"Du Yu, Du Yu, how are you?" Zun Ling helped him up with great concern. Du Yu's face was very pale and he looked very tired.

Du Yu shook his head, as if his head had been shattered. He couldn't remember everything that happened just now. He only remembered that his consciousness fell into the endless black abyss in an instant. He tried to struggle but it was useless. .

"Gong Yibo, by the way, is Gong Yibo resurrected?" Du Yu suddenly remembered something and quickly asked Zun Ling.

Zun Ling turned her head away in embarrassment. She didn't know what to say to Du Yu. They originally thought that Jingse had forgiven Gong Yibo. Turns out, it was all wrong.

"Du Yu, thank you. If it weren't for you, I would still be imprisoned in the Tower of Time. It seems that everything is fate. However, I can no longer exist in this form, and I will kill the true god. You have to pay a price." Suddenly, the blue bean body transformed from the essence actually made a sound.

Du Yu and Zun Lingxun passed away. At this moment, Jing Po's voice was much gentler and more relieved.

"What the hell is going on?"

Du Yu turned his head and happened to see the resurrected True God, and then his body was peeled off from his body bit by bit, followed by painful wails. And Gong Yibo seemed to be deliberately fixed, and his eyes were forced to stare at everything that happened to the true god.

This unexpected scene scared Du Yu and took a few steps back.

"This-" Du Yu seemed to realize something, while Zun Ling lowered his head and acquiesced to everything.

"My hatred has not been completely resolved. I just killed the person who directly hurt me. I'm afraid I can't do it myself to the person behind the scenes. Du Yu, I came out of the Tower of Time because of you, and because you can do it myself. If you hurt me with a sword, I am willing to completely integrate myself into your body. From now on, there will be no Jing soul in this world, let alone Hua'er." Jing soul said word by word, and his voice sounded as if he had completely Let it go.

"You mean, you want to annihilate your consciousness and soul? You want to completely transform into power and integrate into Du Yu's body?" Zun Ling said in shock.

In this way, the essence is equivalent to never existing.

"This is what I should do, and it's the only way I can thank you. By the way, I have one more thing I can help you with." After Jing Fei finished speaking, the blue bean body suddenly transformed into countless blue beans. body, and soon the color of all the bean bodies gradually faded, and then turned into a stream of gas, which immediately poured into Du Yu's body.

Without waiting for Du Yu to react or agree, the spirit had already completed all the operations, and she didn't even say goodbye.

After that power entered his body, Du Yu felt an unprecedented sense of loss or hopelessness.

"She, did she just disappear?" Zun Ling couldn't believe what she was seeing. After all, she and Jing Fe had been together for hundreds of years and had already had feelings for a long time.

Du Yu nodded, and then felt a heat in his body, as if a fire was burning in his chest. Then he felt a force kneading his body, and all his organs felt a twisting pain.

He suddenly fell to the ground, and large beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead.

Zun Ling quickly dragged Du Yu up. Although Zun Ling's power was also sealed, she could feel that the power in Du Yu's body was competing. It seemed that they must compete today, but there seemed to be something wrong. wrong.

After struggling for a long time, the burning heat in Du Yu's body slowly dissipated. His whole body felt much more comfortable, and the feeling of being divided and pulled by power also disappeared.

Just when Du Yu was confused, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Zun Ling's mouth. The smile was mixed with a variety of emotions, and it seemed to be more of admiration.

"Du Yu, what kind of person are you? Why are so many people willing to give their power to you? That soul has been completely destroyed for you." Zun Ling shook his head as he spoke. In fact, So why not herself? I don't know why, but I believe in Du Yu without any reservation.

"Zun Ling, I feel like the powers in my body are coexisting harmoniously now, and that sense of separation has disappeared." Du Yu didn't know how to answer Zun Ling's question. In fact, he also felt very strange. How could he be virtuous? How can you get so many new appointments?

Zun Ling observed Du Yu's face and raised his hand to hold Du Yu's wrist. The conflict of power in his body had completely disappeared.

It seems that this is another thing Jingpo said just now that he can do for Du Yu.

"This spirit has been cultivating in the Tower of Time for so long and has controlled the power of space, so it can easily enter the sea. Moreover, the sea has no control over the spirit, so the power of the spirit can be used here. . The other forces in your body are all sealed here, so it is very easy for the spirit to fuse with them." Zunling said with a smile.

Du Yu stared at his body blankly. Does that mean that he now has the capital to fight the master?

"By the way, let's leave here quickly. If something happens to the True God, the Lord will definitely be able to sense it. Although it is impossible for him to enter Canghai, I'm afraid he will attack True God Chi Lian and Kanel." Ling's face suddenly became nervous.

The war between them and the true God will be fought sooner or later, and escaping is not the way to solve the problem.

Now that Du Yu has the power of space in his soul, he can naturally enter and leave the sea at will.

Before Du Yu left, he couldn't help but glance at Gong Yibo, who was half-kneeling on the ground. He didn't know how many times he had to go through this process. Looking at his lonely back, Du Yu felt a little empty in his heart. Feel.

Maybe Jingpo's love for Gong Yibo has never changed, but she just doesn't want to admit it. The so-called hatred was just used to cover up her love for him.

"Let's go, Du Yu, let's get out as soon as possible." Zun Ling urged Du Yu, and then Du Yu looked away and immediately concentrated.

Although he had not completely learned how to use the power of space, they still left Canghai easily and returned to Pangu's residence again.

At this moment, True God Chi Lian and Kanel are making a barrier together, because True God Chi Lian has already felt that a true god has died, and the Lord must be looking for their whereabouts.

"You are back. Are the four true gods really dead?" Pangu stepped forward excitedly when he saw Du Yu coming back.

Du Yu nodded, and Pangu's face immediately showed incredible meaning.

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