The Strongest Family In The Ages

Chapter 313 Husband, Something’S Wrong

Ao Bing's strength as a Dragon Race is truly formidable.

Even after battling Li Daoxuan all night last night, he woke up the next day still full of energy.

"Husband, it's time to get up. I think I heard Honglian knocking on the door just now. Do you want to go see?"

Li Daoxuan finally got out of bed. Of course, he was still full of energy. Ever since he broke through to the Transcend Tribulation stage, he had never felt tired no matter what he did.

Li Daoxuan opened the door and saw Honglian about to knock.

"Honglian, what's making you so happy?"

Honglian smiled and said, "Husband, there's great news. You'll definitely be happy when you hear it."

"What is it?"

"My aunt finally agreed! How do you want to thank me?"

Li Daoxuan asked in confusion, "Agreed to what?"

"Of course, she agreed to marry you! Are you happy or surprised?"


Li Daoxuan was certainly happy. Although he was already very powerful and didn't lack any rewards, who could refuse a beautiful woman?

Yongning had been raised with court etiquette since childhood. Not only was she exceptionally beautiful, but she also had an elegant and noble temperament.

"I'll arrange the wedding. It will be held in three days."

Honglian happily left to share the good news with her aunt and sisters.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and Longyuan became lively.

This wedding was a bit different from before. In the past, they would hold a simple ceremony, mostly attended by Li Daoxuan's family members.

But this time, it was much grander. Li Daoxuan invited many people from the Dao Alliance to attend.

In addition, many powerful sects from the Eastern Wasteland also participated in the wedding.

The people from the Dao Alliance who attended the wedding were all high-ranking members.

As for why those sects knew that Li Daoxuan was going to hold a wedding?

That had to do with Li Daoxuan's children.

Since the traces of the Heavenly Devil Clan in the Eastern Wasteland had completely disappeared, Li Daoxuan had also loosened his control over Longyuan. His group of children had been itching to go out.

As soon as Longyuan opened, those brats started having fun.

Most of the children over fourteen years old went out. They clamored to go to the Eastern Wasteland and make a name for themselves. They wouldn't come back until they had achieved something.

Some children hid their identities and started wandering in the Eastern Wasteland.

Of course, there were also some children who didn't hide their identities. But these children were too dazzling, each one not only had excellent aptitude, but also had exceptional spiritual roots.

These children appearing in the Eastern Wasteland were highly favored by the major sects.

Some of the children joined sects. Li Daoxuan's wedding was definitely news that these children received, so it was equivalent to their sects receiving the news.

The news of Li Daoxuan's wedding spread among the major sects.

Many sects came uninvited, and Li Daoxuan couldn't directly refuse them, which made the scale of the wedding even grander.

Li Daoxuan was quite supportive of the children joining sects.

After all, the children had grown up and had their own ideas. Of course, Li Daoxuan also hoped that after they joined sects, they could bring back more junior brothers and sisters to expand the Li family.

"Star Sect sent a congratulatory gift..."

"Lieyang Sect sent..."

"The Illusionary White Fox Clan sent..."

"The Dark Forest Monster Race sent..."


The people who came to attend the wedding were secretly amazed. Li Daoxuan received so many gifts this time, and his influence was truly immense.

With the wedding taking place, the banquet began.

There was a small incident at the banquet, which was that the feast was abundant, but the wine was a bit lacking.

There was only one jar of wine on each table, which confused the guests.

"Why did Lord Li prepare such a lavish feast but not enough wine?"

"Who knows?"

"Ah! Let's eat more spiritual fruits and drink less wine."

The main focus of this feast was various spiritual fruits, of course, there were also many meat dishes, all specially prepared by Li Daoxuan.

As for the shortage of wine, there was a reason for it.

Because Li Daoxuan had already taken out all of his own inventory, it was completely unexpected that there would be so many guests this time.

Of course, in Li Daoxuan's opinion, one jar was almost enough.

You should know that this wine is the finest nectar, even a cultivator with a lower cultivation base would probably only have a bowl's worth.

At first, the guests didn't pay much attention and just started eating, but some couldn't help but open the wine jar.

"Hiss! What kind of wine is this? I... I feel a bit dizzy!"

This person had a decent cultivation base, but just by smelling the wine fragrance, they felt a bit dizzy.

More and more people opened the wine jar, and the rich aroma of wine spread throughout Longyuan, intoxicating countless people.

"Fellow daoist, don't just stand there, fill my cup!"

"Come, pour me a cup of wine too, I want to taste the wine specially prepared by Lord Li."


Gulp, gulp~

"Hiss! This wine... this wine is too... not good! I'm about to break through!"

"Ah! I'm about to break through too!"

"I also..."

The banquet was lively, turning into a breakthrough gathering. Many cultivators broke through after drinking a cup of wine.

Of course, there were also those who drank too much, wanting to drink more cups of wine, but after just drinking the second cup, they ended up under the table.

"It's worth it! It's really worth it."

"The Lord is truly the Lord, making such a grand gesture."

Although these sects sent generous gifts, not a single person felt shortchanged. Just this feast alone made it all worthwhile.

The guests here were lively, but there was another place that was a bit different.

Li Daoxuan was here, drinking with the high-ranking members of the Dao Alliance. The Seven Guardians, the Four Great Dao Venerables, the Eight Great Elders, and the Twelve Great Deacons were all present.

But each of them held a large jar of fine wine.

"Lord, you have such good wine, you should have brought it out earlier!"

"That's right!"

With their current cultivation base, they had long lost their desire for food and drink, but today this fine wine aroused their appetite.

This wedding truly brought joy to both the guests and the hosts, and everyone benefited from it.

After seeing off all the guests, Li Daoxuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. As for those who got drunk, the disciples of the Dao Alliance naturally took care of them.

Li Daoxuan walked towards the bridal chamber and upon entering, he saw a delicate figure sitting quietly there.

Li Daoxuan approached, wanting to lift the red veil, but the bride's actions surprised him.

Before Li Daoxuan could get close, Yongning directly lifted the red veil.

Yongning looked at Li Daoxuan anxiously.

"Hus... husband, something's wrong!"

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