The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 948 Xuan Level Preliminary Task

Du Yu didn't immerse himself in Wen Wen Xiang for long. Although the warm jade and warm fragrance were tempting, his main purpose now was not pleasure.

After all, his current strength is not at its peak. Although he already has supreme strength in the fragments of the reincarnation world and the chaotic world, Du Yu knew from the news he heard from the Demon King that he could only It’s just starting out.

With such strength, although he is a powerful person outside, there are too many strong people who can crush him.

After just letting himself relax for two days, Du Yu began to study the Chaos Mission List.

This task list is much more powerful than he thought before. It is not just about dealing with this world. The ability of Tiandao Intelligent Brain is definitely not only at the level of Tiandao Saint. After all, a mere Tiandao Saint will never be able to do it. Send it to him without being locked by him.

Moreover, even Du Yu was surprised by the rewards on the Chaos Mission List.

Based on the plot guesses in the fantasy novels he has read, Du Yu estimates that there are at least three levels of heaven, earth, and mystery on top of the yellow-level tasks. The rewards of the yellow-level tasks are already amazing, and Du Yu can't help but look forward to more. What are the rewards for high Xuan level, even Earth level and Heaven level?

However, at this moment, the highest-level missions on the Chaos Mission List are still only yellow-level. After he became one of the masters of the Chaos World, the missions about the Chaos World have disappeared, and were replaced by missions in the world outside the Chaos World. .

There are ten yellow-level tasks in total, three are collection tasks, which require obtaining some treasures that he has never heard of, and three are hunting tasks. The main opponent is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but the most ideal one is the middle-level one. That's all, Du Yu's interest is not particularly great.

There are three more rewards that are slightly higher than those of the previous tasks. They are for occupying certain special territories. These tasks are more difficult than the previous ones. The tasks that need to be occupied are blessed places where powerful forces are stationed, or strategic locations. The origin of the resource.

Du Yu was rather interested in these tasks, as they could be used to train the Qilin Army, even though they had rich combat experience. And the foundation is very solid, but after all, I have rarely fought with strong men of the same level, and I am not particularly familiar with fighting methods of comparable strength. These three tasks are just an opportunity.

Moreover, the rewards of these tasks are no worse than the previous yellow-level tasks. The Heavenly Dao Value alone is more than 530 billion. With the addition of designated standard magic weapons, the combat effectiveness of the Qilin Army can definitely be improved a lot.

It was purely a reward for him to train.

What excited him the most was the last mission, which was also the most difficult of the ten yellow-level missions.

This mission is in the form of a running ring. The first mission is to hunt down a mid-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian-level star war beast. Although it looks very similar to the three hunting missions, Du Yu pays more attention to the previous mission. , six small gray words in brackets.

"The first stage of the Mysterious Preliminary Mission: Hunting the Star War Beast, the middle-level Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian level, completion conditions: take off the opponent's crystal core. Upon completion, the reward will be 500 billion in heavenly value, 1 mysterious reward, and 1 war fire domain drawing. "

It is not difficult to know the news about the Star War Beast. After Du Yu asked, Tiandao Zhinao gave an explanation. This is a ferocious beast that can physically travel through the void outside the world. It is extremely large, and so is the newborn Star War Beast. The strength is at the level of a saint of heaven, and the combat power is enough to be a small level higher than that of ordinary human beings. He is a very difficult opponent.

However, even if a mid-level Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian-level star war beast can reach a higher level and be comparable to the lower-level Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, it will not be a big problem for Du Yu. Even Du Long can do it alone. solve.

Du Yu is more concerned about the War Domain. In fact, Du Yu doesn't know much about the world outside the Chaos World. Even Zhuge Liang has not found out this information. After all, the strength of the people in the Chaos World is really poor. It's too much. The strongest one is no more than a peak Heavenly Saint. Outside, he has not even reached the foundation of a strong person. With such strength, it is impossible to obtain any important information.

Fortunately, after Du Yu became one of the masters of the chaotic world, the Tiandao Intelligent Brain opened up a lot of authority to Du Yu. This information was able to be obtained at the cost of Tiandao points.

It's just that these questions, which are almost common sense to the big forces in the outside world, cost Du Yu 50 billion heavenly points. Even if Du Yu is so wealthy, spending money is like running water, which makes him feel a pain in his body.

The so-called Heavenly Fire Domain was really what he thought. It was an area composed of adjacent worlds. Just such a news, which cost 50 billion, would make anyone feel heartbroken.

Although he already knew it, it was information related to the outside world after all, so Du Yu couldn't be careless. He didn't want to suffer too much loss because of the darkness in front of him.

But that's not to say that the 50 billion is not worth it at least. At least Du Yu learned about several worlds around him. Although the chaotic world is not the strongest, it is not the weakest either. The strongest world around him is just a middle-level chaotic world. A powerful man at the level of Yuanda Luo Jinxian, his name is one of the hunting targets.

Du Yu took all the yellow-level tasks without hesitation. Although he looked down upon those tasks, after all, Du Yu still needed those heavenly values. He is still at the peak of the fifth heaven in the Battle of the Jade Emperor. , and if you want to catch up with the progress of the Chaos Undead, you will need at least trillions of Heavenly Dao Values.

And for those yellow-level tasks, you can get at least 500 billion heavenly points.

After accepting the task, Du Yu sent a message to summon Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang was not practicing. It didn't take long for him to arrive in front of Du Yu. At this moment, on his shoulder, there was a blue thunder dragon no more than the thickness of a thumb. Although it was a little small, its momentum was not weak.

"Is this your battle beast?" Du Yu asked curiously. This thunder dragon is full of Zhuge Liang's aura, and its strength is also that of a first-level heavenly saint. If it fights with Zhuge Liang, it will definitely be able to show its strength. .

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Zhuge Liang touched the little dragon on his shoulder affectionately, with a look of joy on his face: "Now I have only practiced the Nine Heavens War Will Art to the third level. If I wait until I reach the sixth level, Empress Zhongtian, Xiaolei’s strength is no less than mine!”

Du Yu felt the aura of the Thunder Dragon and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction. Although it may not be as heaven-defying as the Great Prophecy Technique, it is definitely a top secret technique. He is beginning to look forward to the 50 million Qilin Army, with The scene of 50 million war beasts fighting!

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