The sudden appearance of the scourge army really startled those forces who wanted to enter the city.

Their hearts were beating so fast that they could be heard even as they walked to the side, which showed how nervous they were at this moment.

But this time Du Yu didn't come to find them. The highest strength of these people was only half-step of the lower-level Heavenly Saints. Du Yu no longer looked down upon such strength. There were already several cadres like this in Heavenly Punishment. Hundreds of people.

He landed directly on the ground, with no intention of queuing up. He simply relied on his momentum to push the person standing motionless in front of him to the side.

Behind him were the siblings Lan Wenfeng and Lan Xiaoya, and then the army of scourges that fell neatly in order. The cadre in charge of intelligence trotted directly to the position half a step behind Du Yu. Shen He said to him: "Master, there are no rules in this transit city. Everything speaks with fists. The people of the Immortal Killing Sect are all hidden deep in the inner city. As long as the city does not suffer too much damage, they will not come out. Interference!"

Du Yu nodded, this management method is somewhat interesting, but it is also in line with the atmosphere of the Holy Road. After all, human life is the least valuable thing here.

This would not interfere with his actions. After thinking about it, he became a little more arrogant. The cold murderous intent was like a long knife, cutting hard. The violent murderous intent directly made the people in line give way. Don't dare to stay in front of Du Yu.

The road between Du Yu and the city gate was cleared in an instant. Because of the reputation of Heavenly Punishment, those who were forced aside simply dared to be angry and dare not speak out. After all, they could not afford to provoke Heavenly Punishment at all.

The cadre in charge of intelligence still reported behind Du Yu: "Master, at the moment, the three groups of advance troops are all in their respective branch compounds. Our people have been monitoring them outside since they entered. During this period, they No outings at all.”

The Scourge has been silent for three years. It is not only their power that has developed. At the same time, the intelligence network is the most proud thing. Because of the characteristics of the Scourge, they have a large number of loyal and trustworthy spies. With a little practice, they can directly On duty.

This allows the intelligence system of the Divine Punishment to still have considerable power in the second half of the Holy Road. Otherwise, there would be no way to know that there would be a big force behind this operation against the Divine Punishment.

It's just that the development time is still too short, otherwise even the Fengxing Chamber of Commerce behind it will be directly found out.

At this moment, this information was of great help to Du Yu, preventing him from running around like a headless fly.

Du Yu nodded. With his hands behind his back, he strode towards the transit city. He simply ignored the gazes around him. He had seen too many of the various gazes around him, either with fear or disgust. Almost everywhere he walked, as long as he Du Yu has long been used to seeing people who are not in the same camp as him looking at him like this.

Lan Wenfeng and Lan Xiaoya were not as calm as Du Yu. They still couldn't bear the malicious looks from around them. They almost always lowered their heads and followed Du Yu closely. It is not a good experience for them to be looked at by powerful people.

Du Yu didn't help them. If they wanted to grow, they had to bear the past on their own. Since he had agreed to let them train with him, Du Yu would naturally not fool them.

Naturally, the army of scourges at the rear would not be afraid of such looks. Faced with the malicious looks from around them, they directly imitated Du Yu's example and used murderous intent to force them forward, forcing the other party to look away before giving up. They themselves were The people who crawled out from the pile of dead people would have been extremely arrogant at this moment if it hadn't been for their encounter with Du Yu.

Even though he is a little more restrained than before because of the rules of the Heavenly Punishment, the previous violent temper still exists.

A group of people marched into the city. The faces of the soldiers at the city gate were still ordinary. Even though the aura on Du Yu's body was very terrifying and there was a large army following him, they seemed to have not seen it and said coldly: "The number of people is 237,841, and the total cost is thirty Great Saint-level demon power crystals or treasures of equivalent value."

Du Yu didn't care about these soldiers because he knew that these things were not real people, but some kind of puppet type magic soldiers. There was no point in arguing with them, and he also wanted to provoke the Immortal Killing Sect behind them.

He directly threw thirty Great Saint-level demonic power crystals over. With his current wealth, this price was nothing at all, but he was still a little stunned. This was just the entrance fee. They didn't count their heads when they entered. It's the package fee. Even so, it requires thirty Great Saint-level demon power crystals.

What a huge profit this is. Many businessmen pass by the two places every day, and the number of people entering the city every day is astonishing. What a huge fortune this will be in the long run!

After Du Yu took a deep look at the obscure auras deep in the transit city, he led his people directly into the transit city.

This city was built so huge that even though more than 200,000 people from the Divine Punishment Army entered it, they still felt very small the moment they entered the city. It was at least the size of ten evil soul battlefields, and the densely packed buildings made people feel like they were on their own. Came into a special ocean.

Even though Du Yu had seen countless big scenes, he felt a little shocked at this moment. In the distance of the city, seemingly in the center, a huge purple light pillar soared into the sky. Even though there were countless distances apart, that purple light pillar Still dozens of meters wide.

You can imagine how huge this light pillar will be when you get closer. This is the second half of the holy road. This world is far more shocking than Du Yu wants!

After a long time, Du Yu came out of the shock. He looked at the sighing cadres behind him and said, "Let's go, you lead the way. We will go directly to ransack the house. Starting from those three forces, anyone who wants to attack us will Yes, don’t spare any of their branches.”

The cadre in charge of intelligence nodded respectfully, and then ran neatly, leading the way without a moment's delay.

This is a blitzkrieg. They want to capture all those forces before they have time to react and before they can pack up their things and run away.

The transit city will definitely be shaken by Du Yu's actions today. After all, Du Yu has to deal with more than a dozen forces!

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