The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 966 Killing the Star War Beast

This time the collision was even more terrifying than the last time, and even the Star Battleship at the entrance was affected.

If Nangong Qin had not reacted in time and fully strengthened the defense of the Star Battleship, I am afraid that this high-level battleship would have been scrapped under this impact.

The main source of the shock wave this time was Du Yu, and the huge size of the star war beast was actually blown away.

The attack after the power absorbed by Chaos Counterattack is superimposed is far beyond what the Star War Beast can resist. If it hadn't strengthened its defense, I'm afraid its claws would have been blown off by Du Yu with this blow. A huge claw was also bloody.


The eyes of the star war beast that was blown away were full of confusion. It didn't react at all as to why it was blown away by a tiny ant. However, the severe pain from its claws made it understand that this was not its illusion. .

It was blown away by a human race that was no bigger than the dust on its body. How could it accept it?

While it was angry, a sense of panic also surged into its heart. After all, Du Yu was the first being that it had encountered that could defeat it in terms of strength.

The star war beast, which is invincible in terms of power, suffered such a blow for the first time. Its first thought was to destroy Du Yu at all costs. This is also the reason why the star war beast is so powerful, and also why they are so scarce in number. reason.

The huge star war beast, after stabilizing its body, roared again and took the initiative to attack him.

Looking at the star war beast that fell below and recovered immediately, Du Yu's eyes flashed with admiration. If the task required not to remove the crystal core of the star war beast, he would really want to conquer it.

After all, with the huge size of the Star War Beast, it is definitely a meat grinder in team battles.

If there are several such monsters charging forward, no matter what kind of elite troops are on the opposite side, they will definitely lose in terms of momentum.

If there is a chance in the future, he will definitely regain a few to join the Qilin Army.

If Du Yu's crazy idea was known to others, it would definitely arouse ridicule and ridicule of Du Yu's overestimation of his abilities.

After all, the Star War Beasts have always been arrogant. Even if they die in battle, they will never surrender. Even if they are frightened, they will never flinch. This is a race that is born for fighting.

It’s not that there are no forces that don’t want to regain such a powerful race, but they all ended in failure. No matter what method they used, the star war beasts would never obey orders, and this was a creature that could not be tamed. It was difficult to tame it from an early age. It's simply impossible.

Of course, Du Yu's thought only passed away in the blink of an eye. Although he had the upper hand in the battle at this moment, Du Yu did not dare to be careless at all.

After all, the star war beast opposite is not easy to deal with. If he is really photographed by the opponent, Du Yu will definitely not feel good.

The God-killing Spear once again flashed with dazzling purple light, and Du Yu rushed out again. The power of Chaos counterattack was still superimposed on his own strength. With the same level of combat effectiveness, this is the reason why Du Yu can be invincible. .

As long as he doesn't have the ability to instantly kill Du Yu, he can fight back with even more terrifying force, even grinding his opponent to death.

Although the Star War Beast has terrifying defense and is a master who can wear others to death with its own strength and defense, when facing Du Yu, it was simply not enough. After all, Du Yu's attack was able to break through its defense. , but its attack will not cause any harm to Du Yu, and will be converted into part of Du Yu's attack.

"Have fun!" Du Yu launched an attack crazily, but the Star War Beast could only fight back passively, and was completely put at a disadvantage by Du Yu.

Compared to the star war beast, Du Yu looks like a ferocious beast.

As the battle progressed, the source stone in Du Yu's chaotic space also shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the Star Battleship, the three girls of Nangong Qin have been completely stunned. This battle has turned the entire Yanyu world upside down. If this was a world with living beings, I am afraid that all life would have been devastated. This was simply a world that had been destroyed long ago. world.

Even though he does not have the ability to blast through the world frame, it is still not a difficult thing for Du Yu to destroy a world.

The huge star war beast was beaten back every time it collided with Du Yu, who was only one billionth of its size. The visual impact was absolutely shocking.

If no one had witnessed this battle, Du Yu's name would have definitely resounded throughout the War Domain.

Of course, that kind of result is not what Du Yu wants to see. After all, that would expose him and the Qilin Empire to the Lord of the War Fire Territory prematurely. Before he has the strength to pull down the Lord of the War Fire Territory, Du Yu didn't intend to let the other party notice him.

This battle lasted for several hours before the Star War Beast was beaten to death by Du Yu. It must be said that Du Yu also fought very hard in this battle.

The defense of the star war beast is terrifyingly strong. Although every blow can cause a certain amount of damage to the star war beast, it is still far away from serious damage. If the star war beast is not a single-minded creature, Du Yu would It may not be possible to kill the opponent.

The Star War Beast was definitely the most difficult opponent Du Yu had ever encountered in his life, but fortunately, he was beaten to death by him in the end.

Seeing the star war beast that had no good flesh on its body and had lost its breath, Du Yu breathed a sigh of relief, put away the God-killing Spear, and the armor on his body turned into a small spirit again, standing beside him.

"It's really scary, but I'm just a little stupid and my brain is not very good!" Xiao Ling said with some regret.

"If this thing were smarter, would other races still have room to survive?" Du Yu shook his head.

What he said was not an exaggeration at all. You must know that he has practiced two supreme-level techniques. It took so much effort to kill the opponent just like this.

Although Du Yu did not really attack with all his strength, and did not even use the God-killing Spear, he only used Chaos Counterattack, and he was still inferior to his opponents in the same realm. This shows how terrifying the Star War Beast is. .

Du Yu jumped on the huge head of the star war beast and raised his hand. He cut a huge gap in the body of the star war beast without using his innate magical power.

He jumped directly into it and took out a crystal core that was no more than the size of a fist. Who would have expected that the crystal core of such a huge star war beast would be so inconspicuous.

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