The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2368 There is a problem with the spiritual weapon

Du Yu felt something in his heart and his mood improved. The reminders of the state of mind on the way to practice are more intuitive.

The ice dragon was very obedient along the way. Du Yu was quite satisfied with this and fully accepted the existence of the ice dragon. I thought for a while that the ice dragon probably didn't have a name yet, so I decided to give the ice dragon a more domineering name.

I thought about it for a long time. "Then let's call you Jiao Ba!" Facing the ice dragon Du Yu in front of him, he said this. He thought it was a very domineering name, probably because the name contained the word "Ba".

At this time, the ice dragon's face was covered with black lines.

Another pleasant time passed.

On this day, news came from Pangu, inviting Du Yu to go to the Stonemason Gate to repair the magic weapon together the next day, and Du Yu readily agreed. And he planned to show off the ice dragon he had conquered to Pangu. Thinking of this, he couldn't wait for the next day to start.

Time passed quickly, and one day passed in the blink of an eye.

Arriving at the agreed place, Pangu looked at Du Yu on the ice dragon's body, feeling very curious and thought to himself.

"Isn't this the ice dragon from before? It seems that it has been conquered by Du Yu. Legend has it that dragons are unruly and will not follow others. I didn't expect that it was conquered by Du Yu. I really got a big advantage from this kid. ." Secretly lamenting Du Yu's good luck.

Then Du Yu asked Pangu to ride on the ice dragon, and he suddenly felt a bit of coolness coming from below. It should be summer, and it felt very refreshing. Even though his cultivation could keep out the heat, Writing still makes him feel very comfortable.

Then Pangu heard Du Yu show off fiercely. Pangu was very jealous and said he would find a better one in the future.

The boredom of the journey was spent in the laughter and conversation between the two brothers.

Gradually, a majestic and solemn mountain peak appeared in front of their eyes, and they realized that they had arrived. Put away the fun on your face, tidy up your clothes and get ready for negotiation.

The ice dragon slowly fell on a high platform. The people in the Masonry Sect had already noticed the appearance of the ice dragon. They thought it was going to be harmful to the Masonry Gate and were on guard. However, when they saw the two people on the ice dragon, many people immediately came to their attention. Surprised eyes.

The two of them got off the ice dragon and arranged their clothes. Walking towards this group of people, someone in the crowd had already come to greet them, but they didn't expect to ask Du Yu how he tamed the ice dragon in a written way, and Du Yu also talked nonsense without shame.

How could he say that Bingjiao packed him up and delivered it to his door?

The predecessor led the two of them into a secret room and then retreated.

I saw several old masons gathered together in the secret room to discuss something very intensely. When I got closer, I saw that all these old men were blushing and talking wildly, but they barely moved their hands.

Several people noticed the arrival of Pangu and Du Yu, and one of them directly pulled Pangu to explain the situation to see who was right and who was wrong. Unexpectedly, they were all wrong, and they even made a special effort to do this. Completely convinced of what Pangu explained.

Then I asked Pangu a few more questions, and Pangu answered them one by one patiently. Several old men were thoughtful and praised Pangu repeatedly. There was even a winner who bluntly said that he wanted to take Pangu as his teacher, but Pangu was also made dumbfounded.

Suddenly several people looked at each other and instantly understood the true meaning.

Everyone looked at Pangu with burning eyes. An old man with a white beard spoke first. Since he is here, he is ready. Let’s get started without further ado. The two parties exchanged materials with each other and went about their business, leaving Du Yu alone.

Du Yu had no choice but to go shopping at the Mason Gate first. Not to mention, this Masonry Mountain is really a geomantic treasure, and the scenery is also very good. Looking at the scene in front of me, I feel much better.

Someone originally arranged for Du Yu to take Du Yu for sightseeing at Stonemason Gate, but Du Yu pushed him away and he still preferred to walk around alone.

There were also many people looking at Du Yu with curious eyes, and Du Yu didn't care to let these people's eyes wander around him.

Nothing bad happened along the way, and most of the people in Stonemason Gate had good personalities. There were no bad people, and everyone was doing their part. Along the way, I felt that the people in Stonemason Gate got along well with each other, and there was no intrigue outside.

Back in the secret room, the spiritual weapon had been repaired. Pangu, a white-haired old man, took the spiritual weapon in his hand and observed it carefully.

Suddenly he turned sideways and whispered to Du Yu that there was something wrong with the spiritual weapon.

Du Yu's expression changed when he heard this.

"What's going on?" Du Yu said using his spiritual consciousness.

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