The Strongest Father of Fantasy

Chapter 244: Break the barrier and cut the emperor!

"Destroy my fairy sword, and form a great cause and effect with me. On Chengxian Road, I will see you off!"

After the Flying Fairy Falls, the heroic figure of the world, staring at Qin Mu with cold eyes, seemed to engrave his appearance in his heart.

"It's you alone? Also worthy!"

Qin Mu spoke indifferently and threw the fairy ball in his hand.

Looking at the distorted immortal gold ball, the undead emperor did not take it, because it was completely useless to the undead emperor.

The Wan Dao pattern engraved in the undead Sky Sword and the spirits in the Sky Sword have all been wiped out by Qin Mu's palm. There is nothing left, and even the material of Xianjin itself has been destroyed. Too.

Therefore, even if the immortal emperor retrieves this fairy gold group, he can no longer reshape the immortal sky sword.

"Because of this humiliation, why hasn't the undead Emperor's true body yet come? Isn't he afraid of the Lord of God?"

There are ancient people who are puzzled, Qin Mu will squeeze the undead sky knife with one hand, and it has been regarded as the face of the emperor. In this case, why did the emperor stand still after flying the fairy waterfall?

"Yes, the undead Emperor, who has not entered the fairy land, is stuck on Chengxian Road.

Therefore, he can only cross the Feixian Waterfall and cut across the realm, and cannot really come to this realm. "

In the restricted area of ​​life, the ancient Supreme Lord's eyes were gleaming, and it seemed that through the Feixian Waterfall, he saw the world behind the emperor.

"Although the Emperor has mastered the right place, it is not the right time now. Chengxian Road cannot be opened. Our derivation and waiting are not wrong.

When the right time arrives, it will become a fairy! "

Another supreme self-talk, and firm their heart.

Hearing the whisper of the ancient supreme, all living beings in the universe realized why the undead Emperor's sword was destroyed and all stood behind the Feixian Waterfall and did not show their true body.

It turned out that it was not that he did not want to show up, but that he could not show up. His real body was in another realm, separated from the two realms, and he could only cross the realm and could not really come.

However, it can also be seen that the immortal emperor is powerful. Although it is separated by two realms, it still makes a strong shot and vigorously splits the world's witnesses. Such a domineering and sly eye is worthy of being regarded as the strongest in the ancient times by the ten thousand people. !

"Originally, your realm is similar to that of the emperor, and you are eligible to enter the immortal territory with the emperor, but since you are so ignorant, after embarking on the immortal road, the emperor will take your life!"

The undead Emperor's voice is indifferent, and has a strange magic power, like the gods descending the law, so that all creatures are shocked!

The emperor of ancient times, words must be promised, actions must be fruited, and every sentence of them is like an edict, which cannot be changed! Now that the immortal emperor has spoken, then in the future, on the Chengxian Road, he will definitely settle all the causes and effects of today with the Lord of God!

With this in mind, the Taiko Tens couldn't help but happily gloat. In their perception, the Lord of the Gods, although stronger than the ordinary ancient emperor, is still a million years of tremendous power with the undead emperor. Compared with the existence of endless legends, it is still slightly inferior.

Now the Lord of God has already formed a grudge against the Undead Emperor. In the future, he will definitely have a life and death battle with the Undead Emperor!

And the winner of that battle is likely to be the undead emperor!

However, the Taikoo people are gloating, but the Supreme People in the restricted area are silent.

Is the immortal emperor really stronger than the Lord of God? Hard to say.

Although the immortal emperor was in the world of the ancient times, the Lord of God actually slaughtered the mansion and a restricted area of ​​life. If the two really fight, who will kill the deer is still unknown!

"It's that your distant ancestor is not dead, the true phoenix is ​​here, and you dare not speak to the deity like this. You are just a junior who has not known how many generations have passed. You dare to speak so loudly, it is simply looking for death!"

Qin Mu sneered, even if the strongest ancient ancestor of the real archaic ten fierce is here, it is not his opponent. This immortal emperor, but there is only the blood line left by the Phoenix family in his body, how can he be arrogant in front of Qin Mu?

"Who are you? You even knew about the emperor!"

After the Flying Fairy Falls, the voice of the undead Emperor fluctuated for the first time.

His body is a fairy phoenix in the fairy field. As a result, in the era of mythology, he accidentally fell from the fairy field and came into the world, and has been trapped here ever since.

In order to return to Immortal Territory, he worked hard to finally achieve the status of today's undead emperor. In this process, in order to make himself stronger, he also had to bathe the blood of the ancient emperor, in order to achieve his invincible law.

The reason why he appeared today is to kill Linghuang'er, because he has taken a fancy to the bloodline of Linghuang's body. In these years, the bloodline of the extremely powerful person of the ordinary spiritual testimony has been basically collected, but like Linghuang's. Like the fairy blood of the Holy Spirit, he has not collected it.

After all, a holy spirit who was born with wisdom and wisdom, and had to accumulate at least one million years of accumulation and wait. This long time, coupled with the emperor of the sermon, all needed immortals to refine their own abilities. Dao weapons, so even if millions of years have passed, the undead Emperor has not found any holy spirit that proves the Dao by the body of the fairy.

Nowadays, it is easy to find that there is such a holy spirit who is preached by the immortal gold body, and the undead emperor naturally does not want to let go.

But no one expected that this shot not only failed to achieve his goal, but was also blocked by a mysterious strongman who did not know where he came from. The other party not only had strong strength, but also knew about his own affairs. alert.

"Who am I? I am the one who killed you!"

Qin Mu seemed to laugh, but he stepped out in one step, with dense patterns under his feet. The next moment, he came to the Feixian Waterfall.

I saw Qin Mu's hand stretched out, and the silver-white Feixian Waterfall in front of him seemed to be split by an invisible force, from interruption to two!

After that, Qin Mu stepped across the Feixian Waterfall in one step and seemed to come to the world after that Feixian Waterfall!

He broke the barriers of the two realms, and came to the realm where the undead emperor was strong, and he wanted to kill the emperor! ..

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