Kanel watched the monsters rushing towards them and felt that the situation was not right. He understood that if he no longer had spiritual power, both sides would definitely be harmed if they faced off head-on. He was an ordinary person now, and being attacked by monsters was no joke. He might lose his life, but he didn't want to die so early.

Kanel hurriedly hid aside, but she didn't expect that the monsters had been prepared for a long time and actually surrounded them. The center point was Kanel, who was currently the weakest. Kanel looked at the monsters that surrounded her. , I thought: It’s over now, the monster might eat me directly, how should I escape? You can't sit still and wait for death.

Therefore, he has been paying attention to the opportunity and looking for gaps in the circle of monsters. He wants to escape immediately when the monsters are not observing and never retreat. As long as he escapes from the circle, he has a chance to survive. Seeing that the monsters are about to The attack hit him. He took a closer look and saw that there was a gap just in front of him on the left side that allowed him to escape. Although he would be slightly injured, it was better than losing his life.

At the critical moment, the monster's attack had already fallen to the ground, and the fire was strong. Everyone suddenly felt cold, thinking that Kanel might be seriously injured or lose his life, but everyone was shocked. What I didn't expect was that although Kanel was injured, it was not serious. This was simply a miracle.

After all, no ordinary person can escape from the attack of the Warcraft. Even if he escapes, he will be dead or injured. Kanel smiled and said: It's nothing. Although the attack of the Warcraft is very powerful, they are very fast. Wait, I just need to escape through the gaps in their encirclement before they attack. Although I will suffer a little injury, I finally save my life.

Chilian Zhenshen looked at Kanel's appearance of being fine and let out a breath. He was very glad that Kanel escaped. If he couldn't escape, they might lose a friend because of this group of monsters. If you lose a friend, no one may be able to accept it.

Chi Lian Zhenshen looked at the monster and was furious, thinking: If such a monster dares to hurt my friend, I will never let him have a good harvest. Today is the day of his death, and then he said to everyone.

"Everyone, get out of the way and leave it to me. These monsters won't live long." Although some people were dubious, there was no other way but to believe him. Then the True God Chi Lian took out a ball of black liquid and used his spiritual power to make them burn. Then he threw the ball of flame into the group of monsters.

Suddenly the fire burst out, and the wails of the monsters could not be heard. Soon the group of monsters were burned up by the flames. Even if some monsters wanted to escape from the flames, the flames on their bodies would burn to other places with them. Until the monster is burned to death.

After everyone saw this scene, they all exclaimed in admiration, thinking that this black liquid is really magical. Once the monster is contaminated, it will not stop until it is burned to death. They can protect their own safety. This is really a good thing.

While everyone was admiring, Du Yu looked at this scene and fell into deep contemplation. He felt that this black liquid was definitely not simple, but what exactly was it? Not sure again, now. Du Yu's suspicion about this black liquid became even deeper.

Although Du Yu knew that suspicion would only grow bigger and bigger in his heart, how could his behavior not make people suspicious.

The true god of Chi Lian. Seeing Du Yu's suspicious look, he didn't say anything more. He knew that no matter how much he explained, it was useless. Let him just watch the action.

Then Chi Lian Zhen Shen looked at the spiritual spring aside and felt that the spiritual spring could no longer be kept here, otherwise it might cause even greater trouble. He had to find a way to put it in a safer place until he After the strength is strong enough, take out the spiritual spring.

Then True God Chi Lian proposed: "Can we bring the spiritual spring to Pangu and leave Canghai? Although Pangu is also very dangerous, it is better than following us." True God Chi Lian truly understood what he said. He would definitely be opposed by everyone once he came out, and he was already prepared for it.

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