The difficulty of this task is much higher than before, but Du Yu knows it.

According to normal classification, it is not as difficult as a real Xuan-level mission, because according to him, the Xuan-level mission corresponds to the Hunyuan Saint level, which means that one must be at the Hunyuan Saint level to be qualified to complete the Xuan-level mission. level tasks.

But the prerequisite for the current Xuan-level mission is different. It does not necessarily require Hunyuan Sage-level strength. There are completely loopholes that can be found.

Tiandao Zhinao has not taken back the Territory Lord Seal from the previous mission, and the Territory Lord of the War Fire Territory at this time does not have the Territory Lord Seal. That is to say, although the Territory Lord Seal has a pseudo Territory Lord, it can actually still count. Ownerless.

If Du Yu can absorb the true spirit of the War Fire Territory, he can directly surpass the pseudo Territory Lord and become the new Territory Lord of the War Fire Territory. When the time comes, he can mobilize the power of the War Fire Territory and easily deal with the pseudo Territory Lord. Yes,

It can be said that the difficulty is not as great as it seems. If everything goes well, Du Yu will not even need to face the Hunyuan Saint-level powerhouse.

Du Yu, who knew what his mission was, started refining the Territory Lord Seal directly. The task must be done quickly. After refining the Territory Lord Seal, Huang Dao would be almost ready to leave. The Qilin Army would have to make big moves. Although he had the means to deal with the Hunyuan Saint, the task of purging the pseudo-region lord forces still had to be left to the Qilin Army.

After going through the world of technology and the world of craftsmanship, Du Yu is also looking forward to what kind of combat effectiveness the dual-armed Qilin army will have. The equipment of his army is definitely enough to not lose to any force. The strength of the Qilin army in the world of craftsmanship This batch of magic weapon sets are all in the fourth level at worst, which is already comparable to the innate spiritual treasures.

The majestic side of the Qilin Army will definitely shine and not disappoint when the plan begins.

In the world of Yanyu, a group of battleships were flying slowly, and they seemed to be searching for something.

After the last battle between Du Yu and the Star War Beast, the already fragmented world has become even more fragmented. Many places have become like paste, with a large number of space fragments and lava mixed together.

Even the saints of Heaven dare not enter that kind of place. If you enter rashly, you will definitely be torn to pieces by the power inside.

At this moment, in a huge high-level battleship at the front, a middle-aged man with the strength of a peak Tiandao Saint has his hands behind his back and is looking here with a frown. From the clan inscription on his collar, it is not difficult to tell that he is He is a member of the Huang family in the world of science and technology.

"What on earth happened here? Those people from the Bai family just confessed something, but before they could say anything, they couldn't hold on and died. It's really damned. I always come to this kind of ghost place. I feel a little scared in my heart!" The middle-aged man pinched his arm and said.

Ever since he entered this ruined world, he felt a little uneasy. However, because of the fragments of information he got from the Bai family, coupled with the huge energy fluctuations detected before, the elders of the Huang family unanimously believed that the Bai family was here. What a big move was made.

That's why they made the shocking move before. As the number one force in the world of science and technology, they didn't dare to take it lightly against the family that was clinging to them.

An elite team was directly sent here to investigate. Although this fleet is not too numerous, they are all top-level mid-level warships. They are very powerful. Coupled with the well-trained warriors among them, they are advanced in technology. In the world, he can be considered famous.

"Yeah, I don't know what happened to the Bai family to do such a thing. This time, the power of the Bai family can be said to have been robbed. It's just a pity that some of the top leaders of the Bai family are missing, and I don't know if they are. He died in the auction house, but he still escaped." said an adjutant beside him.

In fact, the Bai family fell so quickly, and they had an unshirkable responsibility for taking action behind the Huang family's back. Although there was also an element of anger at the loss of several elders, even if there was no such thing, they would not mind ruthlessly. Cruelly trample the Bai family down.

In less than two months, not only the main star of the Bai family was carved up by various forces, but all their branches were also killed.

"Who knows, we have been searching here for several days, but we have found nothing. There is no sign of any living things here at all. The elders are simply unfounded. Is it possible for the Bai family to come to such a world?" The adjutant beside him said rather dissatisfiedly.

Being assigned to such a desolate place with only boundless lava left would make anyone explode. This place is as terrifying as hell, and no one would want to stay in such a place longer.

"Tch, who knows what the clan elders think. Let's not discuss this issue. It is not something we can discuss. If nothing is found after three days, we will go back directly. I have stayed here enough, so I will I don’t believe that people from the Bai family can survive here!" The middle-aged man spat disdainfully.

At this moment, a soldier suddenly shouted loudly beside him: "Captain, an unknown energy body suddenly appeared in front of you. It seems to be a creature! It looks like a human being from the size!"

The middle-aged man's heart suddenly jumped. He didn't know why he suddenly felt uneasy, but after all, he was well-trained, so he suppressed this feeling, and then ordered: "Everyone is ready for battle, and come closer to me." Go over and take a look, if the enemy shoots him directly for me!"

This was a discovery they had made with great difficulty after coming here for so long. How could they retreat just because of a little uneasiness in their hearts? In that case, he would not be qualified to sit in this position.

The weapons on the battleship group began to charge, and many soldiers rushed to the deck and set up their weapons.

They don't dare to be careless about what appears in front of them. The one who can appear here without relying on anything has to be the weakest Tiandao Saint. If they are not vigilant, the opponent's strength is likely to cause great losses to them.

The speed of the battleship group was extremely fast, and the detected life form had already appeared in their sight from a distance. Looking at the huge stone in the light curtain in front of them, the middle-aged captain's face turned slightly. With a change: "What the hell is this!"

"It cannot be analyzed at the moment. We can only judge that the other party has existed for a long time, and judging from the aura emanating from it, there should be an existence that surpasses the saint of heaven inside!" A soldier quickly analyzed the data on the light screen in front of him and reported road.

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