“My dear brother, if it weren’t for you, I’m afraid I would never have known that there was such a wide world outside, and I should really thank you!”

Yang Yi now looked extremely strange, with a dark mark on his eyebrows, and the left side of his face was covered with strange runes.

If you don’t look closely, you can’t see what it looks like at all!

Above the sky, coupled with Yang Yi’s figure, the eight figures stood proudly, without any scruples, and unscrupulously exuded the momentum on their bodies.

The torn cracks illuminate the sun, the space rolls and turns, constantly repairing, and the wind roars, as if accusing dissatisfaction.

All the creatures looked at the sky warily, they were not fools, from each other’s conversation they had heard that the other party was not a creature of this world.

For the world outside the Cangyuan Realm, most of the creatures were confused, and they didn’t understand it at all.

It’s not that they don’t want to understand, it’s that there’s nothing they can do.

Because at the end of the world of the Cangyuan Realm, there is a layer of enchantment, and the enchantment separates the entire Cangyuan Realm from the outside world.

This enchantment is very powerful, even a quasi-Saint Realm powerhouse cannot break this layer of enchantment, which also causes the creatures of the Cangyuan Realm to know nothing about the outside world.

Of course, not all living beings are like this, and the Xuantian Demon Emperor stared cautiously at the figure in the sky, and his expression became more solemn than ever.

Although the Quasi-Saint Realm powerhouse could not break the enchantment, he was able to pass through the enchantment and go to the outside world.

In addition to the Xuantian Demon Emperor, the face of Shen Wuji of the Divine Race was also extremely ugly, and he was not an earthen turtle who knew nothing.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the God Emperor had joined forces with the Xuantian Demon Emperor to explore the outside world, but in the end he was seriously injured and returned.

It was precisely because of this that Shen Wuji was so afraid that even the first strong man of the God Race ran back injured, which shows the horror of the outside world.

“Oh, since you have to thank Xuan, you might as well leave your life behind!”

Yang Yu looked at Yang Yi indifferently, without putting the figure in the sky in his eyes at all, a group of mentally retarded.

Without understanding the strength of the opponent, bringing someone to take revenge is no different from looking for death, not mentally retarded?

“Oh? Yang Yu, I didn’t expect that in just two years, you have become so arrogant, it seems that power is indeed a poison that corrupts the mind! ”

Looking down at the figure below, Yang Yi looked at Yang Yu’s indifferent and confident expression, Yang Yi involuntarily shook his head.

Two days ago, they had already descended to the Cangyuan Realm and inquired about the strength of the Cangyuan Realm, and they did not dare to say that they knew everything about the power of the Cangyuan Realm, but they could also be roughly clear.

This is also the reason why they dare to come directly to this small world, just to kill all the powerhouses of the Cangyuan Realm and control the Cangyuan Realm in their hands.

For Yang Yuzhi, Yang Yi was still very shocked, in less than two years, from that remote small kingdom of the Xuandong Region to the famous Immortal Court Imperial Dynasty in the Cangyuan Realm.

There are several Da Luo Golden Wonderland under his hand, which simply subverts his cognition, this special mother is developing too fast!

If it wasn’t for repeated confirmation, he couldn’t believe this fact, the small kingdom that was once able to dominate the Grandmaster Realm has now become a well-known force.

Although Yang Yu’s situation was beyond his expectations, he was still under control!

As for the news in the small world during this time, it was not transmitted, so he did not know the existence of strong people such as Sun Wukong under Yang Yu!

Looking at Yang Yu and Yang Yi who were talking, the creatures of the Cangyuan Realm couldn’t help but be surprised and inexplicable, Yang Yu actually knew those invaders from other worlds above!

Two brothers?!

Could it be that Immortal Emperor Yang Yu was also from other worlds, otherwise how could there be so many unknown powerhouses under his command?

No, the Immortal Emperor is from the Xuandong Region and was once the prince of the Azure Kingdom!

Only pay more attention to a small part of the creatures in the Immortal Court, and know Yang Yu’s origin!

The seven figures standing with Yang Yi scanned the creatures below without care, and a man who was three meters tall and revealed an evil aura on his body, glanced at Yang Yi, and then stared at Yang Yu, his eyes flashed.

“Junior Brother Yang, presumably that is your half-brother, it seems that the talent is not lower than you, and he has already cultivated in the Golden Fairy Realm at a young age, and he is also a Heavenly Prodigy!”

The creatures below did not have anything worth noting, but Yang Yu was Yang Yi’s younger brother, and he naturally paid more attention, and what surprised him was that the aura on Yang Yu’s body was already the Golden Immortal Realm Duo Heaven.

According to Yang Yi, Yang Yu should be a few years younger than him, less than 20 years old, but now that he has such a cultivation, it really surprised him.

After the man finished speaking, Yang Yi’s face changed slightly, although he knew that Yang Yu was talented, but two years ago, he was a congenital realm, but in just two years, it had become a golden wonderland.

He himself was awakened by the bloodthirsty demon body, and he was vigorously cultivated by the Holy Gate, and the half-saint powerhouse personally guided him, consuming countless resources, and now he is also at the peak of the Golden Wonderland!

Looking at Yang Yu, Yang Yi couldn’t help but wonder, could it be that Yang Yu also had any special physique? And has it already been activated?

Next to Yang Yi, a young man with a purple body, even his hair and skin were all purple, looking very lazy, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

“What Brother Priest said is that Junior Brother Yang is a bloodthirsty demon body, and it is not surprising that Junior Brother Yang has such cultivation in two years, but I didn’t expect Junior Brother Yang’s younger brother to have such talent, it seems that it is not to be underestimated.”

Although they and Yang Yi were brothers of the same master, they were not the same master, and they did not like Yang Yi, because Yang Yi’s existence had threatened their status.

Two years ago, Yang Yi was suddenly brought back by a deacon, who knew that he was actually favored by a Taishang elder and accepted as a personal disciple, and for a while, Yang Yi’s status soared above them.

“Indeed, since Junior Brother Yang’s younger brother has such talent, if we bring it back to the Holy Gate, maybe we can still be rewarded, we might as well bring him back, what do you junior brothers think?”

Another man glanced at Yang Yi, and then calmly spoke to the several junior brothers beside him.

Due to Yang Yi’s rise, their cultivation resources had gradually been tilted towards Yang Yi’s body, and they were naturally unhappy, but they could not question the decision of the master.

At the moment, Yang Yi obviously wants to kill Yang Yu, so the relationship with Yang Yu is naturally not very good, and it can even be said that they do not share the sky, since this is the case, they may as well take advantage of it a little.


Looking at the several senior brothers who began to discuss with each other, Yang Yi’s face became extremely ugly, it seems that these senior brothers are not friendly to him.

Although Yang Yi’s cultivation was low, because of his bloodthirsty demon body, he was known as one of the few people in the Holy Gate who had the most chance to become holy, and was valued by the Holy Gate, and his status was very respected, and he was even qualified to compete for the position of Holy Son.

Well, as far as he knew, these senior brothers seemed to have thoughts about the location of the Holy Son.

“Holy Gate?!”

Hearing this word, Yang Yu’s face suddenly became wonderful, isn’t this the power of the Hades God Great World colluded with by the Heavenly Wolf Evil Monarch?

It seems that this is the strong man sent by the Holy Gate to trouble him, but he didn’t expect Yang Yi to be among them, which was a surprise.

When you really break through the iron shoes, it doesn’t take any effort.

No, it seems that he has never looked for them, and he has already sent them to the door himself, and it is true that heaven has a way and you don’t go, and hell has no way to cast.

Since he came, then Yang Yu naturally wouldn’t let them go, so whether it was Yang Yi or these powerhouses of the Holy Gate, they didn’t want to leave here alive today.

“Your Majesty, these ants are verbose and disturb His Majesty’s Yaxing, do you want to kill them directly?”

A deep voice sounded, which spread in everyone’s ears, and in an instant, the whole world was silent.


Even the people of the Holy Gate who were discussing stopped discussing in an instant, and one by one their eyes turned to where the voice came from.

Ant? Is this talking about us?

Who is so awesome?

Yang Yu was also slightly stunned, looked back at the lawlessness behind him, the villains are really ruthless, but I like it!

The person who spoke was lawless, and his face was expressionless, as if he was just saying something insignificant.

The gazes of all living beings converged on Wutian’s body, and then glanced at Yang Yu, they were a little doubtful that Yang Yu had instigated his subordinates to say this?

Is your Immortal Court really that bullish? Oh my God!

The corners of Xuantian Demon Emperor’s mouth twitched irregularly, the strength of the Holy Gate, he had heard a little, it was said that there were real saints in the Holy Gate.

Although those saints were not present now, according to his observations, at least two of those figures in the sky were late-stage Quasi-Saint Realm existences, perhaps stronger.

In the late stage of the Quasi-Saint Realm, it was a small realm higher than him, and even he didn’t have the slightest certainty.

“Ants? I never thought that one day I would be called that, so, are you ready for death? ”

That three-meter-tall figure looked lawless, and his eyes were full of murderous intent!

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