The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 916 I just don’t like you

Du Yu knew Feng Qingyang's worries, which made him very satisfied.

Because this also shows that Feng Qingyang is loyal to him and will not do anything beyond him. This is a good thing. Although it is easy for others to take advantage of this because of some things, Du Yu doesn't care. Anyway, The entire world of reincarnation is about to belong to him now, and the people in the entire world of reincarnation are about to be imprinted with their souls by him.

How could he be worried that someone still had other feelings for him? After all, he can easily control the life and death of those people with just one thought. If he makes a thought, the entire world of reincarnation will turn into a realm of death.

Under such circumstances, who dares to resist him, and who dares to have any dissatisfaction with him?

Du Yu was even more thorough than what Master Tongtian did back then. Master Tongtian relied on his tremendous fighting power to leave a great reputation in the world of reincarnation and carved a holy path in the world of reincarnation.

And he relied on his own ability to directly conquer the entire world of reincarnation, which was even more terrifying than the leader of Tongtian.

Du Yu put his hands behind his back and looked at the Wendao Academy in front of him. Because of his arrival, there was obviously an uproar on the other side. The three Supreme Deans of the Wendao Academy, surrounded by a group of powerful masters, walked towards Du Yu Opposite him, he was faintly confronting him, as if he was on an equal footing with Du Yu.

Du Yu didn't care about the other party's behavior. He just looked calm and wanted to see what trouble the other party wanted to cause him.

Huang Feng was obviously not the leader across from him. He was almost at the end of the three people. Standing at the front was the oldest dean of the Wenwen Academy. He narrowed his eyes slightly and had a look on his face. With a polite smile, he obviously got the confidence from nowhere, and he was still able to keep his face straight when facing countless strong men on Du Yu's side.

Even Du Yu became slightly wary, wondering what trump card the other party had obtained.

The supreme dean opposite was the first to speak. His voice was a little false, and he asked with a stern face: "Master Du, I don't know that you are leading people around us to ask what is going on in the academy? Do you even think we are connected with the world?" Is Wu Zhengwen Academy intolerable, or are we asking Academy to interfere with your path?"

Du Yu was a little surprised when he looked at the opponent who seemed to have a winning chance. Could it be that this person thought he was a good person? Or does he think that the banner of Dawen Academy can still be used here?

Before Du Yu could speak, Huang Feng behind the man couldn't hold back anymore. He looked at the mature aura of Nangong Qin standing behind Du Yu and understood that Nangong Qin must have had a relationship with Du Yu. , which made him feel uncomfortable for a while.

Huang Feng said with a somewhat resentful tone: "Tsk, I think it's Du Yu who wants all of us to become his dogs? Do you really think that you can make this reincarnation world named Du?"

When he said these words, many people on Tiansheng felt unhappy, especially those Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. They frowned directly, and the faint pressure moved directly towards Huang Feng.

Du Yu can say this, but it is definitely not what Huang Feng can say for a person like Huang Feng who is not even ranked among the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals. There are nearly forty Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals on Tiansun's side, including There were five of them at the intermediate level, and now they were targeting one person. Even though Huang Feng was not weak, he still looked pale and closed his mouth.

"I'm sorry, I just want this reincarnation world to be named Du, and I also believe in one truth, that is, kill all those who don't agree, so that the rest will all obey me." Du Yu's mouth showed a hint of coldness He said with a smile and a somewhat solemn tone.

He has been implementing simple and crude principles from the beginning, but no one has ever taken him seriously. Du Yu has never been a soft-hearted person until now.

The eldest Supreme Dean, Huang Feng's interruption, made his face look ugly.

Despite his nature, he couldn't help but secretly curse the idiot in his heart. After all, the current situation is stronger than others. After Du Yu said this, it would be difficult for him to end it. But now that he is on a united front after all, he doesn't want to. Dare to offend Huang Feng too much, after all, they only have three Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian left now. If one of them is eliminated, their strength will drop by one-third.

He did not dare to continue to show off, and quickly glared at Huang Feng, who was already unable to move. After being manipulated by Huang Feng, they fell into a disadvantage. The Supreme Dean said with a smile: "Master Du, we I don’t mean to start a fight with you, it’s just that our Wenwen Academy has always had no intention of participating in things in the world of reincarnation, so I don’t know why they want to embarrass our Wenwen Academy this time?”

His words completely removed him from this incident. If someone who didn't know about it saw it, they might really think that Du Yu was trying to embarrass the school.

This is exactly what the Supreme Dean had in mind. He wanted to invisibly discredit Tianshu. He was very jealous of Tianshu's current power and wished he could call Du Yu's identity.

However, he also knew that this was unrealistic, so he always wanted to discredit Du Yu. Unfortunately, he did not know that in the reincarnation world, they were the only ones left who had not been imprinted with soul marks.

Therefore, the plan he had in mind would never be realized. After all, after being planted with soul marks, no matter how bold they were, they did not dare to criticize their master.

Du Yu sneered, and before he could speak, Feng Qingyang couldn't help but taunted him: "Are you asking whether the school is independent of the world? Then I would like to ask what is going on with those people behind you? Is it possible? I wonder if the school is still taking care of the responsibilities of the shelter now?"

Feng Qingyang's words were very unpleasant, but the Supreme Dean opposite him was unmoved after all, because he had a strong government. He just said calmly: "They just want to join the Taoist Academy. They are willing to become the Taoist Academy." As a member of the CCP, do you even have to take care of this little bit of divine punishment? Not even the Immortal Slayer Sect would intervene like this at the beginning."

Feng Qingyang was just about to get angry, but the other side actually used "Zhan Xian" to ridicule them. It must be that they didn't know that Zhan Xian Sect was also easily taken down in their hands. How could the current strength of Tianshuo be comparable to that of Zhan Xian Sect? Even if it was once When Donghuang was still there, it was absolutely impossible to compete with the current Heavenly Scourge.

At least among the forces recorded in the world of reincarnation, Divine Punishment is already the most powerful.

Du Yu raised his hand to stop Feng Qingyang from continuing to argue with him. He smiled and looked at the Supreme Dean and said, "What? I don't like you, so I want to teach you a lesson."

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