Du Yu took his three wives and Xiaodie and embarked on the journey alone.

He has no intention of following the Qilin Army. After all, his current strength is far beyond that of the Qilin Army. If he and the Qilin Army are together, it will only affect the progress of each other's strength. This is not what Du Yu wants to see. .

Du Yu still has great expectations for the Qilin Army. He hopes that the Qilin Army can become a big help to him in the future, not just a sheep living under his protection.

Now the other nine yellow-level tasks are handed over to the Qilin Army. Although it seems to be an almost impossible task, Du Yu has no doubt about Zhuge Liang's ability. After they complete the tasks entrusted to him, their strength will definitely grow. It can't be just a little bit. After millions of years of cultivation, although the generals of the Qilin Army are still only half-step heavenly saints, their foundation is very solid, and the foundation is extremely solid.

As long as opportunities are created for them, they will definitely raise their realm in a very short period of time. After all, the Qilin Army is just a small soldier, and their talents are all SSS-level terrifying existences. They are not inferior to any genius.

Even because of the resources provided by Du Yu, the resources they can get are much more terrifying than those of many geniuses from big forces.

When Du Yu was almost done with the Xuan-level preliminary tasks, that is, when he accepted the results, even he was shocked by the strength of the Qilin Army.

However, Du Yu didn't know these things at this moment. At this moment, he and a few women were lying on several deck chairs on the deck of the Star Battleship, looking at the scenery outside the chaotic world.

Different from what Du Yu had thought before, it was not pitch black outside the chaotic world. The environment here was so shocking that words could not describe it. Even the most outstanding poet could not describe the beauty of this place.

Countless brilliant colors filled the surrounding environment. Many stars that Du Yu had never seen before were scattered in the surrounding starry sky. In the far distance, there were many bright spheres. Those were worlds one by one. Although his eyes could After seeing those worlds, even Du Yu would have to spend a lot of time if he wanted to get close.

And those small worlds that are only the size of a bead will take tens of millions of years to reach.

The reason why Du Yu knew it was because he judged it through the size of the chaotic world.

After coming out of the chaotic world, the huge gray sphere behind him was almost edgeless. Even with Du Yu's current strength, he could not see the edge of the sphere. He suspected that the sphere was at least as big as the inside of the chaotic world.

By inferring the distance of other worlds from the size of the chaotic world, it is not particularly difficult for Du Yu to get this answer.

At this moment, he didn't know where he was going to look for the star beasts, so he simply flew directly to the nearest world. Since he didn't know the information, he would go to other worlds and at least find out what was around him. situation, where are the star war beasts that meet the mission standards?

Anyway, he was not in a special hurry. He and his wives enjoyed the surrounding scenery along the way, which was actually very pleasant.

This is also the first time in so many years that Du Yu has indulged himself in this way.

But God just didn't seem to want him to be idle. The comfortable days did not last long. Du Yu, who was lying on the recliner with his eyes closed to rest, opened his eyes and stared at something in the distance with a frown.

There was nothing there at the moment. Looking at it with the naked eye, although it was endless, nothing could be seen. However, Du Yu's consciousness had already locked onto a group of people who were performing a crazy escape in the distance.

The strength of these people is nothing more than the saints of heaven. Du Yu doesn't pay attention to this strength at all. If it is just that, Du Yu will naturally ignore it. He is not in the habit of saving people casually.

But things are obviously not that simple. The person who was being chased used some unknown means to lock them, or maybe he locked the star battleship under him, and he was still flying towards this side. Come.

This had to make Du Yu cautious. After all, at this distance, even Du Yu had just locked onto the opponent, but the opponent was just a saint of heaven and could detect his star battleship so far away. No matter what the opponent relied on, Du Yu could I think I have to get to know each other for a while, otherwise who knows whether I will encounter the same thing in the future.

After all, he didn't even know how the other party locked onto his star battleship, which meant that he had no way to get rid of the other party's lock.

Du Yu sat up straight from the recliner, with a chill in his eyes. Nangong Qin, who was closest to Du Yu, noticed something was wrong with Du Yu and quickly stood up and asked, "Husband, what's wrong?"

The other women were also attracted, and they all sat up straight and looked at Du Yu, who had a gloomy look on his face.

Du Yu shook his head and said with a sneer: "It's nothing, I encountered some interesting reptiles."

After hearing this, the women all frowned and spread their spiritual consciousness. Among the people on the Star Battleship, only Xiaodie was slightly worse.

But under Du Yu's training, he also gained the strength of a later Tiandao saint.

Several of Du Yu's women, including the weakest Yang Sifan, already have the strength of the peak Heavenly Saint, and because they have recast their souls before, their spiritual consciousness is not weaker than Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

They also sensed the group of people who were chasing and fleeing one after another. Such a chasing and fleeing scene, instead of arousing their sympathy, actually made their faces turn cold.

None of the women has a pure temper, so they can naturally tell what the other person is thinking.

Without knowing the strength of this side, inexplicably locking their position and rushing here, there is absolutely no possibility other than diverting the disaster to the east.

Since the other party is so shameless, then naturally they will not rush to save him.

"Husband, do you want to kill them all?" Nangong Qin said with murderous intent. At this distance, she can already attack them. The opponents are just some heavenly saints. If she takes action, she is absolutely confident that she will blast them away. Not a single one is left.

Du Yu shook his head, with a cold smile on his lips: "No, let them come over. I am very interested in his ability to lock my battleship. I want to see what kind of ability it is. It is so defying the heavens. It's just a saint of heaven. You can find me across such a huge distance."

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