“Well, since everyone agrees with this plan, this matter is so decided!”

Yang Yu couldn’t help but show a smile on his face, now that he counts, he should have gotten out of the road of poverty!

As long as it receives the territory contributed by these forces in a friendly manner, Immortal Court should be regarded as a local tyrant nouveau riche.

“Oh, by the way, since they all agreed to this plan, then Xuantian Demon Emperor, presumably you also agreed, if so, then the demon clan seems to have a total of twenty-three domains, and just taking out ten is not enough for half!”

Suddenly, Yang Yu remembered that the demon clan seemed to only plan to take out ten domains, and was not ready to take out half, which was not in line with the rules.

Everyone must be fair and just!

Xuantian Demon Emperor, “…”

Is this considered unloading the mill and killing the donkey?

If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have gained so much at all, okay!

At this time, Yang Yu’s mood could be said to be very cheerful, and in just a short time, there were already more than forty territories under the Immortal Court.

After careful inventory, if you include the demon clan, a total of eleven forces participated in the siege of Sun Wukong.

Among them, the demon race is the richest, and a total of eleven domains have been taken out, which can be said to be the local tyrants among the local tyrants, no, it is a god tyrant.

What a shortcut to get rich, simple violence, simple profiteering?!

The Xuantian Demon Emperor originally only wanted to take out ten domains, but under Yang Yu’s pure teaching, he finally agreed to take out eleven domains.

No way.

In Yang Yu’s words, you see that the other forces have taken out half of the region, but your demon clan has taken out ten regions, which is completely unspeakable!

If you don’t take out eleven domains, how can you be worthy of the identity of the demon race?

Besides, Immortal Court has always paid attention to treating things equally, and cannot favor one over the other!

In addition to this demon clan, the other forces with the least have also taken out three domains, and it can be said that the territory owned by any one force is several times stronger than the previous Immortal Court.

All in all, it’s a total of forty-seven domains!


In this way, Immortal Court suddenly had more than half of the territory of the demon race in its heyday.

Well, compared to Yang Yu, he expressed his great gratitude, so he decided to give the demon clan a chance to surrender when he controlled the Cangyuan Realm in the future.

In addition to the demon race, it was the god race that made the greatest contribution, and agreed to take out ten regions, which Shen Wuji should inherit.

As for the God Emperor of the God Race at that time, whether he was willing to take it out or not, this Yang Yu was not worried at all.

Say it, splash the water, and you can’t take it back!

If they really didn’t agree at that time, Yang Yu wouldn’t mind snatching up half of their remaining territory and putting it under the command of Immortal Court.

If other forces heard Yang Yu’s heart, they might think that Yang Yu was delusional.

The Protoss ranked second in the Cangyuan Realm, ranking below the Demon Race, and it was definitely not so easy to deal with.

Even if the Immortal Court has now defeated the Xuantian Demon Emperor strongly, once the Divine Race is pressed, I am afraid it will not be good.

There are still three pounds of nails in the broken boat, and the rabbit bites when it is in a hurry!

Moreover, the Protoss is still a man-eating tiger!

But to be honest, Yang Yu is really not daunted.

Others don’t know the true strength of Immortal Court, but as the owner of Immortal Court, Yang Yu knows it well.

Now with the strength of Immortal Court, he is fully qualified to say such words.

More than ten Da Luo Golden Immortal Realm, and there is also a Qi Tian Great Sage Sun Wukong who has now fallen into the Demon Dao, which can suppress the existence of the Xuantian Demon Emperor.

And now there is another Yang Jian, who does not know where he may be sanctified.

So don’t say it’s the Demon God Clan, even if these forces repent, then Yang Yu doesn’t care.

If you don’t give it, then I’ll grab it myself, and still rob everything.

Now that the matter of the territory has been resolved, the next thing is the matter of the Wanying Conference.

Of course, when Yang Yu proposed to continue to hold the Wanying Conference, all the strong people below were lacking in interest.

It’s all this time, who cares about what Wanying Conference, go back early to prepare, and then the stormy waves that are coming in the Cangyuan Realm.

But Yang Yu proposed it, and they couldn’t refuse it directly, so they could only listen.

Don’t listen? Who knows if Immortal Court will remember hatred?

“Since the Immortal Emperor is so keen on this matter, then the next matters of the Wanying Conference should be handed over to the Immortal Emperor to preside!”

As the original organizer, the Ice Emperor was the first to speak, and now she just wants to silently find a place to recuperate and lick her wounds.

“Since the Ice Emperor said so, then it is better to be respectful than to obey!”

Yang Yu didn’t even hesitate, and immediately agreed, anyway, what he wanted was only the first place, as for the rest, is it important?

“Since the competition has become like this, it will be too time-consuming to start over, so only the first place will be decided!”

The organizer has arrived, and he is confident in speaking, so he has not shied away from saying his thoughts!

The strong of all forces, “…”

First place?

Who else can take first place besides you?

How much do you care about the first place?

It turned out that you wanted to continue to hold the Wanying Conference, just to win the first place yourself!

Well, you ruthless, you win!

“Everything obeys the Immortal Emperor, and the decision of the Immortal Emperor is indeed wise and martial!!”

Yang Yu had just finished speaking, and a strong man of the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm Triple Heaven cultivation sitting below immediately answered.

The rest of the strong, “…”

Brother, you shot 666.

Looking over, a strange smile appeared at the corner of Yang Yu’s mouth, wise and martial, it was really right!

This opening promised him, it was not other forces, it was the Yang family.

Yang Yu was sure that this guy definitely didn’t know that he might be the identity of the Yang family!

Yang Yu nodded appreciatively, not bad, it’s a talent, if there is a conflict with the Yang family in the future, the first to slaughter you, no, let you go!

Seeing Yang Yu smiling to himself, the strong man of the Yang family had a humble smile on his face.

Now that the Immortal Court has overshadowed the demon clan, if it can hold the lap of the Immortal Court, the Yang family will also rise to the top.

Yang Yu said, “Since everyone agrees, then we will continue the conference tomorrow, and in order to save time, we will directly fight in the melee!” ”

All the creatures couldn’t help but mutter, how hurried you are, why don’t you directly announce that the first place is you, and the rest of the places are nullified!

This idea Yang Yu really had, but according to the urine of the system, the cutscene is absolutely to go.

After deciding the matter, Yang Yu rushed to his room, ready to start his summoning business.

“Saints, get ready to be born!”

Now it is a golden fairyland, and it can summon characters who are two realms stronger than the quasi-holy realm.

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