Du Yu didn't need the other party to explain to him how dangerous this mission was. He only needed to provide them with the most powerful information to help them pass it completely.

And get this rare treasure. It is said that there are many rare treasures with spiritual energy hidden in this dangerous place.

The reason why Du Yu didn't take much when he came in just now was because those things were completely inconsistent with his temperament and made him sneer.

Otherwise, how could he be so kind and leave such a good opportunity to a woman.

Only the woman next to him foolishly thought that he was the sun rising from the west and left him such a good treasure. Du Yu was almost too lazy to pay attention to him.

It can be clearly felt that when Du Yu said this, the people next to him began to remain silent.

The woman next to him began to think about Long Yancao quietly.

Even without knowing it, he actually came to the side of the black dragon tiger quietly.

Approaching the black dragon tiger.

The black tiger was still walking high in front, and from time to time he noticed that this woman came to him with a nervous look.

He could sense that he was avoiding Du Yu intentionally or unintentionally, which caused him some unnecessary suspicion. He couldn't stand it anymore and said to her: "What are you doing?"

"I think you might as well say it directly if you have anything to say. There's no need to dither here, which makes me nervous."

The black dragon tiger is a cold-blooded animal that holds grudges.

The woman's disdain for him just now still echoes in his mind. Otherwise, he wouldn't have become Du Yu's spirit beast, wanting to do something but not daring to do it.

But in order to save his life, he could only carefully hide the thoughts in his heart, but he was embarrassed to express them directly.

The woman smiled happily, looked expectant, rubbed her hands, and then slowly came to the side of the black dragon tiger.

"Hey, let's talk about it. Don't be anxious. Look at your excitement. I don't know what to say." The woman's eyes were still a little erratic.

When he said this, he could clearly feel the meaning behind his words. Du Yu was here, trying to find out the way ahead.

So he had no time to deal with them, so this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

And he asked Heilonghu for the specific information about Longyancao.

"Just tell me, I will never tell Du Yu. If I get it, how about we just split it into 70% and 30%?" The woman kept pestering this guy.

Hoping to get some useful information from his stiff mouth.

It can be felt that his attitude is very persistent, and he is unwilling to give up in a short while.

But it is obvious that Heilonghu remembered the woman's previous malice towards him and was indifferent to her.

He proudly lifted his tail and kept walking freely and unrestrainedly in front of him. He had no extra opinions about him from beginning to end, and looked at him coldly.

This directly made the woman angry and slowly clenched her fist, and punched Heilonghu's back hard.

His strength was enough to break the ribs of a black dragon tiger. Fortunately, the black dragon tiger's cultivation was still powerful, and his level was at this level.

Not just anyone could beat him, but he was also scared and screamed immediately.

Du Yu certainly noticed the situation here, and immediately stole an impatient look.

He paid attention to this aspect, and expressed his incomprehension of her behavior, frowned and said: "What are you doing?"

"Don't you know that the black dragon tiger has been completely taken in by me as a spirit beast? If you bully him, it means that you are bullying me, and it can be reflected on me."

Du Yu frowned, his face full of impatient tone, he wished he could just throw this woman to the wilderness and let her fend for herself.

Every time he did this kind of weird operation, he wondered if this guy had ulterior motives.

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