The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 848 Lan Feng’s shock

Feng Qingyang did not dare to be careless. He knew that after they obtained the Soul Restoration Grass in the future, the former grandmaster would regain his strength.

Maybe it would be possible to get one level closer and step into the realm of super power. He would not dare to disrespect such existences.

He saluted Lan Feng and said, "I have met senior Lan Feng."

The middle-level Tiandao saints behind him kept such a low profile when they saw Feng Qingyang. Although they were very disdainful to the old man above who was only a junior Tiandao saint, they did not put on airs and followed Feng Qingyang in salute.

Although there may not be much sincerity, with their strength, it is enough to achieve this level.

Lan Feng was stunned by the sudden respect from Feng Qingyang and the others. He didn't remember that he knew these people. Although he also had evil demon cultivator friends, after his strength declined, they no longer treated him with such respect. .

Although his strength has dropped a lot, his eyesight is still there. He can clearly see the strength of this group of people. There is not a single weak person in the whole field, and those in the back are even middle-level heavenly saints, who are stronger than him now.

But he didn't reach out to hit the smiling person. The other person was already like this, so he couldn't continue to keep a cold face. He was not qualified to act like that now. Lan Feng was not stupid and would not put on airs because of the other person's attitude.

Although he didn't know where the other party came from, his expression softened a bit and he said, "Everyone, please come up. I'll treat you well."

Feng Qingyang smiled slightly, then cupped his hands and said, "Then don't bother senior Lan Feng."

After saying that, he led a group of people directly into the Fengxing Weapon Shop. As the former heir of a large force, he was also very good at communication. If it weren't for the original frame-up, he would now have some reputation in the reincarnation world. .

Of course, he is doing well now. The reputation of Divine Punishment is not limited to the Holy Road. In just three years, he has captured the entire first half of the Holy Road and has brought Divine Punishment into the eyes of many big forces. Before adding The strength of Divine Punishment has been demonstrated. At this moment, their limelight is louder than many forces in the second half of the Holy Road.

As the second-in-command of the Heavenly Punishment, his status is not much worse than before.

Lan Feng quickly ushered a group of people into the living room. When Feng Qingyang and the others came up, the refreshments had been prepared. Although Lan Feng didn't know the purpose of Feng Qingyang and others, basic etiquette was still required. of.

And for some reason, he had a vague hunch that these people were probably Du Yu's men. Although this was a bit unbelievable, he had such a hunch.

"Senior Lan Feng, I am Feng Qingyang from the Heavenly Punishment Organization. I wonder if you have heard of my name?" Feng Qingyang said with a smile. Although he was bald and looked extremely tough, Feng Qingyang still showed his strength. There was a sense of elegance in his body. This feeling was very strange, but it did not make people feel uncomfortable.

Lan Feng was also stimulated by this huge contrast and glanced at Feng Qingyang a few more times. He coughed a few times and said, "Is it the influence created by that boy Du Yu?"

Feng Qingyang nodded, and Lan Feng raised his eyebrows slightly. He was a little surprised that Du Yu could recruit so many followers of the Heavenly Saint in such a short period of time. After his power drained away most of the supplies last time, he was a little surprised. He has been suppressed miserably by Stanford, and even those in the neutral camp are extremely dissatisfied with his actions.

He was almost squeezed out of the Fengxing Chamber of Commerce. If it weren't for the fact that there were several middle-level Tiandao saints in his lineage, someone might have come to investigate.

Therefore, he has no idea at all about what happened in the Holy Road. He has no idea how far the Heavenly Punishment has developed. His understanding of the Heavenly Punishment only stops at the last time he won the Evil Soul Battlefield.

Now it seems that Du Yu's development has far exceeded his expectation. If he saw it correctly, the seven following Feng Qingyang should all be middle-level Tiandao saints. Even his men When Pulse's strength was at its peak, there had never been so many powerful people.

"Do you need my help with anything when you come this time?" Lan Feng said with slightly narrowed eyes. In such a short time, he had roughly guessed what Feng Qingyang and the others meant. I'm afraid they came to borrow his power. In other words, he needs to borrow the power of the Fengxing Chamber of Commerce behind him.

As for the fact that the Fengxing Chamber of Commerce behind him was able to do things, it was probably a business problem, but he didn't understand Du Yu's purpose. Could it be that Du Yu wanted to develop business?

"Haha, it's like this. Our master wants to cooperate with you! He asked you if you are interested in making a big deal!" Feng Qingyang said with a smile. This was indeed what Du Yu specifically told him and Lan Feng to say. if.

Lan Feng's eyes became more serious, and he had to take what Du Yu said seriously. Although in the last information he got, Du Yu was only half a step above the peak of the Heavenly Saint's strength, and less than ten years had passed. That's all, but he didn't dare to underestimate Du Yu at all. No matter what strength Du Yu was at the moment, since he already had so many powerful subordinates, it meant that the other party was already on an equal footing with him.

And what such a person said was a big deal, how could it be a small one? Lan Feng's breathing became heavier without realizing it.

"How big is it?" Lan Feng subconsciously lowered his voice and said.

Feng Qingyang knew that the other party was interested. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said with both hands: "It's bigger than you imagine, including all the forces in the world of reincarnation!"

Lan Feng suddenly took a breath of cold air, the other party really dared to say that!

Even the Immortal Killing Sect, ranked number one in the world of reincarnation, dare not say this, nor do they have the ability to say this. Lan Feng can't think of anything that can involve the forces of the entire world of reincarnation.

He asked a little suspiciously: "Where did Du Yu get his confidence?"

Feng Qingyang's expression became serious. He gestured to the seven mid-level Heavenly Saints behind him. The seven of them took action at the same time, placing heavy restrictions and directly covering the entire room. Even if they were super powerful, It was absolutely impossible to overhear the conversation inside without alerting them.

Looking at the battle, Lan Feng also knew the seriousness of the matter. He did not expect that the other party called seven intermediate heavenly saints just to prevent the conversation from being overheard.

Feng Qingyang said seriously: "I hope that Senior Lan Feng can swear on your own inner demons that our subsequent conversations will never be leaked."

Lan Feng naturally knew the importance of this point, and without any hesitation, he directly swore an oath on his inner demons. If he violated his oath, his inner demons would definitely come in the future, and he would be beyond redemption.

After Lan Feng finished everything, Feng Qingyang carefully took out a rune that exuded a strong aura of destruction from his storage space.

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