The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 978 Mission completed, third ring unlocked

Even with Du Yu's current strength, the gun with the highest output can suppress demons and slay demons, and it will definitely not be easy.

After this move is performed, the energy in Du Yu's body will be lost by at least 40%, but the effect is also obvious. Every attack in the sky will not be inferior to the full blow of the ordinary Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Such scattered attacks would be nothing but a joke if they were aimed at a strong person of the same level, and they would not even be able to break through the opponent's defense.

But the situation is different now. What he wants is to consume the energy in the thunder pool over a large area. Naturally, he does not need to worry about this consumption issue.

Now that he knows that Lei Chi is the lifeblood of Jiutian Xuanlei, it is much easier for Du Yu to target him. He does not believe that Jiutian Xuanlei can stop his attack.

After all, Jiutian Xuanlei's attack mainly relies on the bonus of the thunder pool, and it can only defend a certain point at most.

"What are you going to do! Damn human!" Jiutian Xuanlei looked at the attack above his head, his voice full of panic. It didn't expect that Du Yu was so cruel and wanted to directly destroy the entire thunder pool.

It tried its best to mobilize the power of the thunder pool, hoping to protect the thunder pool as much as possible. At this moment, it no longer thought about anything else. It only hoped to save the thunder pool as much as possible.

However, all this is in vain. The shield it condenses only covers less than one-tenth of the thunder pool, and it is already a little weak. It wants to block the full blow of the late Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian above the head. Attacking is not an easy task. If the protective shield is weak, it will not be effective at all.

Jiutian Xuanlei was already panicked, and it had no idea what it should do.


As a loud roar sounded, the overhead attacks came down crazily, without giving Jiutian Xuanlei any chance to react.

Boom boom

Every spear shadow falling into the thunder pool will detonate a large amount of thunder. For a moment, the dazzling silver light will make everything around it pale, just like the heart of Jiutian Xuanlei at this moment, which is extremely desolate.

The area of ​​the thunder pool shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the Zhuxian Sword Formation quickly became stronger amidst the energy surrounding it.

This Zhuxian Sword Formation still has the real suppression of the Zhuxian Four Swords. Otherwise, the Zhuxian Sword Formation may not be able to absorb this sudden increase in power.

However, the enhancement of the Zhuxian Sword Formation means that the situation in the Lei Chi has become even more dire. The Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder is even more miserable than the turtle caught in the urn. That turtle is still a bit threatening at least. There is no longer any threat at all.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation suppressed it so hard that it didn't even have the ability to detonate the thunder pool, so it could only be fixed in the void and unable to move.

Du Yu flew in front of it, with no emotion visible under the white mask. Jiutian Xuanlei's huge dragon eyes were filled with fear at this moment. This was the first time in so many years that it felt the breath of death so closely.

Don't kill me, I am willing to surrender to you!

Jiutian Xuanlei stared at Du Yu with unusual eagerness, but it could not speak its words. It was suppressed by the Zhuxian Sword Formation that had been upgraded to a terrifying level. Let alone speak, it could not even control its spiritual consciousness.

However, Du Yu still understood its meaning from its eyes. Du Yu shook his head with some regret: "It's a pity that you are a mission item, otherwise I really want to include you in the Qilin Empire, such a powerful innate creature. Tsk tsk.”

After saying that, he put his hand on Jiutian Xuanlei's head, and his eyes instantly became extremely sharp.

"Shout to the ghosts and gods!"

The astonishing fighting spirit broke out instantly, superimposed on the mental attack of the Sixth Heaven Realm, and the soul of Jiutian Xuanlei was instantly destroyed.

The huge thunder dragon body also gradually dissipated, and finally turned into a slender blue thunder, floating quietly in a sea of ​​thunder. Although the aura of this Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder was still there, it was dead, a dead one. things.

However, the Jiutian Xuanlei after becoming a dead object is actually easier to control than when it is alive. When most people recover the innate spiritual object, unless the other party takes the initiative to seek refuge, they will erase the soul of the innate spiritual object. .

After all, the personalities of innate spiritual beings are uncertain, and ethics such as loyalty and morality are very foreign to them, and they are not worthy of trust.

Du Yu was able to meet an innate spiritual being like Xiao Ling. It can only be said that he was so lucky. There were only a handful of innate spiritual beings like Xiao Ling in the entire world, and all of them fell in love with him without exception. Owner.

Du Yu felt quite emotional, and then grabbed Jiutian Xuanlei. After losing his soul, Jiutian Xuanlei was just a more powerful tribulation thunder. It could not hurt Du Yu, who had a perverted body at all. He was easily defeated by him. Hold it in your hand.

Then the prompt from Tiandao Zhinao also sounded,

"Ding. Congratulations on successfully completing the second round of the Xuan-level pre-mission. You are now rewarded with a Heavenly Dao Value of 800 billion and a mysterious reward of 2."

The reward for this task is much higher than that of the first ring. In fact, according to the difficulty of the task, it has also increased a lot. This increase in reward is normal. Although it is not that much for Du Yu, it is still a big one. A considerable amount of income.

Du Yu put the reward away and did not take a closer look. Instead, he opened the Hunyuan mission list and looked at the Xuan-level prerequisite mission that he placed at the top. The second ring has been completed and is now ranked At the top of the list is the third ring of Xuan-level prerequisite tasks. Du Yu didn't know how many stages there were in this task, but the third ring of tasks really made him a little dumbfounded.

Because the mission of the third ring required him to refine the star battle beast crystal core he had obtained previously into a seal. The mission did not explain the function of the seal, but gave a drawing of the style and design.

This task is different from the previous one. It is a time-limited task. Du Yu must complete this task within three months, otherwise the task will be judged as failed and cannot be taken again.

The reward for the task has increased a lot according to the previous proportion. The reward is Tiandao worth trillions and mysterious treasure 3. This reward is not very good, but Du Yu can't understand the meaning of this task.

However, it is impossible for him to argue with Tiandao Zhinao about the tasks released. Since it is a task arranged by Tiandao Zhinao, then he just completes it. Anyway, his purpose is just to activate the Xuan-level task. As for Tiandao Zhinao's purpose, he Why do you care so much?

Du Yu opened the map of the War Fire Domain. There were many worlds that could refine weapons, the most famous of which was the Craftsman Furnace World. More than 80% of the magic weapons in the War Fire Domain were refined here.

But now Du Yu just hopes that no one from the Craftsman World will be attracted to him because of the Thunder Emperor's Tomb he created this time.

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