However, Du Yu's threat was not groundless. The environment in the world of reincarnation is indeed very suitable for training people.

If the people here are just regarded as monsters in the dungeon, it is a very suitable place for training soldiers or training younger generations. The original ancient demon clan may not have had such thoughts. After he left, they would reincarnate in the world. Against an opponent of the Demon God King's level, there was no one strong enough to compete with him.

There is no suspense about winning or losing. These people sitting here are all powerful people in the world of reincarnation. Many of them are overlords and have great reputations in the world of reincarnation. Although they know that Du Yu's words may not be 100% true. But one thing is absolutely certain, and that is the greed of the human heart.

To be fair, if they accidentally discovered a secret realm, a group of people would definitely swarm there. No matter how many resources there were, it would definitely be right to divide them up first.

In other words, the previous Demon King was a visitor from the outside, and he may not have come alone. Do you mean that he did not have any support behind him?

Such luck will never happen to them. If they do nothing, death will definitely be waiting for them.

Just one Demon King had left them in such a mess before. If there were a few more, the consequences would be very serious. Moreover, this worry was not just a little bit, but there was a huge probability of it happening. After all, the Demon King He is dead, everyone knows it.

There's no telling when their tribesmen will come for revenge.

Everyone looked at Du Yu solemnly, wanting to see what good opinions this almost omnipotent master would have. After experiencing so many major events, they already had an almost instinctive feeling towards Du Yu. worship.

Seeing that everyone's emotions had been aroused by Du Yu, Feng Qingyang also stood up at this time and asked Du Yu: "I wonder if the master has any good way to get us out of this predicament?"

Feng Qingyang asked questions on their behalf, and no one felt that something was wrong. Feng Qingyang was the veteran who had been with Du Yu for the longest time. In the past, she might have been a little unconvinced with him because of his strength, but Feng Qingyang also After stepping into the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, such doubts gradually disappeared, and those Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian also accepted Feng Qingyang's identity.

Du Yu's eyes flashed with a trace of unobservable satisfaction. Feng Qingyang was really easy for him to use. He didn't need to mention many things. Feng Qingyang could consider them by himself. Even after he left, he would leave the punishment to God. Feng Qingyang felt very relieved.

"It's natural to break out. Why should you be restricted by a mere reincarnation world? Although the Demon King is not weak, it is just that. You are all the elites of the reincarnation world. How could you not make a name for yourself in a different environment? Can you come?" Du Yu's words were sonorous and powerful, which directly aroused everyone's emotions.

Who here would be willing to admit that he is a mediocre person? Even if the stage is changed, they still have the confidence to become the brightest pearl. Immediately some passionate people shouted: "Master is right! We are all elites of the Heavenly Punishment, and we must reach the top!"

"Yes!" "We are willing to die for our master!"

As the atmosphere changed, even Du Yu was infected with some of the enthusiasm. He said quite proudly: "Since you have such momentum, I feel relieved, but I won't force you if you don't want to go. Although Feng Qingyang goes on the expedition together, I will give you the runes of destruction to provide you with a boost!"

The elites below suddenly screamed with excitement. Only after joining the Divine Punishment can they understand the terrifying effect of the Destruction Rune. They originally thought that this was only a privilege for high-level officials, but who knew they would also have the opportunity to obtain it. Who could not be excited? They directly So he knelt down and thanked Du Yu for the gift.

Even the senior officials were extremely excited. After all, they saw that Du Yu's strength had improved. And Du Yu's strength has improved, which means that their destruction runes can be upgraded. This will give their strength another chance to skyrocket. Almost everyone is looking at Du Yu with anticipation.

Du Yu was not stingy. With a wave of his hand, countless black light groups suddenly turned into countless streams of light and flew towards everyone's heads. However, Feng Qingyang next to him was ignored. However, Feng Qingyang was just stunned for a moment. After calming down, he knew in his heart that Du Yu would never forget him, and this behavior must have some purpose.

After the rules of chaotic space are gathered together, it is no longer difficult for him to destroy runes. As long as Du Yu wants to, he can easily gather millions of them. Except for the special ones with extremely high levels, Du Yu can almost have no limit. 's released.

However, this seems to be able to create a large number of opportunities for strong people, but it is not applicable to all places. This method can only be used in the world of reincarnation. After all, there are not demon power crystals that can be absorbed everywhere.

The elites of the Scourge who were given the Runes of Destruction did not show any pretense. They sat cross-legged on the ground and began to refine the Runes of Destruction. Even though they knew that Du Yu controlled this thing, they did not resist at all. After all, Their lives had long belonged to Du Yu, and the Destruction Rune was just a great supplement to them at this moment.

After everyone entered the practice, Du Yu called Feng Qingyang aside, spent some effort to condense two special destruction runes, handed them to Feng Qingyang and said: "You also know that I am not from this world. After I leave, the Divine Punishment will be handed over to you. Each of these destruction runes should allow you to break through the late Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal and be able to control other destruction runes. I hope that by the time we meet again, the Divine Punishment has already been He is the overlord of one side."

Feng Qingyang took the two destruction runes from Du Yu's hand, and couldn't help but feel moved in his heart. It was not only Du Yu's trust in him, but also Du Yu's concern for him. The effects of the destruction runes could not be superimposed. Being replaced by the strongest one, it goes without saying that the other one is for his lover.

Du Yu thought so thoughtfully that Feng Qingyang felt touched by being taken seriously. He nodded heavily, his eyes couldn't help but turn red.

He raised his head and stared at Du Yu seriously. After a while, his reddish eyes had returned to their former calmness. Feng Qingyang solemnly bowed down and said, "I will definitely let my master dominate the world when he returns!"

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