The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2363: Dogs look down on people

Since this thing is already missing, there is not much time now, so we can only get this thing together as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late.

Du Yu also acted immediately when he thought of this.

"Then you wait here for my good news. I will bring Suzaku and I will be back soon. I will have a whereabouts soon, and I will give you an explanation soon."

After all, it was because of Du Yu's problem. This time Du Yu was also very concerned about this thing. The sooner the better, he must get this thing as quickly as possible.

There will be no benefit in continuing to delay.

Thinking of this, Du Yu was ready to move.

After leaving Pangu, Du Yu found Zhuque. No matter what, I had to take someone with me, and there would be mutual care. Then everything would be relatively simple.

"Suzaku, something small happened here. Can you come over and help me?"

Upon hearing this, Suzaku of course agreed immediately.

"What else needs to be said about our relationship? If you have anything to do, just tell me directly. When the time comes, we will do it together. You don't have to be polite to me at all."

Du Yu was also happy when he heard this.

"Then let's leave now."

Taking Suzaku with them, the two of them set off. When they were about to set off, they had already agreed in advance that now one person and one beast only need to go to a designated place.

Suzaku was also very curious along the way.

"What happened? Why are you so angry? This is not your character."

Hearing such words, Du Yu could only smile helplessly.

Of course, if possible, there is no need to be so anxious, but the current situation is not good. Now we must be anxious, and now we must solve the matter here quickly.

"Now I don't know how to tell you. Anyway, things are really difficult right now. I don't even know how to tell you."

The time mountain is broken, which is not fun. Fortunately, all that is left is the stone. As long as the stone can be brought back, everything will be solved and everything will be easy to talk about.

"Let's talk about it after we get there."

The two of them moved quickly along the way, without any delay at all, and they arrived quickly after a while.

When I came to the place, I originally thought that I could easily take the stones back, but who would have thought that there would be no stones at all, not even a single stone.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Du Yu was dumbfounded.

"How is it possible? Shouldn't there be a lot of rocks here? Could it be that something happened here again? Let's look for it quickly. If we don't find it, then we must find a way."

Suzaku was not polite and immediately started looking for it.

The two searched for it but found nothing, which would be fatal.

"There are no rocks here. I can't see there are no rocks. There are no ordinary objects. Could it be that we are late? Could it be that we saw it wrong?"

But Du Yu shook his head.

How could I get it wrong at this time?

Having determined this coordinate, we came directly to this coordinate, and there are many traces around it that show that there were indeed many stones before this.

But now it's all gone. There is only one possibility, that is, it is taken away by others. This is not a fun thing, and this is not a happy thing.

Du Yu is also ready to ask.

"It's already this time. Most of them have been taken away by others. Let's go to the surrounding sects and ask. We should have a result by then."

Upon hearing this, Suzaku immediately agreed.

"I see you are in such a hurry, so we don't need to delay any more. If you want to leave, let's go now. If there is anything else, we will talk about it later. Let's settle your matter first."

The two immediately set out to find the surrounding sects.

I asked around at first but found nothing, but finally I found out.

A person from a small sect told the reason.

"There were indeed a lot of stones there before, but then they were collected by someone from a certain sect, no, oh, I remembered, they were called a stonemason sect. You can go and take a look."

Hearing such words, Du Yu quickly thanked him.

The news like this is really the best news. Everything has been settled. Now we can finally look for it. I just hope there won't be any more accidents.

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