The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 993 The ferocious beast Taotie

The arrogant voice made the entire Yanyu world tremble crazily, and the energy detectors on the battleship exploded.

The soldier responsible for detecting the energy was directly shaken far away by the exploding instrument, but fortunately his injury was not particularly serious.

He said with some trembling: "Captain, the other party's energy indication has exceeded the maximum value that the flagship can detect!"

The expression on the captain's face froze, and he yelled in disbelief: "How is this possible? How can there be such a powerful existence in a mere world of flames!"

If even the flagship cannot detect it, and it can cause the detection instrument to explode, there is only one possibility, and that is that the opponent's energy has far exceeded their detection range.

The maximum carrying capacity of the flagship is the peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which means that the other party definitely surpasses this level!

Although he doesn't want to admit it, the facts are already in front of him. The peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian must not let the Yanyu world collapse. Even if the Yanyu world has been destroyed like this, it is definitely not something that the peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can shake. of.

"Attack him! Destroy him at all costs!" The captain's eyes were slightly red. They had attacked such a dangerous existence before, how could the other party let them go?

To be fair, if he were placed in the same position as the opponent, he would never let go of his attacker.

After his order was issued, the soldiers who were already a little at a loss immediately found the backbone and quickly started to operate. Even though they knew that what they were doing might be in vain, they still held a trace of luck in their hearts, just in case their The attack worked and that person was eliminated!

All kinds of weapons that had just been fired and had not yet been cooled were forced to charge together. Although this may greatly affect the life of the weapons, they did not care about it at this moment.

The other party gave them a great sense of threat. If they didn't go all out like this, they wouldn't have any confidence at all.

The movement here naturally attracted the attention of the man who escaped from the seal. He glanced here, and then said with an evil smile: "Oh? You actually dare to attack me, how brave you are!"

He didn't make any move, he just turned around and faced the battleship group with his chest straight. He didn't make the slightest defensive move, as if he had given up on defense.

But the captain's face did not improve. The scene of the previous attack being absorbed appeared in his eyes. He finally understood where the uneasiness he felt after coming to this world came from. Such a powerful existence, he Are they really opponents?

"Captain, all weapons have been charged. Do you want to launch them?" The words of the adjutant beside him pulled him out of his thoughts. The captain immediately came to his senses and said sternly: "The whole army launches, give it to me. Destroy him!"

"Yes, weapons from all parties are ready to launch, target coordinates!" The adjutant gave a military salute and then issued the order.

The muzzles of all the battleships turned around and locked on the strong humanoid body. The fierce murderous intent froze the surrounding space for a while, and the attack with terrifying energy fluctuations instantly sprayed out scorching attacks.

The whole world was shrouded in white light, and the captain clenched his fists subconsciously, not caring about the dazzling light in the screen, and staring at the center of the screen, where the weirdo was.


With a loud noise, a white ring instantly spread from the center of the explosion. However, before it could spread a thousand meters away, it was forcefully pulled back by a force, as if there was a giant hand. Forced intervention is common.


In the command room of the battleship, I remembered the sound of gasping,

"What kind of monster is that?" the adjutant said in horror.

In the center of the explosion, a ferocious-looking giant beast was opening its mouth, wildly sucking in the surrounding energy. The power generated by the surrounding explosions was like water, and it was easily swallowed into its belly. Those The attack that was enough to kill the middle-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian had no effect at all at this moment.

They finally understood why the previous attack suddenly disappeared.

"Is that the black hole coming back to life?" The captain's tone was trembling. He was already desperate. The first attack was absorbed. He could still think it was the effect of the mysterious stone, but this time they had no way to deceive themselves. , after all, this time the monster absorbed all the attacks in front of them.

"Uh." The monster, which had transformed into a human form again, burped and rubbed his belly with satisfaction: "The attack this time was quite powerful. You did a great job!"

His words reached everyone's ears clearly, and the captain shuddered. Although he was separated by countless steel barriers, he felt that the monster was talking to him. It seemed that it could see him through the battleship. s position.

Just as he had this idea, the monster had already confirmed his idea. The other party actually ignored the space blockade of the battleship and came directly to the command cabin. The other party was not polite and sat directly on his main seat. , with a wicked smile on his face: "You satisfy me very much, you can be my servant from now on!"

The entire control room became alert due to the sudden arrival of this monster. Everyone took out their weapons and pointed them at the people sitting in the main seat.

The security team quickly arrived in the command room and surrounded the man in the main seat.

But when dozens of energy weapons were pointed at him, the man showed no fear at all. He still asked with an evil smile: "The right to choose is yours. If you don't agree, I don't mind throwing you away." Erase them all.”

The captain's eyes were a little complicated. He knew that the person sitting in the main seat was definitely not someone they could afford to offend. Even the Huang family may not be able to afford such a person.

The opponent can directly fire the main guns of countless battleships, so how can they care about the few broken guns they have here?

With almost no hesitation, he knelt down and said with a surrendered expression: "Master."

The surrounding soldiers and officers were also stunned, and they did not insist too much. They also put down their weapons and knelt on the ground. If the captain asked them to fight to the end, then they would definitely pull the trigger without hesitation. But even the captain surrendered, so how could they continue to persist.

"Hahahahaha, okay, you are the first batch of slaves of my Taotie. When I take over this garbage domain, your benefits will naturally be indispensable!" The monster's laughter became more and more unrestrained.

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