we were practicing, and we decided to retire and find a private place to live well." Speaking of those days of practicing together, Kanel's face It exuded unquenchable happiness.

For Kanel, that was probably the happiest time in his life. During those days of hiding, Kanel experienced the happiness of ordinary people.

However, he never imagined that everything would change after the master issued a killing order to annihilate the spirit clan. Even though Kanel and Luo had lived in seclusion in the mountains, they still could not escape the pursuit of the practitioners.

However, as long as the spiritual energy falls on them, they will be hunted all the time. Moreover, in order to completely drive out the spirit body clan, the master at that time also issued a secret order. The first person to kill the spirit body would be supported by the master and would be accepted as a closed disciple by the master.

Everyone knows that if you enter the door of a house, you can be said to be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. Therefore, the entire cultivation world at that time was in chaos. Those practitioners who were unwilling to give up their spiritual bodies not only suffered heavy losses, but also had to kill the spiritual bodies in front of their eyes.

"What happened next? How did you and Luo escape the pursuit? Why did Luo lose his spiritual power?" Zun Ling listened carefully.

Everything that happened during that period not only created an indelible memory for the spirit body, but was also a form of torture for the practitioners. That period of time can also be called a cleansing activity among self-cultivation practitioners. They eliminated all practitioners who disobeyed the Lord from the world.

Kanel held his head in his hands and sat on the ground in pain.

The scene from that year once again appeared before his eyes. In order to stay with Kanel and not harm him, Luo personally stripped off all his spiritual power.

"I won't! It's impossible for the spirit clan to take the initiative to strip away spiritual power!"

The spirit jumped up, which was tantamount to betraying the tribe.

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