The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 946 The mission begins

The Qilin Army moved into action after Du Yu gave the order.

At this moment, their strength has been greatly improved. They are no longer what they were before. At least in this fragment of the chaotic world, no force can threaten them.

After a brief discussion, Zhuge Liang and other counselors had already discussed the strategy.

In the current situation, they no longer need to worry too much. They only need to consider how to take down the chaotic world in the shortest possible time.

This is not difficult for them who are good at blitzkrieg. In addition, the strength of Du Yu's Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at this moment has been spread by those peak heavenly saints and has resounded throughout the world. It is really There are really not many people who dare to go against them.

At present, we only need to destroy the top forces. The other forces in the chaotic world will be easily convinced. What is needed now is just a few monkeys to be slaughtered.

The ten star battleships each led a group of soldiers and rushed towards their respective goals. As troop transport ships, these star battleships were quite good, with a good number of people, and their maximum speed was not weak. Du Yu was also very satisfied with this.

Therefore, although the Star Palace was only a first-rate force, it was also listed as one of the targets. Who allowed them to have 20 star warships under their command? This made Du Yu very envious.

In addition, the demonic organization that has been causing trouble for Du Yu before is also one of the targets this time. Not to mention the grudges between them and Du Yu, their reputation as the number one evil force is enough to make them Zhuge Liang noticed them. Although the headquarters of the Demon Transformation Organization is very hidden, no matter how deep it is hidden, under Du Yu's spiritual consciousness that is almost comparable to that of the Hunyuan Saint, there is nothing to hide from it.

If it wasn't too troublesome for him to take action, Du Yu wouldn't need the Qilin Army. He could defeat all these forces by himself. He was fully capable of competing against one side of the world.

The actions of the Qilin Empire are not deliberately low-key. Recently, because Du Yu has shown terrifying strength, many forces are closely monitoring them. It is not that they want to have any thoughts about the Qilin Empire, they are just afraid of the Qilin Empire. If they take any action, they will get in each other's way.

Seeing the Star Battleship moving openly, all the forces in the Chaos World couldn't help but feel anxious, fearing that they would be the opponent's target.

The number of spies along the way can be described as almost every ten meters, which is not an exaggeration at all. The most nervous ones are the forces on the route of the Star Battleship. They don’t know if the Star Battleship is coming towards them, but they But he could clearly see the terrifying strength of the powerful soldiers on the Star Battleship.

A half-step Tiandao saint who can serve as an elder in a first-rate force is just an ordinary soldier in someone else's team. With such a huge gap, who dares to say that he will be the opponent of this army.

There are even many ruthless sects that have directly abandoned their headquarters and moved directly away from the Star Battleship's path. Even if they abandon the sect they have stayed with for thousands of years, they are not willing to block the opponent's path. Edge.

It can be seen how terrible the reputation of the Kirin Empire at this time is. No one doubts that the strength of the Kirin Empire was achieved overnight. They only think that the Kirin Empire deliberately suppressed its strength, or was a force from the outside that had ideas about their world.

After all, even outside the world of chaos, in the surrounding worlds, they have never heard of any force with more than 50 million half-step heavenly saints.

Such a huge base is even more surprising than Du Yu's reputation as Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

This beheading operation went very smoothly. Almost at the same time, ten sects fell directly, and most of the strong men of the sects were slaughtered.

It's not that the Qilin Army is too cruel and Du Yu is too bloodthirsty, but that he wants to take over the chaotic world in a short time and make these sect forces obedient. Only cruelty and iron-blood can suppress them. The way to make these old foxes obedient is Only fear can do that.

Otherwise, there will always be forces that are taking chances and refuse to surrender until the end, or they will not accept the city until the Qilin Empire comes knocking.

Du Yu didn't have much thought to squeeze out toothpaste with them. He planned to complete this yellow-level task as soon as possible, so that he could start more yellow-level tasks, or even more advanced tasks.

With his current strength, even yellow-level tasks are no longer difficult for him, and the rewards are even less satisfying. He needs tasks that can at least match his own strength.

The Qilin Army's action efficiency was very fast. On the first day, all ten designated targets were destroyed. On the third day, the news that the Qilin Empire intended to conquer the Chaos World spread throughout the Chaos World. The Intelligence Department of the Qilin Army was indispensable.

On the fifth day, the Kirin military operation confirmed the authenticity of the message, which eliminated the last trace of luck in the minds of those who were lucky and only thought it was a dazzling force.

On the eighth day, Du Yu, the emperor of the Qilin Empire, issued a message restricting all forces in the chaotic world to surrender to the Qilin Empire within three days, otherwise they would bear the consequences. Although all the forces in the world were panicked at this moment, they were just waiting and watching. I felt doubtful about Du Yu's responsibility for the consequences, and with the mentality that the law should not be blamed, he did not take any big actions.

On the tenth day, several peak Heavenly Saints were unwilling to just hand over the chaotic world, and used the huge resources within the sect to invite several Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian-level powerhouses from the outside world to prepare for the assassination of the emperor of the Qilin Empire. As a result, When these Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian just appeared, they were all exploded by the tail of the dragon that had been following Du Yu. They were also destroyed together with the forces behind those peak Heavenly Dao saints.

At this moment, everyone knew how powerful Du Yu and the Qilin Empire were. Most of the forces took the initiative to surrender and submit to the Qilin Empire. However, there were still many forces who chose to stand still or wait for a price to test the bottom line of the Qilin Empire.

On the eleventh day, the deadline set by Du Yu arrived, and the star battleships that had been standing still started to move again. After the Star Palace was captured, the number of star battleships under the Qilin Empire not only increased to 30, but also obtained the star battleship design. Picture, at this moment, 30 star warships were dispatched directly, launching an attack on those forces that had not surrendered without any warning.

In just half a day, at least more than a hundred sects were wiped out. Only now did those forces realize the strength of the Qilin Army, and they all chose to surrender. However, the massacre continued for two days, during which nearly a thousand sects suffered.

On the thirteenth day, the massacre ended, and the chaotic world completely belonged to the Qilin Empire.

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