The strongest equipment supplier in the comic world 294.

The organs created by Lun persisted for an hour after her hands left Black Bolt King's body, and then directly entered the stage of aging and apoptosis.

At the same time, because there was no such organ in the body of Black Bat King, after the cells that make up this organ died, no new cells could not come up. Sha said all about her love, which stunned Jing Jing. After all, her brother-in-law looked so calm, and she never expected to behave so sourly at this time.

After seeing the hope of solving his own problems, Black Bolt King has no resistance to the daily cooperation experiment.

It's just that Lynch still has an organization to manage, such as the reformed soldiers that Nick asked Hand to contact. Lynch hasn't responded yet, but after the research here has progressed, Lynch is finally ready to Let yourself take a break, and the so-called rest is to deal with the things that need his approval recently.

"Nick is really ugly and beautiful, but it doesn't seem to be a problem, just let Crossbones come over and accept the transformation, and when the time comes to brainwash Crossbones, another combat power will join. "

If Lynch hadn't made new progress in research, he might have rejected the matter directly, but thinking that Crossbones would explode in the future, Lynch felt that this Hydra agent with good tactical literacy could be drawn into his own. In the camp, this is to let Nick spend money to train fighters for Skyrim Watch.

Although Lynch feels that it is not good to always stare at SHIELD for a sheep, but there is really no better target than SHIELD. Now it is almost impossible for Skywatch to intervene in other industries, only for high-tech products. They have already made a lot of money, and no one will let Skywatch get involved in other fields, because they are really worried that Skywatch wants to rule the earth one day.

However, this has no effect on Skywatch, because there are so many branches of Hydra. Carter has been in charge of the Ministry of Commerce these years, not only making money for the organization, but also investigating many companies related to Hydra by the way. It's time to attack these companies.

The difference in information is an advantage at any time. Hydra did not expect that they have been targeted by their old opponents before they make any big moves. They even said that they have prepared a plan to deal with them. As long as nine The confrontation between Snake and S.H.I.E.L.D. is exposed, so it's time for Carter to show off.

As for the fact that Skywatch has never involved confrontation between forces, Lynch will be able to evade the personal behavior of the managers at that time. As for who the managers are, Peggy Carter, it belongs to Hydra. Personal matters.

At that time, Lynch will directly say a few words to Carter, and then punish him a little bit for using power for personal gain, and the matter will naturally pass, but at that time, Carter will directly stand on the bright side. Odd favorite.

Lynch did not choose to interfere with Yin Fan's choice. After all, this kind of brain-opening research and development may be able to capture the hearts of sales targets more easily. With Calvin's strengthening potion, Skywatch may be able to directly Enter the field of military contractors.

"Hello, Ms. Maria, you should know my identity in your capacity. Your friend, please ask my boss to check your body to ensure your health. I hope you can cooperate with our work, and even say that we can Give your daughter a medical check-up service, and if either of you mother and daughter is sick, we will provide you with treatment services."

Calvin, who didn't need to develop new medicines for the time being, brought people to Maria Rambo's house.

Although the lady who founded the Heavenly Sword Bureau seems to be healthy, according to Lynch's memory, before "Spectrum" Monica disappeared because of Thanos' snapping fingers,

She has been taking care of her mother in the hospital, which means that it will be five or six years before Maria must be hospitalized, or it may be a little longer, but at least her body should be able to check out now. sickness.

When Thor came to the earth, that Professor Iris had contacted the people of Tianjian Bureau. If it wasn't because the agents of SHIELD had arrived, it is estimated that Agent Abigail Brand would take over. It's about Thor.

After listening to Calvin's words, Maria nodded very calmly, because she knew that since Calvin and the others could enter her home without being discovered by the nearby guards, it meant that she had no chance of escaping. , and Maria herself knew about it, and the source of the news was Ron En.

The Heavenly Sword Bureau is responsible for dealing with various interstellar issues. After Ron En discovered the existence of this organization, he became the consultant of this organization. Although he was only a non-staff member, Ron En gave the Heavenly Sword Bureau a lot of help. huge.

Although the nature of Tianjian Bureau and SHIELD Bureau is similar, and sometimes they will cooperate, but there is no affiliation relationship between the two parties.

Because of Ron En's reminder, Maria didn't panic at all. The surprise on her face was just because she didn't expect that the Master Chief's men would be waiting for her at her home.

After seeing Maria nodded, Calvin immediately took out various instruments and prepared to perform a physical examination on Maria.

"Mom?! Who are they?"

Monica, who opened the door and walked in, saw Maria lying on the sofa undergoing a physical examination, and the black widow in the living room, except for Calvin, who were all armed to hide their true faces.

"Hi Miss Monica, I'm Dr Calvin Zabo, your Aunt Carol made a deal with my boss so we're here to provide you with medical care, don't worry about it, yours Mother is well aware of our existence."

While watching the data on the screen, Calvin explained his background. At the same time, Maria nodded to Monica, indicating that Monica need not worry.

Monica, who has been exposed to aliens since she was a child, is not as mature as she will be more than ten years later, but living with Maria these years, coupled with the various problems she has to face every day, makes this university student The girl behaved very calmly.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with her mother, Monica immediately sat on a chair beside her and waited for her mother's physical examination to end.

"Ms. Maria, although your body looks healthy, these data of yours are all in the abnormal area. If there is no accident, it should be cancer. Although there is a high probability of malignant tumor, because it was discovered in time, so Even normal hospitals can provide treatment services."


Maria did not expect that she would be diagnosed with cancer directly after undergoing a physical examination.

Although Maria is not young now, her daily work is not easy, and as the founder of a secret service organization, her responsibilities are very arduous.

If something goes wrong now, it will definitely have a big impact on the next work, but according to Calvin, her current illness is not that serious. , I can fight all the time, but this is when those robots and Mr. Iron Man have the same strength. "

Although everyone could hear the sincerity of Genos's answer, Tony, who resolutely went to find Ultron, after hearing what Genos said, he felt that he had to go back and reason with Genos.

"Vision, if you can go underground, go in with Genos now to interfere with those robots. Eliminating the robots is not the main purpose. You two scan the structure of the huge machine as much as possible and hand it over to Iron Man for analysis. Determine Ultron's real plan."

"Yes, sir."

"I see."

As the "recognized" commander of this operation, Bruce knows that it is not difficult to defeat the enemy. If it is really impossible to fight here, calling Superman directly will not solve the problem at that time, even those who say that Skywatch People can also help, but in that case, a lot of time will be wasted, and the sensitive nerves of the World Security Council will be triggered again.

First determine the enemy's purpose, and then carry out effective targeting. As for how to fight next, it is still necessary to investigate the situation next.

"By the way, is there anything we need to do?"

While Bruce was waiting for news from Genos and the others, a person who had been forgotten by everyone suddenly asked a question in the communication channel.

"First Evolution"

Bruce turned his head and saw Thor and Rhodes who had already flown near the Bat Fighter. At this moment, he remembered that these two guys took off directly after getting off the plane. As a result, everyone assigned their own partners. And the two of them floating in the sky were subconsciously forgotten. Of course, there is no problem if the two of them act together now.

But now other people don't need support from the air, so the two seem to be doing nothing.

"The two of you are on standby here. If there is a gap over there, the two of you will be responsible for the support mission. The mission of Thor and Rhodes may affect the final result of this battle."

"Heroes always appear at the most critical time, and I will let you see the greatness of the son of Odin again."

Hearing that Bruce had a heavy responsibility for himself, Thor happily raised Thor's Hammer in his hand, but Rhodes, who had the strength of the Iron Patriot, showed a helpless expression.

Among the current Avengers, Rhodes is most familiar with Tony. As a colonel in the military, except for interacting with Steve, Rhodes rarely contacts with other people, and now he suddenly wants to join the revenge team. Fighting against the Avengers was a very unaccustomed thing for the air force colonel who had not yet joined the Avengers.

However, when he thought that he was about to become a hero to save the world, Rhodes was still a little excited. After he retired from the Avengers and returned to the Air Force sequence, he probably started as a lieutenant general. A person who becomes a colonel at this age has the opportunity to become a general, and it is still a very big one. It can be said that if he spends a few more years here, his resume will be very good by then, and it is not impossible to become a general in the future .

After receiving Bruce's order, Genos and Vision plunged to the ground at the same time, and Bruce, who had been paying attention to this side, saw two different ways to enter the ground.

Although both of them seemed to pass through the objects they touched and disappeared from view, Bruce was able to determine that Genos's method of diving into the ground was the same as Chris's ability, by entering the warp space, in another space in action.

In this state, Chris can still attack, but only by attacking the space, using the fluctuations or cracks that appear after the space is attacked to affect the target. If the target of the attack is an existence like Superman, then it is estimated that the attack will be ignored. But for ordinary people, this kind of attack from the subspace is very deadly, because this kind of attack can completely affect the internal organs of the target. If there is no super power of self-healing, a direct headshot will completely destroy the brain. Abandoned.

The ability of hallucinations seems to just pass through objects, and the energy fluctuations are not particularly obvious, which is incomparable to the ability to enter subspace.

Of course, the comparison between Genos and Vision doesn't make much sense on Bruce's side, as long as the two of them can complete the task, Bruce doesn't intend to participate in other things.


After Genos entered the underground space of Sokovia, he immediately fired a fireball at the place with the most robots. The violent explosion directly blew up a large number of robots, and then Genos's arm armor immediately Open up to reveal a large number of jet ports.

"Burn the cannon!"

Although Bruce's order was to investigate the function of the huge machinery, after seeing those robots, Genos directly entered the combat mode and launched a very destructive attack.

The high temperature of nearly 7,000 degrees is not an attack that can be easily tolerated by robots made of ordinary metals, but Genos's attack also attracted a large number of robots to come to his vicinity.

Just when Maria was thinking, Monica's physical examination began. Compared with Maria's examination, Monica's physical examination was relatively simple. Calvin gave a Monica's physical examination The body is still developing, and some values ​​are relatively high, which is a normal phenomenon. If it is tested, it is easy to cause misleading, so now just make sure that Monica's body is at the normal level of the current age.

After Calvin's physical examination, it was found that there was a little problem with Maria's body.

Recruiting a lot of S.H.I.E.L.D. elites is a win-win situation. Carter disgusted his old opponent, Hydra, and Lynch got people and money.

After confirming that he was going to start the two companies, Lynch replied to Agent Hande. In view of the fact that everyone often cooperates, 500 million is enough.

It can be said that after Lynch gave the reply, there was no need for Lynch to call the roll. Hydra probably had to work hard to push the crossbones into the candidates for transformation. After all, strengthening people Things are safest only when everyone has them.

Nick obviously has a strong ability to accept Lynch's outrageous offer. From that video, it can be seen that the reason why the Spartan team lost was because the opponent was too strong. kind of modification,

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