The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 810 Supreme Rules Destruction Rules

Chapter 810 Supreme Rules—Rules of Destruction

Du Yu's eyes suddenly lit up. He didn't expect that power to come from these sword marks.

Since he also possesses the Zhuxian Sword Formation, it is not difficult for Du Yu to recognize that this is the terrifying destructive power caused by the Zhuxian Sword Formation. In this world of reincarnation, it is probably only possible to use the Zhuxian Sword Formation without relying on the Four Swords of Zhuxian. There is only the leader of Tongtian Cult, and these sword marks must have been left by him.

"Go over and have a look." Du Yu patted Du Long's body with a bit of excitement in his tone. Since he was not close, Du Yu didn't know what the power in the sword mark was, but if he could get it, he would The strength will inevitably skyrocket.

After receiving the order, Du Long roared and broke through the blood and rushed to the sword mark. With a burst of strength, he directly shook away the blood around him, completely revealing the sword mark. He didn't even bother to create a hole for Du Yu. It’s quite a space.

Being able to do this is thanks to the strength of its physical body, which allows it to avoid the mysterious corrosive power contained in the sea of ​​blood. Otherwise, even an intermediate heavenly saint would never be able to do it. At this point, it’s good to be able to guarantee that you won’t be eroded.

Du Yu landed next to the sword mark and frowned. At this moment, the power of the ten rules on his body has been operating to the extreme, but his power of these rules is still trembling slightly, as if he is afraid. So-so, even the gravity rules of the intermediate rules are not much better.

This is what happens when you encounter advanced rules!

A trace of disbelief flashed in Du Yu's eyes. Could it be that this sword mark contains the power of a rule?

The only thing that can make the middle-level rules tremble so much is the power of rules with a higher level than it. Therefore, what is contained in this sword mark is at least a high-level rule. However, in the Chaos Continent, Du Yu combined all the high-level rules. He understood all the rules of the order, but he had no impression of the power of the rules in this sword mark.

So now there is only one possibility. Thinking of this possibility, Du Yu's breathing couldn't help but become heavier, and his eyes looking at the sword mark became fiery.

What it contains is definitely the supreme rule that is comparable to the rules of time and space. He has been in the chaotic world for so long and has never been able to find a way to practice the supreme rule. He did not expect that there is now a ready-made one for him to understand.

Du Yu's breathing became a little heavier. If he could understand the supreme rules, even if he only had the power of the rules at the quasi-sage level, he would be able to make the saints of heaven shed a layer of skin.

He set his sights on the sword mark. The power of rules contained in this sword mark was full of terrifying corrosion and astonishing destructive power. Among the supreme rules he knew, there was only the legendary destruction. The rules fit this perfectly.

According to the legend of the year, Master Tongtian did understand this supreme rule, which meant that Du Yu was able to find a way to practice the rule of destruction from this sword mark.

The previous monster actually contained this power, but because it was suppressed by the thick resentful spirit, Du Yu didn't feel it so clearly. This can also explain clearly why Du Yu's The attack has no effect on the monster.

How can the supreme rule body protection be broken by him?

At least for now, it is simply impossible for Du Yu to break the supreme rules.

If the Evil Soldier Ghost Eye hadn't come into play and swallowed up all the resentful spirits in the monster's body, he would have had the only option to escape.

Du Yu didn't waste any more time and sat down cross-legged. After calming down his mood, he couldn't wait to start to understand.

The rule of destruction in this sword mark is still extremely powerful even after so many years. It is difficult to imagine to what stage the leader of Tongtian Cult realized this supreme rule.

After penetrating for about half an hour, Du Yu frowned slightly, as if he was too slow in his cultivation speed, and then jumped directly into the sword mark, just like his penetrating gold. It's just like the rules, but the power of the rules this time is not comparable to the rules of gold.

Even though the rule of destruction has weakened a lot with the passage of time, it is still very terrifying. Even with Du Yu's current body, there is still a danger of being obliterated.

However, although Du Yu was in great pain, he still resisted, but the level of pain made his face turn pale. Du Long on the side looked worried, but this was Du Yu's decision, and he couldn't do it at all. Prevent.

The painful reward is obviously very obvious. Not long after, the aura of the Rule of Destruction has emerged from his body, and he is still growing and becoming stronger. His penetration speed has increased by at least hundreds of times. Personal experience Only through the baptism of the Rule of Destruction can we understand the power of this rule more thoroughly.

It's just that the rules of destruction in this sword mark have weakened rapidly. It only supported Du Yu's practice for three days, but the rules of destruction in this sword mark have completely disappeared. This time, Du Yu's practice also made Du Yu The degree of understanding of the rules of destruction has reached the level of a tribulation-riding immortal.

Although it has almost no effect on Du Yu now, it is at least a start. Even if there is no other way, Du Yu can continue to change the rules of destruction as long as he continues to follow this path. powerful.

Du Yu looked at Du Long above his head, licked his lips and said, "Let's go to the next place."

Du Long naturally obeyed Du Yu absolutely and took Du Yu directly to the location of the next sword light. There were tens of thousands of sword lights attached with the rules of destruction. Du Yu had enough resources to improve his Rules of destruction.

It just so happens that the Heavenly Punishment organization also needs a period of continuous latent development. There is no problem for Du Yu to continue practicing now. When the name Heavenly Punishment appears on the Holy Road again, it will definitely shake the entire Holy Road. At that time, not only Du Yu's strength will be elevated to a whole new level, and the strength of the Divine Punishment Organization will also skyrocket.

At this moment, in the triangle of ghosts, Lan Feng in the Fengxing Weapon Shop looked at the information in his hand with a shocked look on his face. His eyes were full of horror. He said with some hesitation: "How can the golden scales be a thing in the pond? When encountering the storm, Changing Dragon, this holy road is completely unstoppable to Mr. Du."

He put down the information in his hand, took a deep breath and said: "Since he has this ability, it is natural to make good friends with him. The things I gave him before were not enough to impress this kid. It seems that I must increase my chips. .”

With that said, he stood up from the recliner and walked out of his office with his hands behind his back.

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