The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 931 The Seventh Heaven of Chaos

After Du Yu entered cultivation, the suppressed and somewhat violent power in the chaotic space was finally relieved.

After returning from the world of reincarnation, he had indeed brought back the chaotic space. Du Yu didn't know what the situation was like for others, but he didn't lose any power.

At this moment, these powers began to feed back his physical body crazily. Chaos Undead Body, as the strongest supreme-level body-refining technique, has a huge effect on the physical body. If Du Yu hadn't existed in the world of reincarnation, he would have already It has been elevated to the point where I don’t know how abnormal it is.

According to the records in the Chaos Undead Body, when the complete Chaos Space is condensed, it will at least be at the peak level of the Sixth Heaven of Chaos. Only at this level in the Chaos Undead Body can one truly enter the ranks of the strong, and also It can be said that this is the place where the true power of the Chaos Undead can truly begin to be reflected.

As the power of chaos was baptized in waves, Du Yu's body structure also began to change, advancing towards the highest stage bit by bit.

And his realm has also begun to surge, but the surge in realm is not so effective for Du Yu now. After all, he is taking a further step, that is, the realm of Hunyuan Saint. The strong men at this level have already Being able to tear apart the framework of the world, Du Yu is still a long way from reaching that level.

In just half an hour, Du Yu's realm has been raised to the level of a peak heavenly saint. The chaotic undead body directly stepped into the seventh heaven. Although it was just a step in, it meant that Du Yu had activated a level. At this moment, he has two more heaven-defying secret methods.

After returning to his true body, Du Yu's strength entered a stage of rapid growth like a rocket. With his current strength, at least he could not find an opponent among the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. The Chaos Undead Body of the Seventh Heaven allowed him to have sufficient capital.

And after returning to the physical body, the biggest benefit is not only in terms of realm. Du Yu's current physical body has become extremely terrifying. Not only is the strength enough to kill the elementary Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, but the defense is even enough to withstand the full strength of a strong person with the same combat power. One hit without taking damage.

He is now like a domineering tank, very scary.

After finishing the practice, Du Yu opened his eyes and stood up. Nangong Qin reacted immediately. He held Du Yu's hand with concern and carefully checked whether there was anything serious. Although Du Yu was very strong, But Nangong Qin could not let go of this worry.

Du Yu also let Nangong Qin toss. He glanced at Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu. The two immediately understood each other and ran to Du Yu's side to salute respectfully: "I attend, Your Majesty!"

Du Yu nodded slightly and said with one hand: "Well, how long has it been since I passed the tribulation?"

Zhuge Liang immediately received the message: "Your Majesty, three days have passed."

Du Yu was a little stunned. He had only spent a few decades in the world of reincarnation. How come three days had passed in the world of chaos? Doesn't it mean that there is a huge gap between the time in the chaotic world and this place?

However, Du Yu didn't want to get too entangled in this kind of thing. He then asked: "What is the situation outside now? Have the people on Yang Sifan's side gone back or what?"

Although decades have passed, Du Yu has an excellent memory and can recall what happened at that time with a little thought.

Guan Yu was responsible for the intelligence in this area. Guan Yu stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, the news they passed to us is that neither side got any advantage in this battle. In order to avoid the risk of their identities being exposed, they all returned to the valley. Yes, and they promised to take the Qilin Army back to the valley after His Majesty recovers."

Du Yu raised his eyebrows, with a playful look in his eyes: "Based on the relationship between the two of you, what does the other person mean?"

These people are interesting. After Du Yu thought for a moment, he could tell that the other party was interested in his Qilin Army. The Qilin Army did have the qualifications to make their hearts flutter. After all, even the most ordinary soldiers would count if they were placed in a force. It has reached the level of genius, and those generals are comparable to top geniuses. With such a large reserve force joining, no force can withstand the temptation.

I just don’t know if these people will be willing to let the Qilin Army that belongs to him join. After all, after such a large group of elites who belong to him fully integrate into them and grow up, he has the final say in the entire valley.

From this point of view, the reason why this group of people came to the door so quickly may have something to do with Yang Sifan's people. After all, they can only absorb the Qilin Army if they die, otherwise they would not dare to nourish.

If my strength hadn't improved so much, I'm afraid it would be hard to say this time.

Zhuge Liang hesitated for a moment, and then said with a somewhat solemn face: "Your Majesty, you may feel uncomfortable when I say this, but I have to say that those people are not trustworthy, or not completely trustworthy."

Du Yu raised his eyebrows and signaled Zhuge Liang to continue. Seeing that Du Yu's expression did not change, Zhuge Liang felt relieved. After all, no matter how close Yang Sifan's relationship was, he did not dare to speak too directly.

"It's such a master. The one who came into contact with us was not Miss Yang's father's faction, but the elders of a faction that was opposed to them. This happened just yesterday. They showed their intention to recruit at that time, but I took advantage of it. Since you refused on the excuse of being in seclusion, maybe this is how today's disaster came about." Zhuge Liang was a little ashamed, and he was extremely upset in his heart. If Du Yu hadn't woken up in time, they might have really suffered today.

Du Yu nodded and said: "Well, that's it. I understand. Now let's sort out the army. Let's go to their hometown to meet them."

A hint of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he explained why the information suddenly appeared in these people's memories. This made it clear that the other party actually wanted to use these people's hands to get rid of him. Yang Sifan It was because of this incident that he was injured, which aroused Du Yu's anger.

As if feeling the chill radiating from Du Yu's body, Nangong Qin gently squeezed Du Yu's palm and carefully comforted Du Yu in his own way.

She could see that the relationship between Du Yu and the injured girl was not simple. It was impossible to say that he didn't mind, but it was not too difficult to accept. After all, even in the world of reincarnation, it often happens that strong men have wives and concubines, such as It is not surprising that a person as lucky as Du Yu has some confidante.

She was already satisfied to be with Du Yu.

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