The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 804 Hidden Development

Under Du Yu's order, members of the Heavenly Punishment Organization dispatched one after another to kill the group of people who were coming.

Although these foreign aids who arrived all have a common goal, it is still impossible for them to unite together. The relationship between those forces is not good. If it were not for the emergency, many of them would be able to They started fighting each other on the spot.

This also gave Feng Qingyang and Tiedou the opportunity to take action. At this moment, the number of members of the Scourge far exceeded them several times. Even if the members were divided into two groups, they were still far ahead of the support. force.

Before the war started, the forces behind them actually had no idea how strong the Heavenly Punishment Organization was, so there were no peak half-step Heavenly Dao Saints to lead the formation, but they were only led by some lower-level Half-Step Heavenly Dao Saints, which were not as numerous as the Evil Soul Battlefield. Half the power here.

Although the power behind them was far more than this, they thought that this power was almost enough, so they did not send more power, which resulted in these people simply coming to deliver food.

Feng Qingyang and the others captured them all without spending much power at all. After killing some die-hards, they assimilated all the others into members of the Heavenly Scourge. Du Yu had the power to plant a mark on others' souls. Means, the development speed of the Divine Punishment Organization simply cannot be too fast.

It didn't take long for Heavenly Punishment to gain many good players again. Now Du Yu's power is much stronger than many forces in the first half of the Holy Road. It can be said that he has stepped into the peak of the first half of the Holy Road. middle.

It’s just that the Heavenly Punishment is still unknown now. Although it is powerful, not many forces really know that it is not the time to expose the Heavenly Punishment organization. He is not in a hurry to expose the Heavenly Punishment organization and make a fortune in silence. The truth was clear to Du Yu.

After he assimilates all the forces behind these seven forces, the Heavenly Punishment will truly be full-fledged and able to meet the challenge. As for now, the Heavenly Punishment is still far away.

Du Yu also selected a fairly good person from among the seven newly recruited slaves, and then assigned them a task. After promising them control of their respective forces, Du Yu was not worried that these people would be undercover. Yang violation.

The reason why they work so hard is to climb higher. Although this is almost a dangerous thing going deep into the enemy camp, their advantage is that they are not exposed, and they only need to pay a not particularly high price. How much they don't appreciate being able to gain control that is so elusive.

Compared with what they gained, the dangers they encountered were simply pitiful.

Du Yu, who has a thorough study of these people's human nature, has many ways to make them work hard for themselves. Under the double blow of temptation and life threats, it is impossible for them not to work hard.

After all this group of people were sent back, Du Yu finally found time to reorganize his forces. The first step was to select all kinds of available talents. This was something that Tie Shou, who had been in the evil soul battlefield all year round, could do well.

As the former boss of Evil Soul Battlefield, the other seven forces have all targeted the Iron Hand Gang. Iron Hand naturally has a deep understanding of these imaginary enemies of his. He can basically see at a glance what talents the other party has available. It is also easy to recruit any personnel who need to be promoted.

He soon promoted a group of middle and high-level cadres with Feng Qingyang. These people were at the top level in the Tiansheng organization in terms of strength and wisdom. Although they were not as good as Zhuge Liang and others, they were at least at the top level. At present, it is enough to support the Divine Punishment Organization.

After Du Yu saw these people, he didn't interfere too much in these matters. After all, he didn't know much. Interfering at will may not only have counter-effects, but may also cause Tie Shou to feel chilled.

At least until he finds someone more suitable for this aspect, Iron Hand is still of great use to him.

When this batch of dark children that Du Yu planned to release returned, he sent them out in order of their arrival. This could greatly reduce the probability of their exposure. By then, they would be cooperating with each other. It is not difficult to slowly erode away the respective forces.

Although this time will not be too short, Du Yu doesn't care. The development speed of the Divine Punishment Organization can be said to be too fast. It needs a period of hard work, otherwise it is very likely to become a thorn in the eyes of other forces. Du Yu is currently I don't expect things to get that bad yet.

Although he is not afraid of enemies, he does not hope that he will become enemies all over the world so quickly. That would be very detrimental to the development of Divine Punishment. It might also attract the attention of the forces in the second half of the Holy Road. Then he will make enemies. A saint of heaven.

The Evil Soldier's Ghost Eye only amplifies the opponent's anger a thousand times, causing the opponent to go berserk. Du Yu's current strength is not enough to use the Evil Soldier's Ghost Eye to exert too much lethality.

Therefore, if the true form of the Heavenly Saint comes, Du Yu will have no other choice but to escape.

After arranging everything, the remaining members of the Heavenly Punishment Organization were dispersed and assigned to various places in the Evil Soul Battlefield, looking for special beings to hunt and kill, and to obtain a large number of magic weapons to enhance their own strength.

And those forces, because of the return of personnel and the shock of the false reports, did not dare to trouble the Heavenly Scourge, and even took the initiative to suppress the embarrassing things that happened in the Evil Soul Battlefield. This also gave the Heavenly Scourge no chance to be exposed. go out.

It is considered to be in line with Du Yu's wishes. As long as these top forces in the first half of the Holy Road do not take the initiative to spread the news, can the information in the Evil Soul Battlefield be left to Du Yu's control? No one knows that the Evil Soul Battlefield has been unified, and those strong men who continue to enter the Evil Soul Battlefield are constantly being forcibly returned to the Heavenly Punishment.

Everything was developing towards a perfect situation according to Du Yu's calculation, and Du Yu also took this free opportunity to search the evil soul battlefield that was filled with a boundless sea of ​​blood.

The purpose of coming to the Holy Road is to find the traces of the Tongtian Cult Master. Du Yu did not do it specifically to develop his power. The Heavenly Punishment Organization was just established by Du Yu to facilitate his collection of information faster.

Although he is confident that he has the same potential as the Great Sage Tongtian, after all, times have changed. It is impossible for the Tongtian Sect to follow the same path now. Du Yu can only support him by establishing a powerful force. of unimpeded traffic.

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