The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 959: Carrying a big blame

They had no idea what was happening, but they knew what would happen to them if this operation failed.

Although they have prepared a retreat, now they can't even pass on the news, and even if they have a retreat, they can't use it.

The Bai family and the others could only wait silently for the development of the situation to see what the powerful man who wanted to destroy their plan wanted to do.

After being enveloped by the Zhuxian Sword Formation, everyone in the hall felt a sense of foreboding. A sense of threat that was more deadly than before made them subconsciously form a group, all gathered in the center of the hall. , they dismantled all the boxes in that area, and used all kinds of high-tech armor to protect them tightly.

Du Yu has seen the way of fighting in the technological world. They are different from the outside world. They rely on themselves to fight. The main way of fighting is to drive various props. This way of fighting may make them very powerful. , but if they lose these props, they will have almost no resistance.

And more importantly, their advancement will be much more difficult than that of people in other worlds. After all, they rely on too many external forces.

It's just that the gap between Du Yu and them is too big. In the confined space of the auction house, they have no way to release those large weapons, otherwise they may not bring some trouble to Du Yu.

In this case, their disadvantage is very obvious.

Du Yu flew directly above them, and without using any weapons, he directly waved his fist and punched the layers of daddy's defense below.

The terrifying physical power was undoubtedly revealed. Some of the weak defenses on the outer layer just persisted for an instant before collapsing directly. After the layers of force were offset, the terrifying power passed down still consumed a lot of energy for the defensive shield at the rear.

The powerful people on the side who were guarded behind the defensive layer were all frightened by Du Yu's tough actions. They had never seen such a tough person before.

You must know that among the group of people below, there are even people from the Huang family. Their shields can definitely defend against ordinary Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian-level attacks. However, they suffered from the energy of Yu Bo's shield just now. It directly fell a big level, and several elders of the Huang family were startled. This shows that the opponent's physical body can punch a level beyond the ordinary Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. How terrifying is that state?

Several other top forces were naturally aware of what was going on, and they couldn't help but feel chills in their hearts, but none of them dared to show it. After all, if it caused a commotion, their already slim chance of winning would be even more uncertain. There was no hope.

They all suppressed their findings in a tacit understanding, and secretly encouraged others to organize an attack on Du Yu. They knew that it was very likely that this defense would not be able to stop Du Yu, so in order to prevent Du Yu from being the first to attack On top of them, a few scapegoats were withdrawn.

It's not hard to find such a scapegoat. Many people in the crowd spontaneously started to encourage everyone to be reactionary against Du Yu without any instigation from them. After all, in their eyes, the seats here were almost full of people from all forces. Big shot, even if Du Yu acted very exaggeratedly, they still didn't think Du Yu could do anything to them.

After all, Du Yu only broke through the weak outermost shields, almost all of which were the products of some junior technicians. They were only used to defend against the attacks of 2S-level experts.

Below were high-ranking officials from various forces, or at worst, elites. They quickly launched an attack, and countless energy blasts hit Du Yu in the air. Some of these attacks were even the first-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian wouldn't dare to do. underestimate.

However, Du Yu still did not dodge and directly blasted towards the shield. Countless defensive magic weapons flew out of his body and protected Du Yu in the center. At worst, these defensive magic weapons were all innate spiritual treasures. Under Xiao Ling's control, even the middle and late-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian might not be able to shake it. Du Yu simply ignored the attack and then waved his fist at the shield,

The people below looked at the magic weapon beside Du Yu and suddenly exclaimed: "That belongs to the barbarians. The Bai family actually colluded with the barbarians from the outside world! It is really an unforgivable crime!"

"How dare the Bai family do this!" "Have these bastards forgotten what the barbarians did to us? A bunch of traitors!"

Many people started to curse. The barbarians they called were warriors and cultivators outside the world of science and technology. The world of science and technology only believed in the supreme technological path, and the most direct battle was a very primitive thing in their eyes. They look down on people from other worlds. In addition, when the Huang family was removed from the position of domain master, the technological world was massacred by other worlds.

Therefore, they have always been hostile to other worlds, and they have rarely had any contact with the outside world for so many years.

If Huang Dao hadn't been too desperate before and Du Yu's appearance happened to be an opportunity, he might not have been able to regain Huang Dao so smoothly.

After discovering Du Yu's identity, their attacks became even more fierce. Even the Huang family and other top forces showed their true skills. However, the bigger they got, the more frightened they became.

The attacks that they were proud of in the past were like a joke in front of outsiders. They had no effect at all. Their attacks could not penetrate the opponent's defense layer. Those magic weapons suspended in mid-air were like iron walls. Generally, it is easy to block their attacks.

But Du Yu's fist was heavier and heavier, as if it hit their hearts directly.

Every blow made their hearts beat with fear, and their moods also plummeted, as did the energy bar of the shield.

After only holding on for more than ten seconds, the defense line composed of thousands of layers of shields completely collapsed, and all the shields were completely destroyed by a pair of physical fists.

But they couldn't even make a splash with a magic weapon around each other. As the shield collapsed, everyone subconsciously stopped attacking and looked at Du Yu, who was wearing the full body armor of the Bai family, in a daze.

"Come down, let's talk about the terms." After Du Yu blasted away the opponent's turtle shell, he stopped attacking and spread his hands as if he had put down all his defenses.

This was obviously the best moment to counterattack. Maybe attacking at this time would directly severely injure Du Yu, but no one dared to take action.

With the collapse of the defense line, they all calmed down. Now is not the time to go up. Everyone knows that if anyone dares to take action at this time, they will definitely be attacked by Du Yu immediately. Without protection, they There was no confidence to survive in the hands of Du Yu, who could use a pair of physical fists to break through their defenses.

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