The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 944 Xiaoling’s Sacrifice Arsenal

Chapter 944 Xiaoling’s Sacrifice-Arsenal

"Give me a drop of your blood essence!" Xiao Ling said to Du Yu without any politeness. She had followed Du Yu through life and death for so long, so she was not polite at all.

And she was confident that Du Yu would give her the blood essence.

Du Yu didn't ask Xiao Ling what he wanted the essence and blood for. He wasn't worried that Xiao Ling would harm him or be disadvantageous to him. After all, after being together for so long, he knew Xiao Ling's temper, so he just forced out his own. A drop of blood essence was given to Xiaoling.

Seeing the strong and coercive blood essence exuding from her fingertips, Xiao Ling opened her mouth in surprise. After a long time, she shook her head regretfully and said, "I thought I could overwhelm you once, but I didn't expect it again." Being surpassed by you, you are really "

After that, she also forced out a drop of her blood essence, and then fused the two drops of blood essence together, using the two drops of blood essence as a formation, and condensed a half-human-sized formation.

Du Yu had never seen this formation before, and he looked at Xiao Ling with some doubts.

Xiao Ling looked at the formation in front of her with great satisfaction. She did not rush to answer Du Yu's questions. Instead, she divided the formation into two parts of the same size and injected them into her and Du Yu's bodies respectively. Then she said slowly: "I developed this myself. It's a bit like a divine weapon recognizing its master. After I fused the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, I am no longer considered the Spirit of Ten Thousand Treasures."

She hugged Du Yu's neck, her face was slightly red from shyness, and her shy appearance made her even more charming, but she said firmly: "I have decided to follow you in this life, I have volunteered I will become your arsenal, you can’t abandon me!”

Du Yu frowned immediately. He was a little angry that Xiaoling made his own decision without consulting him: "What do you mean, what kind of arsenal?"

It's not that he doesn't want to be with Xiao Ling, but he doesn't want to be tied together in this way. This is too unfair to Xiao Ling. For an innate creature with a promising future like her, it would be too much to just depend on him. It's too humiliating. He knows Xiao Ling's thoughts about him, but he doesn't want him to sacrifice like this for himself.

Xiao Ling, who had broken the jar and finished everything, was obviously no longer afraid of Du Yu. She didn't care about Du Yu with a straight face, but instead rubbed Du Yu's hair a few times before saying : "It means that I can now refine various magic weapons and switch them at any time when you need them. Don't look at me like this. I am willing to follow you and I am very satisfied!"

Although Du Yu was angry that Xiao Ling used his trust to turn everything into a foregone conclusion, he couldn't blame Xiao Ling. After all, it was all for him. It would be too unfair to pursue the matter after it had already happened. Know the good and bad.

"There will be no next time, do you understand?" Du Yu bit his itchy back molars and said viciously. However, Xiao Ling still pinched his cheeks nonchalantly and said like a child: "Okay, okay, okay. There won’t be a next time, don’t be angry, don’t be angry.”

After her appearance matured, Xiao Ling seemed to have matured mentally. Du Yu, who was used to the lively and cute version of Xiao Ling, was really uncomfortable with her like this for a while.

He rubbed his somewhat swollen head and asked with a headache: "Does this have any bad effects on you?"

Xiao Ling pointed his lower lip with his index finger, thought for a while and said: "No, and there are quite a lot of benefits. As long as I absorb more high-quality magic weapons, my strength will improve by leaps and bounds. For example, this time, I absorbed Zhu Xian After four swords, my strength has reached the peak of the Heavenly Saint!"

Naturally, the change in her realm could not be hidden from Du Yu, but he did not believe that it was really as Xiaoling said, with no side effects. He said with a serious face: "I am giving you the last chance to tell you carefully what will happen." Influence?"

Xiaoling saw that Du Yu seemed to be really angry, and she didn't dare to continue indifferently. She was still quite afraid that Du Yu would get angry, so she had to say obediently: "It's okay, but in the future, promotion can only rely on absorbing magic weapons." , but this doesn’t matter, after all, you are so strong, I don’t worry about not having any magic weapons to absorb.”

Logically speaking, Du Yu should be pleased that Xiao Ling trusts him so much, but he doesn't feel relieved at all now. Although her approach was okay in the early stage, she now has many magic weapons for her to absorb, but And after that?

You must know that what Xiaoling has absorbed now is already a divine weapon of the level of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian. How much more strength can she increase by absorbing inferior divine weapons in the future?

Du Yu didn't even know that there was any magic weapon that could be better than the Four Swords of Zhuxian and the God-killing Spear.

But at this point, even if he was dissatisfied, he had no choice but to rub Xiao Ling's head hard and mess up her hair to vent his dissatisfaction.

Du Yu really didn't expect that Xiao Ling would do this. If he knew about it, he would definitely not agree. I'm afraid this Xiao Nizi knew this and just delayed the time until he came over and tricked him into signing the contract.

Being punished by Du Yu, Xiao Ling stuck out her tongue cutely, then hung her whole body around Du Yu's neck and said coquettishly: "Okay, okay, don't be angry, it's a foregone conclusion anyway. , now give me all the magic weapons you want to use, and I will keep them for you."

Although Du Yu was a little dissatisfied, he would not deliberately show off. He took out all the demon-killing and god-killing spears, and even some innate treasures that were no longer needed. Since now Xiaoling needs to absorb If the magic weapon comes to make him stronger, he will naturally not be stingy.

Xiaoling was very familiar with the other magic weapons that Du Yu took out. After all, she almost followed Du Yu all the way. There were few of Du Yu's magic weapons that he didn't recognize. However, after seeing the demon-killing gun, Xiaoling still tolerated it. He couldn't help but exclaimed: "What a powerful demon soldier! How did this come about? Such a strong killing aura!"

"Well, it was created in the world of reincarnation. It became like this after some accidents happened in the middle. It is very powerful. In terms of single-target lethality, it is not much weaker than the God-killing Gun. It is also tailor-made, so It's pretty easy." Du Yu explained with a slight nod of his head.

After Xiao Ling sighed, he sat down cross-legged and said to Du Yu: "You turn on the thousand-fold speed. It will take some time to refine these magic weapons."

Du Yu didn't say anything but activated the time and space wheel, and then he saw Xiaoling create a ball of seven-color light, wrapping all the magic weapons in front of him.

The divine weapons suspended next to Xiao Ling are constantly being absorbed into her body, even the most powerful killing treasure under the law of heaven, such as the God-killing Spear, is no exception.

What also improved at the same time was Xiao Ling's strength. Even Du Yu was dumbfounded by such a strange training method.

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