Nangong Qin's appearance made Du Yu couldn't help laughing, and Nangong Qin couldn't help but pinch the soft flesh around his waist.

Of course, Nangong Qin couldn't bear to pinch hard. Even if he knew that even if he was stronger, Du Yu might not be in trouble, Nangong Qin still couldn't bear to pinch him harshly.

But Du Yu didn't dare to laugh anymore. After all, he couldn't bear to see Nangong Qin's hair blowing, although he was also very curious about Nangong Qin's hair blowing.

Du Yu took Nangong Qin and walked out of his room directly. Because the room was sealed, Lan Feng could guess the reason, so he specially arranged two men to wait at the door, waiting for Du Yu to come out. Du Yu can be notified immediately.

So when the two of them just walked out of the room, they saw two senior executives of Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce standing upright, looking at him nervously.

Although the opponent was a first-level Tiandao saint, when facing Du Yu, he still stuttered a bit when speaking. He was obviously nervous. Du Yu didn't care and waited patiently for the person to finish speaking.

From the other party's stammering tone, Du Yu finally understood why Lan Feng made such an arrangement.

He actually completely forgot about Du Long. Du Yu and Nangong Qin felt deep guilt at the same time. Just when they were living in the world of two, poor Du Long was on the verge of life and death.

Otherwise, Lan Feng would not have arranged for people to go directly to Du Yu's door. If Du Yu's room was not sealed by a barrier, they would not be able to open it at all.

Lan Feng considered whether to open Du Yu's door directly. Du Long's condition was really worrying, and they were about to give up on rescuing Du Long.

After listening to the man's words, Du Yu took Nangong Qin's hand and found Du Long's position with a sweep of his majestic consciousness. Then the next moment, he and Nangong Qin came to Du Long's side.

Lan Feng and others also gathered around Du Long's huge body, studying Du Long's wounds caused by Du Yu with a sullen expression.

Even with their abilities, they could only stare at the wounds in the dark in a daze. They had done their best to be able to delay it for so long.

At this moment, Du Long was under the care of Lan Feng and others, and he could barely breathe, because the wound could not heal. Even if Lan Feng and the others tried their best, it would not help at all. The only thing they could do was to let Du Long's wound heal. It won't get worse.

After all, Du Long's body is not an ordinary body. Coupled with the special power of Du Yu's magic weapon, the injuries he caused, except for himself, unless he can be more than three times stronger than Du Yu, can the power in the wounds be absorbed. Suppress it, otherwise it will just hang like this.

When Du Yu appeared, Lan Feng and others were obviously relieved. They quickly saluted Du Yu respectfully, and then Lan Feng handed Du Long into Du Yu's hands with some shame.

"Master, I have really tried my best. No matter what method I use to suppress the wounds on its body," Lan Feng said in a low voice. The difficulty of that force made him doubt life. As the top masters of casting magic weapons, they are also very good at dealing with the damage caused by such magic weapons. In the past, they often took care of treating the wounds caused by magic weapons, but this time Du Yu's magic weapon was too powerful. Too overbearing, there is nothing they can do.

This made them deeply feel their own shortcomings. After all, they didn't know what the power was and what its attributes were.

Looking at their looks, Du Yu could also feel their depression. Du Yu waved his hands and comforted: "It's okay. The Demon Killer has mutated due to absorbing the Divine Weapon Tribulation, and even I have the power. I can’t feel it clearly.”

He knew very well what was going on in Killing Demons. I am afraid that it was not only the reason for the divine weapon calamity, but also the power of will in his left eye. Otherwise, there would not have been such a terrible change. Otherwise, even if he absorbed the divine weapon, Bing Jie, but Du Long's body was carefully tempered by him, how could it be so unbearable.

But even he couldn't figure out what was going on, so naturally he wouldn't say anything about it.

On the contrary, Lan Feng was stunned for a moment before he realized. He knew that Zhu Mo was the name Du Yu gave to the magic weapon. After hearing that it was due to the mutation caused by the magic weapon's calamity, this kind of power that he could not solve was born. Lan Feng felt a little better, but this also opened up his and a group of masters of the magic weapon forging ideas for using the magic weapon tribulation.

Of course, those are the things that happened later. Although he was feeling better at the moment, he was still a little depressed. Of course, he would still do what he should do. Lan Feng ran to Du Long's side and pointed at Du Long's An unusually ferocious wound that occupies almost two-thirds of the body said: "Master, that power has been corroding the wound. It was not so big originally, but it became so terrifying because of the subsequent deterioration. With Du Long's His powerful body has been corroded like this, and this power is too overbearing."

Lan Feng said with some lingering fear, if he was injured like this, even if he didn't die on the spot, he would definitely not be able to last long, and he would almost be dead with almost a wound.

A few days ago, Du Long still had some consciousness and had not fainted. Who would have expected that in just a few days, the other party would have to fall into a deep sleep and resist the power with all his strength. Lan Feng had never seen such a domineering and evil weapon in his life. Pass.

Du Yu was also a little surprised. This gave him some understanding of his magical weapon, but he did not dare to delay it. Du Long was almost on the verge of life and death. If he came out later, I am afraid that this physical body It was just useless. This was a body that he had spent a lot of effort to create. Du Yu didn't want to just lose it.

He reached out and attached his hand to Du Long's wound, pulling out the power lingering in it, and then flicked one of his blood essence into Du Long's body.

The originally very hideous wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few breaths, it was completely restored to its original state. Du Long's physical body was originally related to Du Yu's power. At this moment, it contained Du Yu's extreme power. The essence and blood of pure power is absolutely a panacea for Du Long.

Not only has all its injuries been healed, but it has also improved a lot.

The physical injury improved, and Du Long also woke up. Seeing Du Yu in front of him, Du Long couldn't help but wrap his arms around Du Yu affectionately, and growled like a coquettish person: "Master, you're okay!"

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