He yelled at the two of them, the distance getting closer and closer.

Pangu spoke first.

"He really gave him face today. He dared to yell at us. He is really tired of living. We are not polite and just take action."

Before it could take action, the ferocious beast sprinted directly in front of it. Its target was Du Yu. Seeing this scene, Du Yu couldn't bear it anymore.

"It's really presumptuous."

I didn't mean to offend and wanted to coexist peacefully. Faced with the current result, I had no choice but to kill directly. No need to be polite. If I couldn't explain the truth, I had no choice but to take action.

"I didn't want to do it, but you forced me to do it. Let me see how capable you are. Let me see how powerful this little beast like you is."

The ferocious beast rushed over. Du Yu was not polite and rushed over. Pankou saw this and immediately cooperated. The two of them joined forces to strike, but the ferocious beast was not stupid either.

Seeing this scene, he quickly dodged.

It was a near miss, and I actually managed to escape at the last moment.

"Now you know what we are capable of. I'll give you one last chance. Get out of here. Otherwise, we'll be rude to you."

Du Yu didn't kill him just now, otherwise he would really be dead, but this beast didn't appreciate it, and instead acted more aggressively.

"Can't you remember a little longer? If you have the ability, just keep coming."

Pangu spoke, but there was no reply at all. The roar echoed, and the beast charged again.

This time, the speed was faster, and Pangu also had murderous intentions.

"You're welcome, let's do it directly."

The two of them worked together, and this time without giving any chance, they both used their ultimate moves and blocked the retreat, making it impossible to escape.

With a loud bang, the ferocious beast fell to the ground, let out a roar, and fell to the ground, staying here forever.

The two of them worked together to kill the ferocious beast, and wanted to leave quickly, but at this moment, Du Yu felt something was wrong.

There seems to be something in this stomach.

A powerful energy was transmitted, and Pangu also realized that something was wrong.

"Is there something?"

The ferocious beast is dead, and now the things in the body can't hold it anymore, and they are slowly emitting energy, but I don't know what it is.

Seeing this scene, Du Yu immediately made a decision.

"You're welcome, just take it."

Pangu put his hands together and directly took out the

Go, the beast's skin disintegrated, a big hole was immediately dug out, and something was taken out.

"It's disgusting. Look what it is."

Taking it out for inspection, it turned out to be a scroll, and Du Yu was about to open it.

"Then let's open it and take a look to see what it is. I always feel that something is wrong inside."

If it were an ordinary scroll, it could be placed anywhere, but it was not easy to place it on such a ferocious beast.

If the two of them were weaker today, they might stay here, and the secret behind this would be self-evident.

They opened it to check, but what was inside shocked the two of them, and what was recorded was exactly what happened to the Immortal Sect this time.

"It seems that things are never as simple as we thought. This time it seems to be too difficult."

Du Yu spoke.

It turns out that a master enlightened this fairy sect a long time ago. From then on, this fairy sect never believed in other religions or anything else.

With the advice of an expert, the Immortal Sect escaped from the sea of ​​suffering and only believed in the Lord from now on. From now on, there is only one thing to believe in, and that is the Lord.

Although I don’t know who this expert is now, the current situation is not so optimistic, and we must find a solution quickly.

Now Xianmen and Du Yu are enemies. If the matter is not resolved, it will only get worse, but there is not so much time.

"It seems that the matter is more serious than we thought. Believing in the Lord is a bit troublesome. The key is that the Lord is not weak."

The more powerful the thing you believe in, the more you will learn, and you have already had some contact with it before, but it is not something that can be dealt with by ordinary people.

The key is that it also mentions an important thing. If you don't believe in anything else, you only believe in the Lord, which will be fatal.

It is a bit difficult to only believe in the Lord. It seems that this time it can only be the opponent, and there will be no chance.

The opponents are not just a few people, this is a sect, with hundreds or thousands of people at least.

If it really comes down to it, there's no telling who will win. What's more important is that this time they are not weak, they are very strong, and Du Yu also feels the pressure.

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