The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 929 The power to suppress the entire audience

Because a large number of Qilin Army soldiers returned to the defense, the pressure on the front line increased sharply, and the Qilin Army also began to suffer a large number of casualties. After all, the strength was not equal. Although the soldiers of the Qilin Army were good in strength, they were only quasi-sages. Facing many Tiandao The attacks of the saint and a group of elite half-step heavenly saints were only defeated.

But no one flinched at this moment. They had absolute confidence in their lord. They were confident that as long as the lord wakes up, he can lead them to complete a comeback. Their Majesty has never let them down, and this time it will definitely be the case!

In the previous battle, even though a large number of elites were eliminated, the defense line was still severely torn apart by the opponent. Three junior Tiandao saints and a dozen half-step Tiandao saints rushed in, led by the junior Tiandao saint. , looking at Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu, he couldn't help but licked his lips, and said with a disdainful smile: "What? It's already like this, why don't you give up? As long as you cut off that Du Yu's head and give it to me, I can consider you as my income Zongmen, with your qualifications, you will have the opportunity to step into the upper echelons of the sect within a hundred years. Isn’t it much better than following a master who can cause trouble like you?"

Guan Yu snorted coldly, slashed hard in front of him with the big knife in his hand, pointed at the tip of the man's nose and said: "If you want to hurt your majesty, then step over Guan's body!"

Although Zhuge Liang beside him did not speak, his feather fan in his hand showed a bit of sharpness as he swung it, and it was clear what he meant.

How could the two of them betray Du Yu? As the chief civil servants and military attachés of the Qilin Empire, they would only shed the last drop of their blood for Du Yu.

The Tiandao saint looked at the two people and gave a disdainful sound. Although he was very jealous of the loyalty of the two people, he also knew that he would not have the chance to recruit these two people. If the other party really did , he really didn’t dare to take in Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu. After all, at this critical moment, no one dared to take in the people killed by his master, no matter how talented they were. After all, no one knew whether he would become the second.

"Since you are seeking death on your own, you can't blame us. Tsk tsk, the feeling of erasing a genius is different. I don't know if I will inherit your talents if I kill you two." The saint of Tiandao licked his lips. Said, Guan Yu and Zhuge Liang are less than a hundred years old, can achieve such achievements, it is really enviable, there are few such geniuses in the whole chaotic world.

"Go ahead and kill them." He touched his sword, sneered and stepped forward first. The compelling aura made Guan Yu's eyelids jump. He suppressed the involuntary trembling in his body and spoke sternly. He yelled: "Defend Your Majesty to the death, and the enemy will never be allowed to get even half a step closer to Your Majesty before the last person falls!"

"Fight!" The soldiers of the Qilin Army guarding the Star Battleship shouted at the same time, and their fighting intent condensed into the sky, forming a faint Qilin to protect Du Yu in the center.

In this battle, no one is allowed to take a step back, and no one will take a step back. Behind them is His Majesty. The pride of the Qilin Army makes them die in front of Du Yu.

Just when the battle was about to break out, a seemingly ordinary voice suddenly appeared in the middle of the two sides. The two sides, who were about to fight, stopped abruptly because of this figure. I don't know why, in this figure In front of them, they were actually a little afraid to take action.

After the Qilin Army saw clearly the appearance of the man in the middle, they suddenly shouted in surprise: "See your Majesty!"

Du Yu did not turn around, but waved his hand behind him. He frowned and looked at the people in front of him, with some doubts in his eyes. It was really confusing that these people could find his location so quickly.

Although he had just returned to his own body and decades had passed since his reincarnation, Du Yu still quickly adjusted himself.

Just because he didn't speak, it didn't mean that the enemies on the opposite side wouldn't speak. When Du Yu was sizing them up, they were also sizing up Du Yu. They couldn't see through Du Yu's cultivation. At this moment, Du Yu's chaotic space had complete rules and seemed to have no power at all. However, due to the limitation of strength, their knowledge was not enough.

Although they were surprised that Du Yu could stand in the air without any strength, they were not afraid. After all, they could not feel the danger in Du Yu, and they only thought that Du Yu had used some special means.

The leader of the Tiandao Saint frowned and asked arrogantly: "Are you Du Yu? I heard that you are crossing the tribulation of reincarnation? Why do you have no power now? Is it useless to cross the tribulation?"

This kind of thing is not uncommon. If in the world of reincarnation, one fails to comprehend enough power of rules according to the prescribed time, then there is a possibility of being deprived of power. They thought that Du Yu encountered this situation. He didn't even consider whether Du Yu was too strong.

"What's going on with these people?" Du Yu did not answer his question, but turned his attention to the battle on Yang Sifan's side in the distance.

Yang Sifan alone restrained an intermediate-level Heavenly Saint and two elementary-level Heavenly Saints, and they were almost at their limit. If Xiaodie hadn't helped him from time to time, he would have been defeated long ago. However, I's current situation is not good either. A lot of blood has been left on his body.

Du Yu's eyelids jumped wildly when he saw it, and he became a little angry. He had just admitted his relationship with Yang Sifan before the catastrophe of reincarnation. Who knew that the other party was already injured as soon as they met?

Du Yu raised his finger and clicked out. No movement was seen, and there was no surge of energy. The enemies who fought against the Qilin Army were directly wiped out silently.

Yang Sifan, who was forced to a critical point, suddenly lost his target and stumbled almost falling.

Du Yu stretched out his hand, directly crossed the distance of space, and took Yang Sifan into his arms. At this moment, Yang Sifan was not in a good condition. It seemed that some kind of secret method had been activated. Her breath was weakening very quickly. At this moment, He even fainted directly.

This inevitably made Du Yu's brows surge with evil spirits. It was hard to imagine what kind of situation Yang Sifan would be in if he came back later.

He put his hand on Yang Sifan's body, and the power of chaos poured into Yang Sifan's body, helping her recover from her injuries. Du Yu's power of chaos was extremely effective. Even if Yang Sifan was seriously injured, she healed quickly and even recovered. Being constantly strengthened and made stronger.

But this is also because Yang Sifan's level is low. If it were a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it would not be so easy for Du Yu to help recover from his injuries.

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