The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 936 Still 100 billion short

It can be said that the originally harmonious son-in-law relationship between Du Yu and Yang Sifan's father was abruptly disrupted by Du Yu himself.

If you want to ask Nangong Qin's father how much he regrets at this moment, absolutely no one can understand it. Having a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian basically means that this chaotic world will become their territory again. What an honor it is. He just Just thinking about it makes me feel heartbroken.

But now the relationship between him and Du Yu has almost dropped to a freezing point, almost pushing Du Yu to the opposite side of them. He doesn't know how to restore the relationship with Du Yu.

Now he can only honestly transfer the Heavenly Law Points that Du Yu wants. As the leader of the clan, he still has a lot of Heavenly Law Points on hand. Most of them are used by him to exchange for things to enhance his strength. So far, he still has more than 160 billion heavenly points on hand, but now he has transferred them to Du Yu without hesitation.

The two elders of the same faction as him were also sensible and took the initiative to contribute their Heavenly Law Values. The two of them combined had nearly 210 billion, which was not much different from the number Xiaodie said before. Du Yu did not go out of his way to embarrass them, but turned his attention to the remaining two people. They were both very interesting. At this time, they seemed a little unconvinced.

They were still discussing something through the sound transmission. Du Yu's strength exceeded them by far. The three of them thought they were colluding in a hidden way, but Du Yu heard it clearly.

Du Yu couldn't help but snorted coldly. Du Long had shown such strength, but the two of them still wanted to fool him and only planned to collect 100 billion.

This plan is very beautiful. I want to lie and say that I have used a lot of Tiandao points to improve my strength in recent days. 100 billion is just the limit. However, Du Yu has heard their conversation, so it is naturally impossible for them to do what they think. .

Du Yu barely gave them a chance to speak. He raised his palms slightly, ignoring the distance in space, and placed them directly on their heads. His fighting spirit was slightly shaken, and he easily shocked the two of them. Soul, the whole process was swift and resolute. Before everyone could recover, two more Heavenly Saints were captured and their souls were shaken out.

"What are you doing!" Yang Sifan's father was a little frightened and angry. He didn't know what was going on with Du Yu. They were all ready to give in, but he still wanted to attack them. It was simply too much to bully others, even though it made him know that Du Yu His strength might also be that of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but he was sure that Du Yu would not dare to kill him, after all, he still had Yang Sifan's relationship.

Du Yu didn't bother to explain to this man. He didn't shy away from the surrounding eyes. He forcibly invaded the souls of the three elders, refined them into puppets using secret methods, and then controlled the three of them to transfer the heavenly values. The whole process was Zhi Nao did not intervene and seemed to have acquiesced in Du Yu's approach, but this was relatively normal. After all, this method of plundering resources also complied with the rules of Tiandao Zhi Nao.

But others didn't look at it that way. They looked at Du Yu as if they were looking at a devil. After all, since ancient times, Du Yu was the first person who could directly transfer the value of heaven without the consent of others. They also I was really afraid that someone would attack them. Unconsciously, they looked at Du Yu with a look that, in addition to fear, also contained a layer of disgust.

Although the eyes of these people were obscure, they did not escape Du Yu's eyes, but he did not want to care. After experiencing a series of things in the reincarnation world, Du Yu understood a truth and wanted to make others believe it sincerely. You have no explanation, and your fists are useless. You can only become a god in their minds, and then they will unconditionally believe in you. In the world of reincarnation, divine punishment is basically the status quo.

After doing this, his goal was achieved, and he turned around and left without any nostalgia for the Valley of Lost Souls. Yang Sifan's father originally thought that Du Yu was going to conquer them. After all, they were quite a good group. Strength, and now that the valley protection formation has been destroyed, they really need a backer, otherwise they will be unable to move forward in the reincarnation world in the future.

Without the life-saving barrier, they did not dare to provoke even a slightly larger force, not even as good as the demonic organization that everyone shouted to fight.

He quickly spoke out to persuade Du Yu to stay: "Wait a minute."

Du Yu's footsteps paused, then stopped, turned sideways and looked at him. Yang Sifan's father didn't know what to say for a moment. He held it in for a long time, and just when Du Yu wanted to leave, he hurriedly asked Said: "Where is Sifan now? Why didn't you see her coming back with you?"

He was planning to play the emotional card. He wanted Du Yu to help them for the sake of Yang Sifan. This was his only way. After all, he had played a good hand of cards to pieces.

When Du Yu heard this, he turned around and stared deeply into Yang Sifan's father's eyes, trying to find any hint of guilt. Although Yang Sifan's father was an elder, he felt as if he had been seen through. , which made him a little embarrassed, but for the sake of those behind him, he persisted despite Du Yu's gaze.

After staring for a while, Du Yu confirmed that Yang Sifan's father did not know anything about that matter, and the ill feeling towards him in his heart also disappeared. After all, this is Yang Sifan's biological father. If this were not the case, no one here would be able to escape the woman who hurt him, and they would all be responsible for this matter.

But even so. Du Yu still didn't have a good look towards him. As a clan leader, he didn't even know what his subordinates were doing, so he was nothing more than a waste.

"Oh, you can still remember your daughter, you have a pretty good memory." Du Yu said sarcastically, then turned and left without giving the other party a chance to speak.

Ten star battleships slowly rose and flew towards the distance. Here, they only got more than 600 billion heavenly values. There was still a full 100 billion short of 800 billion. He had to solve these 100 billion as soon as possible. Now, there is no way Yang Sifan's condition can last long.

Yang Sifan's father was still thinking about Du Yu's words. He didn't understand what Du Yu's words meant. Suddenly, a ball of light flew rapidly from the distance and hit him. He subconsciously Raise your hand to take it.

The thing he picked up was extremely warm. He picked it up and took a closer look. He was not unfamiliar with this thing. It was usually a jade slip used to record things. He looked in the direction in which the jade slip flew and saw that it had been following his daughter. Xiaodie was standing on the Star Battleship looking at him, her eyes seemed a little disappointed, which made him feel confused.

He lowered his head and probed his consciousness into the jade slip. The words in it suddenly made his eyes turn red: "Damn it, how dare you collude with foreigners. I really didn't know they had the guts! Second Elder , Fifth Elder, you will be the new First Elder and Second Elder from now on, and now you will start to carry out the first task, I will thoroughly investigate the clan and put it in order!"

After saying that, he snorted coldly and walked away, but threw the jade slip in his hands into the hands of the two of them. After reading the contents, they became as angry as the clan leader. No wonder Du Yu came menacingly. It turned out that it was for this reason that they This time it was entirely my fault!

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