Through the great prophecy technique, Du Yu forcibly created a giant thunder gate outside the black cloud world.

This door exuded extremely terrifying coercion, and the nearby Tiandao saints even fell into suffocation, as if someone had strangled their necks.

This is the pressure that belongs to the Hunyuan Saint. Although Du Yu cannot fabricate the Hunyuan Saint out of thin air, it is still easy for him to just imitate the pressure.

The giant thunder gate probably lasted for several minutes before gradually disappearing. At this moment, the spies from all sides who were outside the black cloud world did not dare to hesitate at all and hurriedly conveyed the previous scene back to their respective forces.

The previous vision undoubtedly reflected the accuracy of the previous intelligence. Thinking of the existence of the tomb of the Hunyuan Saint in the Black Cloud World, everyone became excited.

If nothing unexpected happens, in a month, the armies of these forces will surely enter the Black Cloud World and turn the Black Cloud World upside down.

On the other side, Du Yu's situation was not good at the moment. The thunderbolt above his head hit him harder and harder, and it took him more than ten minutes to stop. Even though Du Yu was very powerful, he was still hit. It's disgusting. After all, the great prophecy this time was a big deal and almost affected the whole world. The punishment will naturally not be small.

Du Yu, who was completely charred after being hacked, put away the God-killing Spear in some depression, and then landed on the Star Battleship hiding next to him. He complained to the women who looked at him with concern: "This move is easy to use." It’s easy to use, but the side effects are too great. If it were replaced by an ordinary peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, I’m afraid it would really be chopped into pieces.”

Xiao Ling nodded in agreement: "The punishment this time is indeed terrible. Many defensive magic weapons have suffered a certain degree of damage."

"Maybe it's because of the calamity clouds in the surrounding black cloud world. I saw that this heavenly punishment drew a lot of thunder from the black cloud world before, and its power became much stronger after that." Nangong Qin thought for a while and spoke. road.

Du Yu shook his head: "Who knows what the mechanism of this heavenly punishment is. Fortunately, the plan has successfully implemented the second step. Then we just need to wait. One month should be enough for those forces to take their trump cards. Come out!"

If he knows the tomb of Saint Hunyuan, although it may not make him desperate, Du Yu will definitely not miss it. Not only the other party's wealth, but also the other party's experience are what he needs. This is for other people. This is also true, even the peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will definitely come after hearing the news.

This will definitely be a catastrophe for the people in the Black Cloud World, but these are not within the scope of Du Yu's consideration. The Black Cloud World is not classified by Du Yu in the ranks of his own people, so their life and death, Du Yu won't care.

Du Yu took off his clothes that were almost chopped into soot, put on new clothes, sat on the main seat, and flew back to Tianyu World in the Star War Boat. It was still a long time before it started completely. For a long time, he was not in a hurry.

Even if those powerful people enter the Black Cloud World in advance, they will definitely find nothing. The Thunder Emperor's Tomb is a scam. Even if they overturn the entire Black Cloud World, they will never find any clues.

On the contrary, it will attract people from the black cloud world there.

The natives of the Black Cloud World have no hospitality at all. When it comes to people from other worlds, they will only brutally kill people instead of communicating well. Moreover, their fighting power is indeed very terrifying. There are few people at the same level. will be their opponent.

Those vanguard troops basically left without returning, which only made the Black Cloud World even more bloodthirsty towards outsiders.

According to the intelligence, in the month since the Thunder Emperor's tomb was opened, the conflicts between various external forces and the natives of the Black Cloud World have continued to surge. Even if Du Yu didn't deliberately inquire, he could hear a lot in the hall. Famous forces are defeated in the world of black clouds. It is said that there is another ancestor who is at the peak level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Relying on his own strength, he plans to break into the black cloud world, but he is still driven back by a group of lower-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the black cloud world.

This incident made them deeply aware of the combat power of the Black Cloud World, and after being invaded for half a month, all tribes in the Black Cloud World were completely angry and directly dispatched a large number of elites to guard the entrance. If you want to enter the black cloud world, you must break through the room on this floor.

Before the main force arrived, no one was willing to risk their lives to test the strength of the defense line, so the matter gradually calmed down.

Only a month later, they entered the world of black clouds with the large army.

Du Yu knew that his opportunity had come. When these people held back the countless warriors in the Black Cloud World, he could deal with the Nine Heavens Xuan Lei with peace of mind, at least he would not be entangled by a group of particularly resistant flesh.

His battle plan went very smoothly, and he also subdued a highly talented scout. Du Yu was very satisfied with this mission.

A month passed quickly, and countless armies immediately took action. Countless warships of various types set off from Tianyu World and several surrounding worlds, flying toward the Black Cloud World in a mighty manner. Such an amazing army would definitely It is enough to make any force in the entire War Fire Territory fearful. The number of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals participating in the operation this time is less than seventy. There are five Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at the peak, which is definitely not something that the Black Cloud World can compete with.

The tomb of the Hunyuan Saint is definitely enough to make the entire War Domain agitate, but unfortunately, this is just a scam created by Du Yu, and they are destined to work for Du Yu for free.

Du Yu was also among the battleships. A high-end battleship might be very eye-catching in normal times, but now that there are countless forces dispatched, the high-end battleship is not so eye-catching.

The large army quickly approached the Black Cloud World. The rolling calamity clouds were depressing just looking at them from a distance. Opposite the calamity clouds was where the natives of the Black Cloud World gathered.

Because of their arrival, the density of calamity clouds has become much higher. For the natives of the black cloud world who are used to being struck by lightning, these calamity clouds may not be anything, but it is different for outsiders. .

They must allocate their energy to pay attention to the tribulation thunder above their heads, and their combat effectiveness is inherently weakened. This is also the reason why outsiders will suffer successive losses at the hands of the natives of the Black Cloud World.

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