The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 997 Goal, activate the domain master seal

The addition of technological weapons is definitely a revolutionary enhancement for the Qilin Army.

Technological weapons consume less energy and have low usage restrictions, which will definitely be of great help to large-scale legion wars.

Many soldiers in the technological world are just ordinary people, but when facing high-level experts, they can rely on various equipment to keep up.

Although it may not be able to enhance the Kirin Army's combat capabilities, it will make leaps and bounds in terms of defense and battery life.

This is also the most important point in large-scale battles. In addition to fighting large-scale killer weapons, the other thing in large-scale wars is the military's cruising ability.

If the enemy cannot be eliminated in the shortest time, it will inevitably fall into a war of attrition. At that time, the role of technological weapons will be reflected.

When the strength of both sides has been almost exhausted, the Qilin Army has been able to rely on technological weapons to exert strong combat effectiveness. One can imagine what the outcome of the battle will be.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The two people who knew what the technological weapons were like were a little excited. They were in great spirits. The battle beasts of each person in the Qilin Army had already given them an additional helper who was not weaker than them. If they were to join the The last set of magic weapons, as well as technological weapons and armor, were simply armed to the teeth.

The disadvantages of the Qilin Army in terms of equipment were directly eliminated, and instead became the Qilin Army's advantage. At least they did not think that any force in the War Domain could rival the Qilin Army in terms of weapons.

"Okay, that's all I'm saying. You go arrange the Qilin Army. After the equipment is distributed, let them all gather here and go directly to the time and space wheel to refine and receive training in technological weapons." Du Yu shot He patted the two of them on the shoulders and said.

Although he was not sure how he provoked Taotie, Du Yu had a vague feeling that the Taotie was definitely coming for him. It was a Hunyuan Saint-level Taotie. Du Yu was actually not particularly worried, even if it really hit him. However, if you want to run, there is absolutely no problem.

Without special means, even the Hunyuan Tiandao Saint would not be able to catch him.

What he is worried about is whether there will be a powerful group behind the Taotie. If he suffers revenge from a group of Taotie, Du Yuguang's scalp feels numb just thinking about it. They are terrifying existences that can devour the world. If a group comes, it may not be enough for one domain. They eat.

Of course, if the Taotie goes too far, Du Yu doesn't mind killing it. He is also a decisive person. As long as the Taotie doesn't block his way and violates his bottom line, he may not necessarily take action against it. But if the other party is not sensible, he will definitely make the other party regret it.

After sending Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu away, Du Yu directly entered the time and space wheel. About half an hour had passed at this moment, and more than 500 hours, or about twenty days, had passed in the time and space wheel.

Du Yu flew directly into the Qilin battleship. Huang Dao was holding a light screen at the moment, recording various values, while Yu An was flying in a transparent room against strong wind pressure, seemingly testing his speed. .

Seeing Du Yu's arrival, Huang Dao quickly put down the board in his hand and saluted: "See you, Your Majesty!"

Du Yu nodded slightly, turned his gaze to Yu An, who was trying hard to flap his wings, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Test what is his fastest flying speed under the biological battleship at this stage." Huang Dao pointed to the layer of black iron feathers covering Yu An's wings and said.

"How is the result?"

Hearing Du Yu's words, Huang Dao immediately became excited: "It's perfect. If it flies at full speed, it is comparable to the ordinary middle-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. After turning on the extreme mode, it can even rival the lower-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!" "

"So fast?" Du Yu looked at Huang Dao in surprise. This was too outrageous!

"No, no!" Huang Dao quickly waved his hand to deny: "This is the highest level thing I have made, except for this super battleship. This increase is not exaggerated at all. If Yu An is now a saint of heaven, If so, the speed will be even faster!

Du Yu's eyes lit up, that Yu An's role was too great. With his current speed and his concealment ability, few people could detect him. If it was used to spy on intelligence, it would be very useful.

He's basically been developed and ready to be put to use.

"After you wait for him to come out, let him go to Zhuge Liang to make arrangements. I won't stay any longer. By the way, the Qilin Army will enter here directly, and it will be up to you to teach them how to use technological weapons. "Du Yu ordered.

He now has some sense of crisis, and Taotie's threat makes him dare not underestimate him. After all, he is a Hunyuan Saint. If he does not have the means to compete with him, he will definitely suffer.

Now he still has time to break through in strength. At present, he can only activate the Territory Lord Seal and become the Territory Lord of the War Domain.

Huang Dao nodded and had no objection to Du Yu's arrangement. He was originally required to teach this kind of thing. The use of technological props in the church is not as simple as teaching them to use them. At the same time, they also need to be taught how to maintain them and even teach them how to use them. Teach them how to make repairs during emergencies.

If you are not a designer of weapons, it is impossible to say how detailed it is. In fact, there are only a few people in the technological world who can actually use these high-tech products.

Those so-called soldiers can only use it at most. This is an insult to him for making something. Huang Dao naturally does not want to do this.

After Du Yu briefly looked at the manufacturing progress, he walked out of the time and space wheel. Zhuge Liang and the others did not keep him waiting. That is, half an hour later, they came to him with the Qilin Army and passed There are a large number of materials in Tiandao Mall that the casters have never seen before, and the price does not need to be cut by them at all, it is directly the cost price.

In fact, those materials were not expensive in Tiandao Mall. They didn't feel any distress when taking them out, but they could make the casters so excited.

Du Yu didn't hesitate. After encouraging the Qilin Army for a few words, he directly put them into the time and space wheel. When these warriors reappear, there will definitely be earth-shaking changes. Du Yu has no doubt about this.

After settling the Qilin Army, Du Yu left the Craftsman World directly. Time waits for no one. He doesn't know when Taotie will find him. Before that, he must have the strength to compete with the opponent, otherwise he will be targeted by a Hunyuan Saint. On the battlefield, Du Yu will be unable to move even an inch in the war zone.

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