The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2394 Encirclement and Suppression of Lord Believers

After appeasing the spirit.

Someone has already walked in: "Master, everything has been arranged. The various sects are now ready and waiting for us. Look..."

When Du Yu heard this, he knew that now it was his turn to take the lead.

He led those who were willing to join him to encircle and suppress the believers of the Lord.

Let these believers disappear completely from their world.

Du Yu touched Zun Ling's hair: "Okay, Zun Ling, I have something to do next, so I can't chat with you anymore. You stay at home and wait for me to come back."

When he heard the word home, Zun Ling's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

A few nodded shyly: "Yeah, okay."

When Du Yu saw this, he couldn't help but have a flash of affection in his eyes.

However, now was not the best time to flirt, so he could only suppress the unbridled thoughts that had just arisen.

There will be plenty of time when I come back.

Just her head and hair, he gently touched her again: "Okay, I'll leave first."

Zun Ling looked at his back, hesitating to speak, and finally stopped him: "Du Yu."

"Huh?" Du Yu turned around.

"You must not get into trouble, and you must come back safely." Zun Ling said with a bit of coquettishness and a bit of command, and the worry was self-evident.

Du Yu felt another indescribable feeling in his heart.

He looked at her seriously and said seriously: "Don't worry, I will come back safely. Since I promised you, I will definitely do it."

Zunling was relieved and even smiled with relief: "Yeah, I believe you."

Du Yu said his final goodbyes to her before turning around and leaving.

Zun Ling looked at his back, thoughtfully.

Chi Lian Zhenshen stepped forward to comfort him: "Okay, don't worry. What kind of person is Du Yu? Those believers of the other party must not do anything to him. He will definitely come back safely. Don't worry."

Hearing this, Zun Ling shook his head: "That's not what I'm worried about now."

"Then you..." Why are you looking so worried?

Chi Lian Zhenshen didn't say the next words.

Zun Ling seemed to understand what he meant and explained first: "That's it. I just think that Du Yu and the others have something to do, and we can't hold them back. I want to take advantage of this time to help them do something." thing."

After hearing this, Chi Lianzhenshen tilted his head slightly, feeling puzzled for a moment.

Zunling quickly explained: "Aren't there still some sects that haven't arrived? We can continue to help recruit these sects. Moreover, a lot of people have been kidnapped from those three sects. Plus their leaders, we must be physically and mentally exhausted." All tired.

Since they are already our allies, we should also help, just as broadening Du Yu's network. If this continues, his reputation will also improve. "

Zun Ling was really thinking about Du Yu in everything, so he thought of this.

After hearing this, Chi Lian Zhen Shen also felt that this was the truth. He touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "Yeah, you are right. We have nothing to do. We can still do this little thing."

Seeing that he agreed with his opinion, Zunling was very happy: "Okay, let's take some people and set off now."

Chi Lian Zhen Shen has no objection.

On the other side, Du Yu, who has led many people from the sect, is already on the front line.

"Kill, leave no one who dominates the believers!" Du Yu shouted loudly while sitting on a majestic horse.

The morale of the people behind was also high.

In order to set an example for them, Du Yu was even the first to rush forward.

Moreover, his attacks were very clean, cruel and fierce, and one strike could kill a person.

The people behind him saw that he was so majestic and unstoppable, and their morale was boosted. Soon, they rushed over with their own troops and started fighting with the believers.

Unfortunately, these people were unprepared and were no match for them. In the end, they were beaten to a pulp.

Some died, some escaped.

Du Yu's victory also came to an end.

He went back without stopping, wanting to tell the good news to the spirit.

Who knew that when he returned, he would get news about the disappearance of a respected spirit.

"What did you say?" He stared at the disciple coldly.

"Du, Head Du, this is not our fault. It was Elder Zunling who went out on her own. She didn't come back. We also looked for her, but we never found her. We don't know what to do?" The disciple didn't want it. implicated.

"Tell me the whole story." Du Yu only ordered coldly.

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