100,000 True Wonderland!

Still let people not live? Not to mention a hundred thousand true fairyland, even if it is a true fairyland, he can now hang everyone under him, okay?

Yang Yu is really powerless to complain, what the hell is this Demon King’s Road, so smack, it’s not a minute to crush the Xuandong Domain, how come he didn’t!

“System, you are sure that it is a hundred thousand true wonderland. Not ten true wonderlands? Do you think that with the current situation, Xin can deal with them? ”

Originally, they summoned to the heavy building and thought that Xuandong Domain could go sideways, but now it seems that they are still too young!

This Xuandong Domain hides too much that he doesn’t understand, and now come to a Demon King Road, and make a hundred thousand true fairyland. Will there be some kind of demon god road in the future, directly make a million higher realm, then what else to play?

“Ding! It will take at least five years to complete the path of the Demon King, so please rest assured that if the host upgrades the system to version 3.0, the system will be able to summon more powerful characters! ”


Hearing this, Yang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, there were still five years left before the completion of this Demon King’s Road, and in these five years, he must have upgraded the system to a higher version.

Five years, long is not long, short is not short, but also enough to change a lot of things, at that time, there will probably be many characters who surpass the true fairyland, there is no need to worry at all!

Thinking of this, Yang Yu’s mood instantly improved, when the time comes, you will send an army of 100,000 true immortals, and I will come to an army with a higher realm, and fight the demon race to doubt life.

“What are the requirements for the system to upgrade to version 3.0!” Yang Yudao.

“Ding, the current host is far from meeting the upgrade requirements, so it can’t trigger the upgrade task!”

Yang Yu was speechless, “…”

How is it different from what you imagined, shouldn’t you tell Xunhao what requirements are needed to upgrade, so that Xunhao has a goal and runs all the way?

If you haven’t activated the upgrade task for five years, aren’t you waiting to be slaughtered? What a pit!

“Ding! When the host uses thirty summons, it will naturally trigger an upgrade mission! ”

Perhaps feeling Yang Yu’s inner complaint, the system gave the conditions for activating the upgrade task, which also made Yang Yu breathe a sigh of relief.

Use thirty summons!

It’s not too difficult a problem, now Yang Yu has summoned twenty characters, as long as he summons ten more characters, he can trigger the upgrade task!

After taking a careful inventory, as long as you perform well in the Red Bird Dynasty Hate Conference, you can get a summoning opportunity!

There is also the task of driving away the Xuandong Domain Demon Clan, one designated summoning opportunity, three random summoning opportunities, adding up to four ah!

The task of hanging the Immortal Palace has another random summoning opportunity, and the summoning of forces should also be regarded as a summoning opportunity!

When the demon race attacks, three designated summoning opportunities, one force summoning opportunity, and one random summoning opportunity, so that’s five summoning opportunities!

All add up eleven times, more than ten times needed!

It’s just that the tasks related to the demon race are simply impossible to complete now, and the only tasks that can be completed are the Hate Nothing Assembly and the Hanging Immortal Palace, these two tasks!

The task of hanging the Immortal Palace, Yang Yu felt that it could be completed soon, and went to the Immortal Palace again, according to what the Heavenly Prison said about the half-immortal realm, there are only two people in the Immortal Palace at present, but the strength is unknown.

Even if the Immortal Palace has two Heavenly Immortal Realms, Yang Yu believes that even if the Immortal Palace has two Heavenly Immortal Realms, it cannot be the opponent of the heavy building, after all, the heavy building is the Fairy Legend World-Demon Respect Building!

For now, you only need to complete the side quests of the Hate Free Conference, and then trigger more missions!

“No Hate Assembly! Now that there are less than two months left before the Hate Free Conference, it’s time to send people to the Red Bird Dynasty! Yang Yu muttered.

For the Hate Free Assembly, Yang Yu had thought about going by himself before, but now that he had ascended the throne, as the head of a country, how could he run around.

The system did not require Yang Yu to personally participate in the Hate Free Conference, so Yang Yu decided to send someone to participate, as for who to send, he already had an idea in his heart!


Early the next morning, Yang Yu summoned all the civil and military officials of the imperial capital and began to divide the posts for Feipeng and others.

Due to the attack of the demon race during the enthronement ceremony, the imperial capital was too widespread, and everything needed to be dealt with, so that it was delayed until now.

Feipeng has the greatest merit, and is named the Great General of Tianwei, a first-class position, and can command all the armies of the kingdom!

Feipeng was a god general in the Divine Realm in his previous life, and he had full experience in managing the army, so Yang Yu was also relieved to hand over the army to Feipeng to manage!

As for Li Maozhen, who was previously named a general, he was demoted to a deputy general, and he was also a first-class position, responsible for assisting Feipeng!

The Silver Horn King can also be regarded as saving Yang Yu in a time of crisis, and it is also a first-class position, which can mobilize the kingdom’s million-strong army!!

Yan Thirteen, Fu Hongxue, Xiongba, Youquan Blood Demon, and Li Maozhen, who have followed for a long time, are also ranked first, of course, the status and strength are arranged, at least Fu Hongxue will not think that he is equal to Feipeng and the Silver Horn King.

And Daji and the others who were summoned later were named the second product, and although they did not make all the credits, Yang Yu was still sealed as the second product.

After all, it was the summoned immortals, Yang Yu didn’t want to chill their hearts, besides, how many people were available in the Immortal Court Kingdom now in the Manchu Dynasty?

The ministers looked at these unheard of, Daji and the others who were seen for the first time, these people should be His Majesty’s henchmen, so they did not act ignorantly.

Next, almost all the original officials were demoted, even Nangong Liuyun and Murong Qingtian were demoted by one level, some people were happy and some were worried, although their status declined, they were still looking forward to the future of the Immortal Court Kingdom.

Now the strength displayed by the Immortal Court Kingdom is not weaker than the Immortal Palace and the Blood Burning Hall, or even better, such a force does not wait, should it run to other forces?

At the same time, he issued two decrees of great significance, that is, the Immortal Court Kingdom would conquer the surrounding kingdoms, and to integrate all the surrounding kingdoms into the Immortal Court Kingdom as quickly as possible.

At the same time, send people to the Red Bird Dynasty to participate in the No Hate Conference, and want to make a name for themselves in the No Hate Conference and win the first place!

After Yang Yu announced these two things, the Man Dynasty was in an uproar, not expecting Yang Yu to make a move on the surrounding kingdom so soon.

No one objected, because they understood very well that even opposing it was useless, and would even offend ministers who wanted to make meritorious contributions.

The next day, in front of the gate of the imperial capital, several luxurious carriages stopped, and soon after, the people sent to the Red Bird Imperial Dynasty by Yang Yu personally arrived one after another.

Ling Hu Chong, Fahai, Zhang Sanfeng, and Li Xiaoyao, these people were sent by Yang Yu to participate in the Hatred Conference of the Red Bird Dynasty.

After several people met, they entered a carriage one after another, and the Red Sparrow Dynasty was far away, so the demon beasts pulling the cart were all Grandmaster Realm, and they preferred the feeling of traveling to the world more than flying.

After they got into the carriage, the team began to advance, a total of fifty Praetorian Guards of the Innate Realm, escorting the four carriages, and drove towards the outside of the city, causing the people along the way to talk about it.

“Kingdom Janissaries, there must be big people in the four carriages!”

“It is said that it seems to be participating in some hateless conference…”

“I’ve also heard that it is said that the Red Bird Dynasty held a martial arts, and more than a dozen kingdoms each participate!”

“The Red Sparrow Dynasty? Can it be stronger than our Immortal Court Kingdom? ”

“Think too much, our Immortal Court Kingdom can easily eliminate them now, and the Red Bird Dynasty is not worthy of lifting shoes for our kingdom!”


The reputation of the red bird also gradually began to spread, the ten-year hateless conference, the royal family has not participated in the three sessions, did not participate, the strength of the Azure Kingdom was too poor at the beginning, Yang Xuanxi did not report any hope at all.

Moreover, after Yang Xuanxi took the throne, he blocked the news outside the kingdom, and few people knew about the Hate Free Assembly, and only the older generation had heard of it.

The Immortal Court Kingdom is about to use troops against the surrounding kingdoms, the Hateless Conference is about to begin, and everyone knows that the Immortal Court Kingdom is about to rise!

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