The human race is now growing stronger, and it is no longer as disorderly as it was at the beginning. Now that it has its own system, Qin Mu will use his own avatar to search for it all night. Started.

When the Wu people and the demon were still growing, the human race had always survived between the cracks. If the Wu people were not kind, the Qin Mulun reincarnation has long disappeared. Now the human race is divided into three major tribes, one of which is The tribal leader, the masterpiece Shennong, not only taught the people of his tribe to grow land, but was also very brave. Such a person was what Qin Mu was looking for.

Now that the plague is raging, Shennong as a tribal leader is naturally also anxious, but this plague is not a crop. The Shennongs are puzzled and shut themselves in the house every day. They also anxiously destroy the people under their hands.

Qin Mu can't get out of the customs now, but can only be approached by doppelgangers, claiming to have a cure for the plague, and was taken back to the tribe by Shennong people.

Shennong heard of the emergence of a cure for the plague, and was naturally overjoyed, and quickly greeted it, but did not expect to be just a handsome man, who looked slim and slender, and it was really unreliable.

"Bai Ling, where did you find this man? You look at him like that, how could there be a solution to the plague?"

Although Shennong's words were whispered, they all fell into Qin Mu's ears. Qin Mu could not show his true appearance, but could only be transformed into such a look. Unexpectedly, Shennong was so surprised.

"You are the leader of a tribe? How can you look at people, if there is no prescription for curing the plague, how can I dare to preach, but this recipe is rare to see if the leader has saved the heart of the world."

Shen Nong was a little embarrassed by Qin Mu, and quickly said, "I don't mean that. If you really have a cure for the plague, I will do my best."

Qin Mu heard Shennong saying this, and felt uncomfortable for a while. In the end, he was the one he liked. He just hoped that he would be so reliable in the future.

Qin Mu stretched out his hand at this time, and there was a whip in his hand.

"The plague is difficult to solve, but there are a lot of herbs in Houshan. This whip is an ocher. It can be distinguished from the pharmacology by drawing a whip against the herbal medicine.

Shennong saw the whip from scratch, and only then knew that it was not a mortal, but a god-man who saved the human race from fire and water.

Shennong quickly knelt down, and respectfully took the whip from Qin Mu's hand, "Thank you Xianren for coming to save my tribe people from fire and water."

Qin Mu was reluctant to reveal his true identity, so he made a haha ​​and passed away. Qin Mu returned to the room and felt that he was physically weak. He has been using avatars frequently for the past few days. It is even more exhausting now.

Qin Xuan happened to come in with the soup and medicine boiled by Taishang Laojun, but unexpectedly saw Qin Mu fall down.

Qin Xuan hurried forward to support Qin Mu, "Daddy, what's wrong with you? Why is his face so ugly?"

Qin Mu waved his hand at the moment and said, "It's okay, but it's just a little tired, just drink the soup."

When Qin Xuan heard Qin Mu say he was tired, he naturally couldn't understand it. Qin Mu was meditating and practicing in the room every day. Why was he tired? It seemed that it was hard to retreat Qin Mu.

"Dad, I know you are worried about the human race and want to get well quickly and stop Nuwa, but even if you are in a hurry, take care of your body."

When Qin Mu heard Qin Xuan, it was a misunderstanding. He quickly told Qin Xuan the latest things. Qin Xuan heard Qin Mu saying this, and was even more anxious. "Dad, didn't I say that, what are you doing?" You can tell me to do it. If you have a cure for the plague, you can let me do it. Why do you have to use avatars to go to many human races? Do you believe me? "

Qin Xuan has always wanted to prove to Qin Mu that he was no longer the young and ignorant child. He wanted Qin Mu to know that he could also help him shoulder the responsibilities on his shoulders, and he could do everything well.

Because of this, Qin Xuan would be so anxious when he heard Qin Mu say that.

"Look, where did your child think about it? Our spiritual practitioners can indeed do many things that ordinary people cannot, but if the human race wants to make great progress, we must not expect us to help them solve all the things, we I can help him for a while, if no matter what happens, we will help to solve it. After the aftermath, in the long run, the human race will become inert, and then we will lead them by the nose. ? "

In the end, Qin Xuan was young. Naturally, he thought of this layer without thinking. After hearing Qin Mu's words, he suddenly realized that Qin Xuan had always wanted to express himself in front of Qin Mu, but he never thought he still showed his immature side.

"Dad thought so much because his son was narrow, and thought Daddy didn't believe me."

Qin Mu patted the bed and sat down.

Although the arrival of Qin Xuan was at least an unpredictable accident, but what came after it was safe, Qin Mu was used to the feeling of being a father in the passage of time, and even regretted it. When Qin Xuan was young, he was too harsh on him, so now when Qin Xuan sees Qin Mu, he will be so worried. ..

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