The Strongest Father of Fantasy

Vol 2 Chapter 544: Very strong

After seeing this calm look in front of him, Qin Mu said, "Senior, or let's go in and see, in case if there is any danger to his old man, we can help at that time, how can we be outside?" Waiting for us to wait and see. "

Now the master is alone and enters it directly, and they can only watch beside them, feeling that they are already in a hurry.

So when they were fighting on the shore, they just wanted to go in and check the situation.

After hearing this, Fu Xi shook his head and said, "No, we must wait on the shore honestly according to Qin Xuan's requirements. I believe he will have a result soon. All we have to do now is wait!"

"Yes, but I am afraid that the master will not be able to deal with it by himself. After all, the strength of the Plague God is so powerful. He can directly" **** "the life and death of the entire Phoenix Clan. It is enough to see that his fighting power is very strong. We must not be able to This is taken lightly, if it is in danger, it should be rectified. "At the same time Qin Mu had started scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks, and then" exposed "the face of hesitation and tangled concerns.

Qin Xuan's situation is now his greatest worry, and he is most at ease.

Fu Xi laughed when he heard it, and explained to him: "You can rest assured that if Qin Xuan can't deal with it, even if the two of them were indifferent in the past, they can't help at all. His strength was originally It ’s strong, and it lies far above us. "

The implication in the words is that there is no way that Qin Xuan can't deal with it. Your master is a sacred person in the human race as a human sage. That must be his own strength.

In a word, Qin Mu had already dumbly smoked, and finally had to yell. The teacher nodded, and no more disputes. At this moment, too much talk is useless, and the only thing they can do is to be able to Waiting quietly beside.

Even though Qin Mu had begun to worry and walked back and forth while walking next to him, he felt a little relieved, but what I said was meaningless. They could not think of the best way except to wait with peace of mind.

After they talked and discussed, they saw that Li Xiaoxue seemed to have something wrong, and immediately bent over his stomach.

After seeing this scene, Qin Mu was a little nervous, so he immediately moved over and asked, "What's wrong with Xiao Xue? I think your face is a bit ugly. Isn't it uncomfortable? Let me see Are you a bit uncomfortable? "

He felt a little worried, and he could not "touch" his mind at all, so he wanted to find out what happened.

But after saying this, Xiaoxue immediately shook his head and said: "I may have eaten a bad stomach, and I feel like my body hurts. I feel a pain in my stomach. Otherwise, I still have to go to the side to solve it."

At the same time when he spoke, he was "deeply exposed" with daze and shyness, and he was already embarrassed. He pointed a finger at the location of the grass not far away.

After all, her girl faced the two big men in front of her, and she was embarrassed to speak directly, so she felt a little passive and a little nervous.

After hearing his statement, Qin Mu immediately looked at Fu Xi not far away, waved his hand and said, "Senior, aren't you a doctor? Hurry and come over to help, Xiao Xue is in a bad situation now, can you Hurry up and see if he is uncomfortable ... "

It was a coincidence that Li Xiaoxue was uncomfortable, and there was a magician inside.

As a professional doctor, some people who talk about minor illnesses and minor disasters are not difficult for Fu Xi at all. Just give him two shots.

Qin Mu has already spoken voluntarily, would n’t he not give his face if he did n’t pass, so after so much fuss, Fu Xi did not hesitate, and immediately took out a few silver needles in his hand and walked straight towards it.

I didn't expect that just after coming over, I found that Miss Li seemed a little nervous, especially when she saw her, she kept shaking her head and her eyes were still flashing back and forth.

"Forget it, I can't wait now. I feel like I can't stand it anymore. I have to go immediately to make it convenient. I hope you can wait here ..." Li Xiaoxue shook his head and shook it off immediately. He touched Qin Mu's arm and ran quickly towards the grass next to him, covering his stomach.

At this moment, he just wanted to disappear from here immediately, and then find a place to solve it quickly and easily.

Qin Mu stood behind and wanted to shout, but found that the girl had long disappeared.

Finally, he had to stand at the same place and shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Hey, why does this girl always like to be so shy? They are all themselves, so there is no need to see it like this."

Qin Mu believes that Li Xiaoxue does not receive treatment, but is a little embarrassed and can't hold his face, so he seems so worried.

Fu Xi didn't think so, holding the two silver needles in his hand and said: "Is this girl a bit abnormal? Since I am a professional doctor, why should he squeeze and tweak, can it be said that he is pretending to be sick?"

In itself, this is the guess in Fu Xi's heart, so it is straightforward to say nothing. ..

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