Du Yu felt that this was really a case of giving someone a taste of his own medicine. Now there was just such a suitable opportunity in front of him, so why didn't he make good use of it?

So he quickly pointed this clue to the guy next to him and showed him a very mysterious smile.

He almost couldn't hold back and revealed his true thoughts.

However, at this moment, Hei Longhu Neng suddenly became silent, because he found that Du Yu's words revealed some meaning of treating him as a tool.

In just such a moment, his heart began to become cold.

But he had no other choice, so he could only reluctantly accept the setting given to him by Du Yu, and then slowly left with this pressure.

"Are you still complaining here? I tell you, you come here to be my tool, it is definitely a blessing you have cultivated for eight lifetimes."

"Just be content, and if you don't want to be a tool, it's not impossible. I can make you go to see the King of Hell in a minute, do you believe it?"

Du Yu was so angry that he was speechless.

Then he told Black Dragon Tiger all his thoughts directly and truthfully, and the woman next to him couldn't stand it.

It can be said that there is no acquaintance without fighting. According to the exchange just now, she gradually liked communicating with Black Tiger.

He has treated it as his own pet and does not allow Du Yu to slander it.

Immediately yelled at Du Yu and said, "I find that you are really getting more and more aggressive. Can you have a little love for animals? Besides, we will need them next time."

Du Yu closed his mouth with no hope in life.

He just pointed fingers at the woman from behind, and even wanted to kick her directly, turning her upside down.

"If I hadn't saved your life just now, you would have been eaten by this family. Do you know who healed your injuries and who gave you the power? I didn't expect you to be a traitor."

Of course, if this woman was not useful at the moment, Du Yu really didn't bother to pay attention to her, and didn't want to talk to her so much.

In short, everyone had all kinds of thoughts.

Suddenly, the woman seemed to have thought of something and stopped.

Then she looked at Du Yu with a very frightened look, and said without thinking: "No, absolutely not, how could I forget such an important thing, we must not let this black dragon tiger go with us!"

The woman said this at the critical moment.

Because of him, everyone stopped, and even Du Yu showed a bit of incomprehension, watching her get angry at the critical moment.

But she objected strongly.

Du Yu's men thought that the woman was too narrow-minded.

The phantom figure created by Du Yu's weapon could actually make some comments to Du Yu here.

The woman was confused. She rolled her eyes and then pulled Du Yu to the side.

"I think I can only say something in front of you now. Do you think so too? Do you think I am such a narrow-minded person?"

"I tell you that guy is not as simple as you think. Maybe he just puts on a pitiful look, but in fact he is full of bad water."

"I just kindly remind you. If you don't want to listen, forget it. Anyway, I won't go with you. Even if there are all kinds of treasures hidden there, I won't take a second look."

The woman argued that the black dragon tiger might betray them and lead them into the deep forest to besiege.

And for a cold-blooded team like them, what kind of sincerity do you think they will entrust to everyone?

The most crucial and ridiculous point is that Du Yu was still foolish enough to believe in a cold-blooded animal. He thought that Du Yu's brain must have been eaten by the animal.

The people around him secretly mocked him, speaking in a high-sounding manner.

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