The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 964 The attacking giant beast

The defense of the Star Battleship was opened to the extreme by Du Yu. After the transformation of Zodiac,

At present, the defense of the I Star Battleship is that the ordinary mid- and late-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian may not be able to destroy it with one blow. Although such defense is almost non-existent for Du Yu, but with the mentality that not using it is a waste, Du Yu still will It's on.

Du Yu is ready to use Chaos Movement at any time. Even if the opponent is a peak Hunyuan Saint, Du Yu is sure to escape in an instant.

Since the world frame has been destroyed, it is not difficult for Du Yu to travel through the past. Unlike the complete world, which can only be entered from a specific place, the Explorer 3 team entered through a gap. The torn hole here It is extremely huge, even from a very far distance, you can see a huge mouth of fire.

It is said that the original attack broke into the Yanyu world from here. The terrible power directly tore the world frame and exploded inside. The entire Yanyu world's creatures were reduced to ashes in an instant. Even the original Hunyuan Saints are no exception.

It's just that this statement was spread by the Huang family. Du Yu is very doubtful about the authenticity. It's not that he doubts the power of the Huang family's ultimate weapon, but that the Hunyuan saint is not in full body condition. After all, he doesn't believe that a Hunyuan saint can't. To escape this attack, even if you really can't stop it, you can definitely still do it if you escape.

It is impossible for the Huang family to have the ability to kill the first-level Hunyuan saints easily. It must at least have the combat power of the later-level Hunyuan saints. If they have such combat power, how can the Huang family be robbed of the position of domain master by others? , after all, the current domain master of the Warfire Domain is only the strength of the primary Hunyuan Saint.

However, even if he could kill an injured Hunyuan Saint, it would be a very terrifying thing. At least now Du Yu cannot directly destroy a world. Although his strength is heaven-defying, he is only the peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The star battleship flew very fast and broke into the world of flames. A red color was immediately introduced to the eyes. Apart from red, there was no other color anywhere. Everywhere here was filled with terrible flames. Even the saints of heaven cannot survive in such an environment for a long time.

However, Du Yu did not suffer any attacks. In the world in his eyes, except for the red lava and the sky, Du Yu did not see any trace of the giant beast.

Du Yu used his spiritual consciousness to scan the surrounding area, and turned on the Star Battleship search function to detect it, but found nothing.

"Have you left already?" Du Yu couldn't help but feel a little regretful. After all, it took more than two months for him to come here. It was excusable that the other party was no longer there. Who knew whether the giant beast just came here to settle down.

If such a huge beast was really there, it would not be difficult for Du Yu to find it. But now that he has found nothing, it only means that the other party has left.

"Xiao Ling, check to see if there are any treasures here. The Bai family has invested a lot of energy here to develop something." Now that everyone is here, Du Yu doesn't want to come in vain, even if it doesn't work, he will bring it with him. Bring back some specialties, otherwise it would not be in line with his temper.

Xiao Ling nodded and began to use the special wave band to explore the entire world of Yanyu. Her ability was different from divine consciousness. Finding treasures was not restricted by divine consciousness at all. Although she could only get a rough direction, But this is enough, this is the terrifying thing about innate creatures.

The Wanbao Spirit condensed from the evolution of Wanbao has unparalleled treasure hunting ability. Even though it has been transformed into Du Yu's arsenal, the previous treasure hunting ability has not diminished at all. This is her bloodline magical power.

Xiao Ling closed her eyes slightly and began to perceive. A large number of dark or light energy fluctuations began to appear in her perception. Although these gems containing good energy could be looked down upon, they could still count. On the treasure category.

In Xiao Ling's perception, a group of scorching light like the sun was very deep under their feet, probably at the center of the world.

That dazzling light was a manifestation of huge energy, but there seemed to be something wrong with this little sun, because it seemed to be flying rapidly towards their position.

Xiao Ling's expression suddenly changed. She quickly opened her eyes and said, "Du Yu, something is wrong. There seems to be something coming towards us down there!"

In fact, she didn't need to say it, Du Yu had already felt it, because the lava below had begun to roll violently, and the surrounding heat was obviously much higher, as if it was about to explode. There was definitely a big guy below. Out.

"There's something wrong with the situation. There's so much pressure." Du Yu said with a frown.

"Qin'er, come and set up the star battleship and get to the edge of the exit. What's below may be the target this time!" The pressure gradually became stronger, and even Du Yu felt a hint of danger, and he hurriedly told Nangong Qin.

Nangong Qin, whose strength is at the lower level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, is in charge of the posture. Even the peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian cannot catch up with them, at least their safety is guaranteed.

Although he didn't want to leave Du Yu's side, Nangong Qin understood the seriousness of the matter and directly took over Du Yu's position without any complaints. After Du Yu and Xiao Ling flew out of the cabin, he raised the Star Battleship to a higher altitude.

After sending Nangong Qin, Yang Sifan and Xiaodie to a safe area, Du Yu also breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Xiao Ling and nodded to her. Xiao Ling integrated into Du Yu's body tacitly, and then turned directly into a human body. Putting on a full-body battle armor, the God-killing Spear also appeared in Du Yu's hand.

Du Yu looked at the rolling lava below and the growing majesty. He tightened the cold gun barrel in his hand and prepared for battle.


A huge roar suddenly came from the lava below, and a huge bottomless black hole instantly appeared in the lava. In the abyss, a pair of red eyes were locked on Du Yu. .

The terrible pressure even made Du Yu's shoulders tremble slightly, but the next moment, Du Yu's eyes burst out with astonishing fighting spirit and excitement.

It's been a long time since he took action with all his strength! The giant beast below was definitely at the same level as him.

In other words, the giant beast attacking from below is a peak Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian level existence, which is only stronger than Du Yu!

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