The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 995 Changes in the technological world

Du Yu was slightly startled by Yu An's disappearance. Then he increased the output power of his spirit, covering the surrounding space tightly, and then he discovered Yu An's extremely restrained aura.

This made him take a breath. He was sure that with this layer of dynamic mimicry, Yu An's concealment ability had been improved to an extremely terrifying level. Even though he was not even a saint of heaven now, but if If Du Yu didn't try his best to explore his location, even he wouldn't be able to find Yu An's location.

This also means that at least at the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Yu An cannot be found at all. At least mentally, he is not as outstanding as Du Yu who possesses the Jade Emperor Art of War, so it is impossible to find Yu An.

This is simply a born assassin. If Yu An's strength improves a little more, I'm afraid even he won't be able to find Yu An.

"Are there any other special abilities? Can I add weapons?" Du Yu asked. For such a good assassin, it would be a bit too limited if he could only serve as a scout.

Huang Dao shook his head with some regret and said: "There are no suitable weapons yet. I plan to wait until I become a three-star high-level technician and add the strongest individual weapon I can. If I get close enough, even There is a chance to kill Hunyuan Saint, and the weapon energy is very restrained, making it very suitable for Yu An to use."

Du Yu didn't wipe his mouth. Huang Dao was more experienced than him in what Yu An needed, so he had no intention of interfering.

On the contrary, he was quite interested in studying the layer of biological armor on Yu An's body. Different from the relationship between Xiao Ling and him, this layer of armor on Yu An's body had no obvious traces of life and was completely made by Huang Dao. of.

He could feel that the defense of this layer of armor was pretty good. It could probably neutralize most of his attacks. Although it was still not something Yu An could resist, but one must know what Du Yu's strength was at this moment. If he took action, it would be What will it be like?

"Can this thing be mass-produced?" Du Yu touched the armor on Yu An and asked. Yu An has grown a lot in the past hundred years, and now he is not much different from him. He also looks much more handsome. If he goes out, he will definitely attract the attention of countless women.

Huang Dao shook his head: "A maximum of three hundred sets of biological armor of this level can be made. This is the limit, and there is no way around it. The main material for making this armor, Xingyao Soft Steel, was only harvested less than a hundred kilograms before. That’s all.”

Du Yu was not hit at all. He noticed Huang Dao's first sentence, and then asked: "Is there no limit at the first level?"

Huang Dao nodded without hesitation: "Yes, this kind of special biological armor can be made with ordinary materials. Even if all the Qilin Army is armed, there will be no problem. However, such biological armor can only offset chaos at most." Yuanda Luo Jinxian’s attack has no special effects.”

Du Yu is not worried about this. The generals of the Qilin Army can just wear special biological armor. As for the soldiers of the Qilin Army, such biological armor is enough. After all, if the soldiers are too maverick, it will be seriously affected. The cooperation between them and the standard equipment with no special characteristics can allow them to exert their greatest power.

"If we go all out, how long will it take to complete?" Du Yu asked, stroking his hands. "By the way, do you have any good recommendations for weapons and equipment?"

Although the Qilin Army already has 50 million sets of magic weapons provided by the Craftsman World, biological armors and technological weapons do not conflict with them. This is why Du Yu wants to cultivate a high-level technological master. , he needs to arm the Qilin Army soldiers to their teeth.

"In this top-level warship, there is a complete assembly line. As long as I can make something, they can make it. It is not too difficult. It can be made in three months at most." Huang Dao thought for a moment. , revealed an accurate number.

This time is not long, outside the time and space wheel, it is only a few hours, which is more than enough.

But now that Zodiac already has the ability to produce an assembly line, he has to seriously consider the necessity of occupying the world of technology.

After all, his original purpose was to let the world of science and technology help Zodiac and speed up the production of finished products, but it was obvious that he underestimated the power of the technicians.

Now that everyone in the Zodiac has completed assembly line production, the technological world has become dispensable.

Du Yu didn't show his confusion. He patted Huang Dao on the shoulder and said, "In that case, I'll leave the equipment to you."

Just as he was about to say something, the communication jade talisman in the space suddenly moved.

Du Yu stopped what he was about to say and took out the communication jade talisman. The communication person was Zhuge Liang. Being able to use the communication jade talisman obviously meant that the other party was now in the world of the craftsman.

He directly opened the communication, and Zhuge Liang's image appeared in front of him. When he saw Du Yu, Zhuge Liang hurriedly saluted and said: "Your Majesty, I have rushed to the world of Craftsman's Furnace with my soldiers."

Because they are both members of the Qilin Empire, they can obviously feel that the foundry here is the same as them, but no one makes it difficult for them. They directly take Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu into the inner street, just looking for The communication jade talisman was only used when Du Yu was away.

"Well, I'll go over now." Du Yu nodded slightly.

Then he cut off the communication. Du Yu looked at Yu An and Huang Dao and said, "Huang Dao, I'll leave the matter here to you. Yu An, please temporarily cooperate with Huang Dao to complete the biological armor test."

The two of them knew that Du Yu had something to do, so they quickly nodded and said respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Du Yu glanced at them, and then stepped out of the space-time wheel. At this time, Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu were already waiting outside. Looking at the two of them, Du Yu was a little confused: "Why are you two here?"

After all, his order was for them to perform tasks and train troops along the way. Logically speaking, only one person is enough to come and get the equipment. This battle is a bit too big now, but he knows that neither of them are reckless people. , but he won’t rush to accuse.

Guan Yu and Zhuge Liang looked at each other, and then they both shook their heads with a wry smile. Guan Yu said in a bitter voice: "Your Majesty, I'm ashamed to say that we had no choice but to escape back. This is what we want to report to you this time. matter."

"The world of science and technology has been renamed the Taotie world. It is controlled by a mysterious Hunyuan saint named Taotie. Many worlds have been completely destroyed. We were tricked by the news in advance." Guan Yu said with some shame.

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