The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 971 Selling Information The Tomb of the Thunder Emperor

Chapter 971 Selling Information—Thunder Emperor’s Tomb

For a strong person like Du Yu, even the Yu clan royal family would not dare to show any slights.

Although they are only the first-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, if they are offended, they will also cause great trouble. Even the Yu clan does not dare to take it lightly.

For powerful people of this level, they always use elders of the same level to entertain them to show their respect for Du Yu.

The maid took Du Yu and the four girls to a private room. Although the space was not very large, it was extremely delicate. The fur used as a carpet was made of a ferocious beast at the level of a saint of heaven. This was definitely The highest standard reception room of the Yu clan.

After Du Yu and the other girls casually sat down on the sofa, the maid had already set out tea and fruit for them, and then politely withdrew.

Not long after, a well-dressed middle-aged Yu clan member knocked on the door and walked in.

This Yu Clan's bearing was quite extraordinary. His first impression on Du Yu was that he was like a Western gentleman he had seen before. Such a bearing was extremely rare in a world that followed the laws of the jungle, but the Yu Clan didn't like killing very much either. The main industry is intelligence, so it is normal to have such an attitude.

The opponent's strength is also at the level of the elementary Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If the Yu Clan's strength is really as strong as it appears, the Yu Clan's status is at least at the prince level.

When Du Yu was sizing up this Yu Clan, the other party was also sizing up Du Yu and the women behind him.

Among the five people on the opposite side, three of them couldn't see through the aura at all, which made him feel shocked. This meant that at least three of the opponents were stronger than him, and even the weakest one was no less than a lower-level Tiandao saint.

This combination was really shocking, and he immediately put away his probing gaze and became cautious.

Facing the situation where the opponent might have three intermediate Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, he did not dare to be disrespectful at all. The opponent was not something that his Yu Clan could offend.

"Distinguished guests, I am Yu Mo, the third elder of the Yu tribe. Do you have any needs?" This middle-aged Yu tribe member gave a noble salute to Du Yu and others and said with a smile.

Du Yu also put away his probing gaze, nodded and said: "Well, I have information to sell to you!"

A gleam suddenly flashed in Yu Mo's eyes, but he was not surprised at all. After all, this is how a lot of information about the Yu clan came from, and many strong men would come to them to sell information they didn't need. This was also mutually beneficial. .

Yu Mo raised his hand to put up many barriers and sealed the box tightly. Then he took out a gray ball and said, "I wonder, distinguished guest, what kind of information do you have?"

Du Yu happened to know this gray ball. The Mantra Orb was a unique treasure of the Yu Clan. Not only could it verify whether what the other party said was true, but if the transaction failed, it could also ensure that the people on the Yu Clan's side would not If you dare to leak it or use it yourself, this is also a guarantee for transactions.

"Information about a treasure land." Du Yu leaned on the back of the sofa and crossed his legs.

Yu Mo glanced at the gray orb in front of him, but there was no reaction. He was relieved. This meant that Du Yu did not lie to him. It was indeed information about a treasure land, and Du Yu was indeed here to sell information.

"I wonder how you plan to conduct the transaction?" Yu Mo nodded, looked at Du Yu and said seriously.

Having said that, he was worried that Du Yu didn't know how the Yu Clan's information was traded, so he raised his hand and waved. A golden scroll appeared in front of Du Yu, with four or five ways of trading Yu Clan intelligence written on it.

Du Yu glanced at it briefly, and then said: "Let's just buy it out in one go. I don't have the energy to come to you again."

Just kidding, he is here to trick people. If the Yu clan knew that this was a scam, they would not continue to trade with him in the future. It would be better to do it all at once.

"No problem, what kind of information is it? I need to know what kind of information it is before I can give you an estimate!" Yu Mo nodded without any doubts. After all, it was a one-time transaction, and the Yu Clan would never do it. They will treat Du Yu badly, even if they suffer some losses, but if they can establish a relationship with a powerful person like Du Yu, the benefits to them will definitely be huge.

Du Yu glanced at the orb next to Yu Mo, and a faint sparkle flashed in his eyes. The next step was how to deceive this orb. As long as he could deceive this orb, his subsequent plan could proceed smoothly. If If it fails, then you will have to find other methods in Linxiang.

He calmly performed the Great Prophecy Technique, and then whispered: "In a month, a secret realm will appear in the black cloud world. The secret realm is called the Tomb of the Thunder Emperor, and it is a Hunyuan Saint who fell in it that year. What is left behind, and there will be signs in three days, if you are near the black cloud world, you should be able to see it."

After hearing the reputation of Saint Hunyuan, Yu Mo's heart trembled. If it were really the tomb of Saint Hunyuan, I'm afraid the entire War Fire Domain would be boiling. There were only a few Hunyuan Saints in the War Fire Domain. Even a fool knows what the tomb represents, and maybe it contains the method to break through to the Hunyuan Saint.

No matter how bad it is, the wealth of Saint Hunyuan is still very terrifying. If it can be obtained, for a force, it will definitely skyrocket.

His eyes were fixed on the gray orb at his hand. Five minutes later, there was still no movement from the orb. This meant that Du Yu did not lie to him and the information was true. Yu Mo's heartbeat accelerated violently.

He took a deep breath and said: "The value of this information is immeasurable. Please wait a moment. I am going to discuss it with the superiors. I won't delay you for too long!"

After that, after obtaining Du Yu's consent, he turned around and opened the door directly and walked out.

Du Yu quietly dispersed the Great Prophecy Technique, feeling greatly relieved. He was not surprised that the Great Prophecy Technique could hide the orb. After all, what the Great Prophecy Technique said would definitely happen. It's just that you will be punished for going against the will of heaven.

Before, he played a word game with Yu Mo. What he said was that it would appear, not appear. If he really fabricated the tomb of a Hunyuan Saint out of thin air, the thunder tribulation would definitely chop him into pieces. After all, there are too many things that need to be reversed. The Great Prophecy is not created out of thin air, but changes the past history. In other words, if Du Yu said that there is a tomb of a Hunyuan Saint, then this Hunyuan Saint will If it really exists, its history will be created.

But the appearance is different. Du Yu can just create a virtual shadow. The gap between the two is huge.

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